Monday, August 24, 2015

Recipe - Water Roux Doughnut

Cik Gebu (Miss Fluffy)


Been quite some time since I posted recipes. I have been cooking for the kids but have no time to really blog about it. Usually I post them on Facebook for easy reference.
So on Sunday, I tested a water roux doughnut recipe. Initially I wanted to do the potato doughnut but I forgot to buy potatoes.

Here's the recipe. It has been tested and the doughnuts are fluffy as clouds!

1/4 cup unbleached flour
250ml water

Cook on slow heat until it thickens.

250g unbleached flour
1 1/2 tsp instant yeast
50g raw sugar
2 egg yolks
2 tbsp water roux
50ml vegetable oil
50ml chilled water
A pinch of Himalayan pink salt

  1. Sift flour n add in yeast. Mix.
  2. Incorporate sugar and yolks.
  3. Add in water roux and salt, mix well.
  4. Incorporate oil and start kneading while adding in water a little at a time.
  5. Knead well until dough is no longer sticky. Add in more flour if too mushy.
  6. Proof for 30 minutes until doubled the size.
  7. Punch to let the air out. Divide into golf-sized balls (I made 16 balls).
  8. Proof for another 20 minutes.
  9. Prepare for frying.
  10. Poke your finger in the middle of the ball and stretch a bit to create doughnut hole.
  11. Fry right away.
  12. Repeat for each ball.

The water roux can be kept for 2 days and each time you want to use it, make sure it is at room temperature.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Ahmad Is Walking!!

This post was supposed to be in May and I forgot!

Ok. That was 2 weeks ago. He started to walk by the age of 14 months old. A month short from Amna's previous milestone hehehe...

We noticed that he wanted to walk. So my husband bought him a pair of Ben10 sandals size 19 (which happened to be small for Ahmad). So I bought another pair of rubber sandals from Tesco *cheapskate mama haha*

So he has been keen on wearing his shoes and sandals. He likes them a lot. Been walking *and falling* for umpteen times too!

Ok Ahmad. You can do it! :D

Eid 1436/2015

Have I abandoned this blog???!!!

Owh myyyyy... Pity you, blog. It seems I have been too busy to update.

  1. I bought a new oven. Bigger. Khind brand. The day I got the oven, I baked brownies. And now moving onto buns. Lol.
  2. We went all purple on Eid. Amna refused to wear the baju kurung, got it custome made for her. My husband felt somewhat disappointed (padahal dia juga yang pesan kalau nak buat baju kena bawa Amna). Amna said "Tak nak pakai. Tak cantik. Takde bunga." (I don't want to wear because it is not pretty. No flowers.)
  3. Ahmad. Watching him role-play with a vacuum cleaner and said "Pow! Pow! Pow!". It cracks me up every time.
  4. There are things I want to buy: Food processor is one of them. I need to bake! :D
  5. Final semester result will be on the 14th of August. Pray for my success! ;)
Eid Picture. The most decent one before Amna thre her tantrums LOL.


In conjunction with World Breastfeeding Week, I would like to wish all mothers

"Keep calm and latch on!"


Monday, May 11, 2015

A Month of No Updates

Being busy and all. I feel like if I have 8 hands even, I would be still busy!

I have a new boss. And my colleague got promoted and transferred to another ministry. So you can imagine how busy I am right now because I have to handle his job until we get a new officer to fill in the vacant position.

Ok now.
Till then :)

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ahmad's First Birthday!

11th March 2015.

We celebrated Ahmad's birthday last night. I let him have the broccoli while the rest of us had steamboat overloaded hewhewhewwww...

Actually, Ahmad is exclusively breastfed and now I am going to start giving him solid. At first I was planning to exclusively breastfeed Ahmad until he is two. But then my husband seems skeptical with the idea of eebf (extended exclusively breastfed) and we agreed to meet half way, 1 year is the age of introducing Ahmad to solid food.

Alhamdulillah. All is well.

Amna, yours truly, Encik Rezalman and the birthday boy.

Grinning from ear to ear.
Ahhhh... A year passed so fast!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

How Would You Feel If...?

I have several things on my mind right now.

  1. A friend told you that your breastpump is too expensive for her (medela Freestyle). Yet she bought a designer bag. Which apparently costs double the price of the breastpump.
  2. People who said car seat is expensive and yet they are able to buy smartphones which cost them more than a car seat.
  3. Don't make promises that you cannot keep. It breaks my heart. Just simply tell me you cannot commit.
  4. All these years, I thought I was strong enough to brush off disappointments. No. I am apparently a mere human.

Way to start the day, huh?

Next post: product review on cooler bag.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Product - Medela Breastpumps My Breastpump Shop


I got my pump motor back! It has been 3 weeks since I sent it to Aja for repairing. It fell down and the next thing I knew - it stopped pumping! Cryyyyy. Lucky Aja offers servicing and repairing after the warranty expires. She also lent me a temporary replacement pump (the same model) until I got back my repaired pump. Awesome, right?

If you guys feel that you are still looking for breastpumps and don't know where to buy, please buy from Aja's shop here or her shop page in Facebook here. The best Medela supplier in town. In fact, the only supplier that offers repairing services after the warranty has expired! If you send your Medela to Lactaequip for servicing or repairing, you won't get a temporary replacement pump, and you may have to rent another pump to stay pumping.

I bought all my pumping gadgets from her and I am glad I did so.

Some may find her price for Freestyle is higher than other shops but as I stated before, she is excellent in after sales service! She offers installments (up to three times), kutu scheme (group monthly buying scheme) and gives freebies as well. I totally recommend her shop. Prompt reply, updates regularly, entertains queries well too :D

This is not a paid advertisement. :D

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Celcom, You Disappoint Me.

Of lately, my data plan has tremendously increased and no thanks to Celcom, it reached the data limit - in the middle of the month! I mean come on??? I use Unifi at home and only use data mobile at work!

Even my data mobile is set at 1G, it never reaches data limit before. I have been contemplating about changing my provider. I have dealt with Maxis, nay, too expensive. Currently using Digi for my other number and the reception is slow. And now, Celcom is acting up, big time.

So if only I can get something equal and with fast speed internet connection, I would consider to change. These days you can retain your number and change the service provider. If Celcom people are reading this, please do something with your service. It sucks.

Sekian luahan perasaan.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Forthcoming Long Weekend!

Can't wait! I have prepared Amna's birthday - a small celebration among Rezal's family. Seriously I don't know what to buy for the kids! Didn't expect this hard when it comes to kids :P

So, to avoid junkfood, at first I was thinking to give then a small containers of assorted colours of plasticine. Then I thought back.

"Wait, Ahmad nearly swallowed Amna's play-doh and now I'm giving these???"

Scrap that. I decided to encourage the kids to:

  1. Start saving money.
  2. Have their own compartment.
  3. Decorate their own rooms.

So I bought some compartmentalised organiser and small coin saving boxes. I wrapped them in brown paper bags, decorated with paper doilies *mak malas nak decorate lebih-lebih* and put on decorated stickers.

Apart from Amna's 3rd birthday, part of the makan-makan is because I *sort of* excelled in my exam! Alhamdulillah. So final semester will soon start on 7th March 2015!



Okaylahhh kannn... GPA is 3.63 and CGPA 3.44.
Until then!


Monday, January 26, 2015


Masa-masa tak bergaduh macam ni la... Aman je. Nanti si Ahmad sibukkk nak tarik rambut kakak. Ada masa Amna sibuk tolak-tolak Ahmad. Terlentang-lentang kawan tu kena tolak.


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Writing With Runny Nose

I am currently down with flu. It has been the third day. Every night the temperature spikes and I cannot do anything except lying down on the couch while sponging my head with ice. Still diligently coming to work. I don't have a choice do I? 

Updates on Amna:

  1. Head lice! Baru masuk taska seminggu dah ada kutu! T____T. So I went to the pharmacy to get the lice killerrrr *lol*. It even include the comb! But the the comb was to coarse for Amna's fine hair. Kena cari jugak sikat kutu old school. Wuwuwuwuwu~
  2. Cries every day whenever I am about to drop her at the school. I have to carry her ALL THE WAY to the class and hand her to the teacher. This is the second week already.
  3. She is very imaginative! She loves role playing, singing and of course, doodling on the wall! I cannot say no because it would totally kill her creativity so I'll just get along and hope someday my husband would paint back the walls *cry haha*
  4. I pick up Amna around 5pm every day. Since it is just a walking distance from my office, so I usually bring her back to my room. Yessss... the room is messy with her doings. Malu mak okeh. Officers lain datang, bilik macam dilanggar tsunami uhuk uhuk uhuk.
  5. She will be 3 years old soon!Time to get her a preschooler carrier ahahahahah *valid reason*

Updates on Ahmad:

  1. He can wave his hands : bye bye or hi = the same thing haha
  2. Very, very active indeed. Climbing down the sofa was easy peasy, and now he is trying to climb up the grille! *___*
  3. 10 months old already! Awwwww... soon it will be your first birthday!
  4. Sprouting teeth. All four of them. The first month of teething, he had his shirt drenched in saliva and had to be changed every hour. Then the nannies tied napkin to his shirt because bibs didn't work lol.
  5. Loves picking up on his sister. Tarik rambut? Check. Cubit kakak? Check. Gigit kakak je belum lagi :P
  6. Also easily gets jealous whenever he sees his sister nursing. He wants me too! So much for the drama right? :P

Updates on me hahahaha

  1. Got my WCRS 2 days ago - Pavo San Diego. Lovelehhhhhh :D
  2. Another 2 on the way! WCRS Pavo Parterre Doe and Daiesu Kejora! Woot woot!
  3. Sold my Tugeda Smart Street Oriental SSC to a friend - yeayyy more to buy ahahha~
  4. Lent my brother Bebesachi ring sling for my new (own) niece! Wan Suri Maryam binti Wan Taqiyyuddin Ahmad. I hope Maryam doesn't hate her father when she has to write her own name during exam. Hahahaha..
And why I am suddenly feeling well already? It must be the wraps. LOL.