"Don't Tell Me Lies" is the debut single by British pop group Breathe. An original composition by the group, the lyrics were written by David Glasper, with music by Marcus Lillington, Ian Spice and Michael Delahunty.
The song was recorded in 1985 with producer Bob Sargeant, and originally released as a single in the United Kingdom in January 1986. The single peaked at #77 on the UK Singles Chart during March 1986 and provided the band with its first national exposure.
"Don't Tell Me Lies" was not included by Siren Records on the original 10-track British issue of the album All That Jazz. In the United States however, A&M Records substituted album track 9 "For Love or Money" with a special U.S. edit of the extended dance mix of “Don’t Tell Me Lies,” remixed by John Morales. This same track was later added to the British version of album upon its re-release with 11 tracks in September 1988.
The original music video for "Don't Tell Me Lies" was produced by Roger Hunt, directed by Simon Milne, and carries a production date of 20 December 1985.