2018 | The World's Best Gardening Blog

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It's Autumn

It’s Autumn

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It’s autumn. Let’s wear socks. Let’s eat chili and pasta and chicken pot pie. We’ll make pumpkin bread and apple crisp and put cinnamon in everything. Let’s walk. We’ll go down by the river, where the crunchy cottonwood leaves make a satisfying sound. We’ll walk through the woods, where the maples and the sassafras flaunt leaves of gold and orange,… Read more →

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Love Restorer (Sedum anacampseros)

Love Restorer (Sedum anacampseros)

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Baby come back, you can blame it all on me I was wrong, and I just can’t live without you… I would not like to live without Sedum anacampseros (a.k.a. Hylotelephium anacampseros) in my garden, which goes by the intriguing common name of “love restorer” or “lover-come-back.” The French call it orpin (sedum) des infidèles. This humble little plant supposedly has the ability to restore… Read more →

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Gardening Advice from a 5-Year-Old

Gardening Advice from a 5-Year-Old

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I’m planting in the front garden when Mason’s voice rings out from two doors down: “Free lemonade for a quarter!” Clearly, this is a deal too good to pass up. I walk down the block. Mason and his mom are sitting on their lawn under a dogwood tree. “Hi, Amy!” his mother says. “The garden’s looking great!” “Thanks,” I say…. Read more →

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Winners & Losers in the Garden After Record Heat & Drought

Winners & Losers in the Garden After Record Heat & Drought

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Portland, Oregon, averages 10 days per year over 90°F. This year we broke a record with 30 days over 90°F. I’ve been working on my low-water front garden this year, and the heat (plus severe drought) have tested my choices. I garden in full sun on dry, rocky silt, and I water just enough to help new plants get established… Read more →

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Gardening in the Pacific Northwest by Paul Bonine and Amy Campion--Win a Copy!

Gardening in the Pacific Northwest by Paul Bonine and Amy Campion–Win a Copy!

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I have killed so many plants. Since moving to Oregon from Cincinnati five years ago, I have slain more than my share of innocents by not giving them what they needed to survive. Many more I have ripped out and thrown on the compost heap for failing to perform as I’d hoped. You’d think I would have done better. I… Read more →

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