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#8892 closed bug (fixed)

Opened April 16, 2011 08:22AM UTC

Closed May 11, 2012 08:36PM UTC

Last modified May 16, 2012 06:05PM UTC

Callback is raised before objects are shown with fadeIn() and = true

Reported by: Owned by: timmywil
Priority: high Milestone: 1.8
Component: effects Version: 1.5.2
Keywords: Cc:
Blocked by: Blocking:

With animations disabled, $('#object').fadeIn(500, callback) calls the user sent callback function before actually showing the object in the DOM.

Example: See jsFiddle at

With animations enabled, the callback is raised correctly (ex: same code but with animations on ,

Furthermore, the callback works as expected using .show, ( $('#obj').show(callback) ) with animations either on or off, so this seems to be strictly a fadeIn/fadeOut/similar animations issue.

This causes many issues, especially when trying to .focus() an input field; if the callback is called before the parent element is shown, it doesn't focus (ex:, and jQuery docs even say that IE will throw an error (calling .focus() on hidden element).

This is only an issue with animations off ( = false ), and works as expected with animations on.

Attachments (0)
Change History (12)

Changed April 16, 2011 10:54AM UTC by comment:1

A simple workaround for those with this issue (until it's fixed) is to simply first call $(this).show(); in the callback before running any code. For example, see:

Changed April 17, 2011 07:18AM UTC by timmywil comment:2

component: unfiledeffects
priority: undecidedhigh
status: newopen

Changed July 12, 2011 07:16PM UTC by timmywil comment:3

Computed style is none even though the style has been set to block by jQuery. It has not been repainted when the callback is run. This has to do with setting time to 0, which can manipulate the stack and cause things that should be syncronous to be asyncronous. I'm not sure how to fix this one.

Changed July 12, 2011 07:28PM UTC by timmywil comment:4

owner: → timmywil
status: openassigned

Nevermind, I was mistaken. We'll move the show in the fx prototype show function to before the custom call.

Changed July 13, 2011 04:06AM UTC by timmywil comment:5

milestone: 1.next1.7

Changed July 18, 2011 02:41PM UTC by timmywil comment:6

We can't do that actually. Having though about it more, the show was put after the custom so that at least one tick could be run to avoid a flash. For instance, consider .fadeIn(). If you have an element that started out as display: none with no opacity set, the element needs to have opacity set to 0 before display can be set to block (or whatever defaultDisplay). However, this is essentially a callback order issue so passing the user callback to the end of stack would fix this issue, but I need to do more research into what problems making the user callback essentially async would cause.

Changed September 29, 2011 02:17PM UTC by timmywil comment:7

milestone: 1.71.8

We're going to defer this until the effects 1.8 rewrite. I think we can take care of this and #7157 then, without the use of setTimeout.

Changed December 23, 2011 04:13PM UTC by Youri comment:8

If you allow at least one tick to be run to avoid possible flashes, won't you also be able to allow one tick to run when animations are turned off.

Still tho, allowing a single tick is not clean and should be changed.

A simpler solution to avoid .fadeIn() flashes would be to simply put the opacity to 0 BEFORE the first tick is called. Thats just a simple check for a special case scenario.

When doing this you also remove the one reason why 'the show was put after the custom', meaning u can now put the show before the custom.

Changed May 09, 2012 01:07AM UTC by comment:9

Replying to [comment:1 dan@…]:

A simple workaround for those with this issue (until it's fixed) is to simply first call $(this).show(); in the callback before running any code. For example, see:

Doesn't that just make the thing pop into existence without a fade?

Changed May 09, 2012 04:54PM UTC by elearnapp comment:10

Replying to [comment:9 digant@…]:

Replying to [comment:1 dan@…]: > A simple workaround for those with this issue (until it's fixed) is to simply first call $(this).show(); in the callback before running any code. For example, see: Doesn't that just make the thing pop into existence without a fade?

Yes, but since JQUERY.FX.OFF = TRUE, there is no animation anyhow. And for when animations are enabled (JQUERY.FX.OFF = FALSE), the workaround is still valid, as the animation callback isn't called until after the object is fully visible.

Changed May 11, 2012 08:36PM UTC by gnarf comment:11

resolution: → fixed
status: assignedclosed

Changed May 16, 2012 06:05PM UTC by Corey Frang comment:12

Fixes #8892: Adding unit test for #8892 - Actually fixed in 58ed62e

Changeset: 7799f21307c3e7c16c1b99b79b8f9f93f969b440

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