Showing posts with label Italian interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Italian interview. Show all posts

Mar 16, 2009

Il Prezzo di Silenzio is Still Getting Airtime in Italy

The trip to Palermo, Italy was gorgeous Camilla Trinchieri and her translator Erika Bianchi wrote! Take a look at these pictures on Picasa Web. Book reading and signing, radio interview, 2 TV interviews, meals, talks and long walks.

Camilla Trinchieri with Cinzia Gizzi a Sicilian DJ, radio announcer, and Erika Bianchi in the TV studio.

Here's another picture of "Il Capo" the famous Palermitan market. Camilla and Erika stand in front of rows of vegetable stands.

In a quick note from Camilla she writes,

"Palermo was glorious, brilliant with sun and the welcome of the bookstore owners and employees. I did a radio interview and two TV interviews as you will see from the photos. You will also see how beautiful the city is.

Ciao for now.

a smiling Camilla who ate the most delicious pasta with eggplant and ricotta which I will try to make.

Looks like another recipe is on its way.

Jun 28, 2008

Italian Mangia Libri Interviews Camilla Trinchieri

Italian Mangia Libri posts an interview with Camilla Trinchieri about Il prezzo del silenzio.

Click the link to read Intervista a Camilla Trinchieri.

Jun 25, 2008

Fahrenheit Site for Camilla Trinchieri

Here's Radio3 Fahrenheit's site for Camilla Trinchieri's Il prezzo del silenzio:

The review starts out well. Even us only partially literate in Italian can tell that "perfetto" means "perfect!"

Un perfetto romanzo di detection ...."

The interview can be listened to as a PODCAST.

Jun 24, 2008

RTL 102.5 Non Stop News - Audio Interview

Radio interview on RTL 102.5 in Italian with Camilla Trinchieri. Listen here!

Il prezzo del silenzio, un thriller psicologico della scrittrice italo-americana Camilla Trinchieri: intervista all'autrice

Jun 21, 2008

Marcos Y Marcos Florence Event Photos

Check out the good photos from the Florence Il prezzo del silenzio book launch. Marcos Y Marcos, the publisher has posted them, with a great quote from Camilla.

From the June 19 presentation at the Edison di Firenze bookstore in Florence.
"Sono contenta di essere qui; per via di mio padre, e di una fetta della mia vita, mi sento italiana per metà. Scrivo in inglese, vivo a New York da ventotto anni, ma ho sempre portato l'Italia dentro di me. Vedere il mio romanzo pubblicato qui mi ha fatto sentire completa".

(Tentative English translation!)

"I am happy to be here; through my father, and through one of my life accomplishments, I feel part Italian. I write in English, live in New York for twenty years now, but have always carried Italy inside me. To see my book published here makes me feel complete."

Jun 18, 2008

Italian Radio 3 Fahrenheit! June 25 4PM - 5:20

(Imaged aggregated by A. McGaha, using 2 Radiotre Fahrenheit logos, combined with created text image of interview details.)

The Italian Radio 3 program, FAHRENHEIT, will be interviewing author Camilla Trinchieri one week from today, Wednesday June 25, between 4 and 5:20 pm in Rome, Italy. (So far we haven't seen this information posted on the Website.)

For those who didn't know, Fahrenheit is considered, the best, most serious, most intellectual, most followed, most famous, most reliable and most trusted radio program about books in Italy. When the anchorman, Marino Sinibaldi, recommends a book, people listen!

We're hoping the recording, for those of you who can understand Italian, will be posted on the Fahrenheit site

Maybe we'll be able to hear the interview live from remote locations. The station has online listening; frequencies all over Italy; and both webcam and podcasts. We'll have to see what's available that day for Fahrenheit. Listen online. If in Italy, here are the station frequencies by city. Radio 3 Webcam.

Radiotre FAHRENHEIT interview with Camilla Trinchieri
Wednesday June 25, 4- 5:20 PM, Rome, Italy