Judy and Laili are the first to see that our trains were not being displayed on schedule. Thus, they went to Eurostar counter to clarify. Without much explanation, the lady there just directs us to another counter. Once there, the ticket officer asked us to go in and said “Oh..you are late..the bus is leaving” we thought we heard her wrong. Bus? What bus? We are supposed to take the train. We sat at the lounge for a while until another personnel came in and ask a bunch of us to follow him. The way they handle everything seems very mysterious. At one point, i felt that we were like immigrants, being snuggled into a country.
We were brought to a BUS. The guy than check our TRAIN tickets and asked us to go in the BUS. We started to speculate. Oh…maybe this BUS will take us to the TRAIN station. So, we sit back, and relax as the bus move.
But then…… there was no train station in sight and as time continues to tick, the bus maneuvered into a highway!! This is getting ridiculous, so, I asked the lady in front of us. “Where are we going?” (so silly right, after ~30mins of the journey only want to ask...if it was the wrong bus, there is no turning back already) The lady replied “Lille”. I gave her a shocked face and she explained “The train to London from Brussels got cancelled. So, they arranged us to Lille, and we will take the train from there”.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…… so, that is what actually going on. Now we know.
faking a smile for the the photo's sake
the blue beg contains chocolates ONLY
The good thing is, we got promoted to 1st class
Later, once we reach home, Judy managed to checked online.
This is why our train got cancelled.
All i can say is, Alhamdulillah... we were not on the train. ;(