Showing posts with label Florence Blade-Tribune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florence Blade-Tribune. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Allen Chin 1949, 1951–1953

Casa Grande Dispatch
November 7, 1949
Local National Guard Enlists 56 Men in Drive
(Allen Chin in second column; click images to enlarge)

Phoenix Gazette
February 1, 1951
Art Exhibit Honors Are Won by Visitor
...the third annual art exhibit held by the Florence Junior Woman’s Club.

...Allen C. [sic] G. Chin, of Casa Grande, received honorable mention for his “Deterioration,” a picture of an adobe house falling to ruin. Chin has been painting less than a year. He came to Arizona from China in 1947.

Casa Grande Dispatch
Members Local National Guard Leave for Encampment at Fort Huachuca
(Allen Chin in second column)

The Arizona Republic
February 2, 1952
Youth’s Art to Be Shown
Allen Chin, local artist, is showing his painting, “Escape,” this weekend in the fourth annual Florence Art Exhibit at Florence.

Chin came to the U.S. in 1947. In April of 1950, when he had mastered the English language enough to pore over the history of the Southwest, Chin began to set down in oil his impression of Arizona pioneer days. Prior to this time his work had been confined to school water colors.

Virtually self-taught, the youth has recently received some instruction in mixing colors.

Chin, 23, was born in Boston. While still an infant, his parents returned to Nanking, China. Later they moved to Canton and remained there until the Japanese occupation when they sought refuge in Hong Kong. His father, then an officer in the Chinese air force was killed in a bombing raid.

Chin now paints only at night and on holidays. He is a local grocery clerk and hopes one day to be able to devote full time to painting.

The Arizona Republic
February 7, 1952
Allen Chin Wins Florence Exhibit
Allen Chin of Casa Grande won first place with his oil painting, “Escape,” at the fourth annual art exhibit sponsored by the Florence Junior Woman’s Club.

Casa Grande Dispatch
Allen Chin Wins Popular Award in Art Exhibit
An oil painting “Escape” by Allen Chin, local artist, won the popular award at the Fourth Annual Florentine Art Exhibit held at the Florence Women’s Club February 1 to 3. Chin’s painting depicts the escape of a stagecoach full of pioneers from a band of Apaches. It is one of a series the painter is working on dealing with Southwestern history.

Phoenix Gazette
February 7, 1952
Casa Grande Artist Wins Exhibit Prize
“Escape,” showing a stagecoach fighting through an attack by Apaches, by Allan [sic] Chin of Casa Grande, won first place in the fourth annual Florentine Art Exhibit sponsored by the Florence Junior Woman’s Club....

...Chin, 23, a native of Boston, lived in China before coming to Arizona in 1947. He became interested in painting early in 1950 and exhibited for the first time in the Florence exhibit in 1951, receiving honorable mention for “Deterioration.”

Florence Blade-Tribune
February 1953
Florentine Art Exhibit Is Weekend Highlight Here oil painting, the work of Allen Chin of Casa Grande. Chin, last year’s first prize winner, is one of more than a dozen Pinal county artists who have submitted paintings in the exhibition...

Florence Blade-Tribune
February 1953
Florentine Art Exhibit Opens Tonight
Artists from Florence, Coolidge, Casa Grande, Superior and Oracle will display their original works in oil and watercolor at the fifth annual Florentine Art Exhibit which opens this (Friday) evening at the Florence Woman’s Club building.

Sponsored by the Florence Junior Woman’s Club, the event already has attracted 11 painters from Pinal communities including several previous exhibitors....The show is restricted to artists resident or visiting Pinal county.

Already 33 paintings have been entered, the same number as a year ago. Allen Chin, 24-year-old Casa Grande Chinese grocery clerk who won top honors last February, has entered two pictures....

Florence Blade-Tribune
February 1953
Susan Eyer of Coolidge Wins First Award at Art Exhibit
...the fifth annual Florentine Art Exhibit at Florence...

...Allen Chin, the Casa Grande grocery clerk who took first place last year, was second with his western scene, “Bad Medicine in the Wind.” His other entry was “The Tempest.”

The Arizona Republic
February 10, 1953
Susan Eyer Tops Florence Artists
...Second place went to Allen Chin, a Chinese artist from Casa Grande for his painting “Bad Medicine in the Wind.”...

...Allen Chin won first place last year and three years ago won honorable mention.