Niks: "We bring you the finest perfumes and love potions..."
Naks: "...carefully made from the mosts exquisite secret ingredients!"
Lumi: "Don't take any love potion concocted by Niks and Naks! It will only make frogs follow you!"
Kuura: "Nonsense. I'm sure those potions will be most effective. I think I could use some love potion..."
Frogs: *ribbit* *ribbit*
Kuura: "What is this??? I took one sip of this love potion and now all the frogs are following me!"
Lumi: "I told you so..."
Kuura: "Is there an antidote?"
Niks: "No..."
Naks: "...but you can try kissing the frogs, maybe one of them will turn into a prince!"
Kuura: "All right. I'll kiss a frog. It's Sydney or the bush!"
Blue frog: *ribbit*
Naks: "You must close your eyes and count to three!"
Niks (whispering): "Are you ready, Icy?"
Kuura: "What??? The frog turned into an ice bat, not a prince!"
Icy: "Aaaaaah.... I've been kissed by a queen!"
Niks & Naks: "Hee, hee, hee..."