A four week project to explore a subject of my choosing. I
decided to look at a way of making people, 'Work harder of their food.'
'Under wraps' conceals one secret recipie within it's covers. Unveiled from underneath the black plastic are the ingredients needed.
Fast Food, Made Easy, 10 Minute Meals and
Pre-packaged Microwave meals.
All of these are tag lines that appeal to busy people. However, it is my intention to slow food down for you. The book is designed to encourage you to work harder for your food. Whether this be working for a few more pennies, using a more complex preparation process or considering the image of food, through the traditions of a still life.
.1...EGG WHITES...(Separated).........................................................................MERINGUES
.2...CHICKEN BREAST...(Marinated)..................................................SERVING SUGGESTION
.3...APPLES...(Bobbed for)..........................................................................TOFFEE APPLES
.4...FISH...(De-Boned)...................................... FUGU.(Blow fish- The world’s deadliest fish recipe)
.5...STILL LIFE...(For your artistic consumption)......................................................BRAIN FOOD
.6...POMEGRANATE...(Eaten with a cocktail stick)..................................SERVING SUGGESTION
.7...PH EASANT...(Plucked)...............................................STUFFED AND ROASTED.(Scottish)
.9...YOLK...(Separated)...................................................................... HOLLANDAISE SAUCE