By Chuck Marshall
When I was a kid we would watch the news every night at 6pm- usually Walter Cronkite on CBS and information was provided regarding what was going on in the world. My parents read the newspaper every morning- The Sentinel Star- now called the Orlando Sentinel. All was not perfect with the world but we had a good idea of what was going on and could make effective decisions regarding our everyday experiences as Americans and as voters. It was very hard to tell the opinions of the talking heads and journalists. They were providing information for us to decide on our own because they respected us to be capable of thinking for ourselves. Today, such an experience does not exist. The media has become part of the problem. How are they the problem ? Because they are so far biased it's impossible to really know what the truth is. They (meaning mostly the Mainstream aka Legacy media) have no respect for us as the people and they feel emboldened to be a part of the political decision making process with very obvious efforts to tell us what we should be thinking.
Today it is safe to say most of the mainstream media in the world is "far left" and is incorporating "far left" ideology to Western Civilization. Whether this is a coordinated effort or just random is unclear. Is it a large foreign power bent on defeating American worldwide dominance ? Is it simply multi-national corporations bent on a monopoly for their products- pure greed ? Is it Marxist (closeted of course- nobody admits to being a Marxist) groups of Europeans and North Americans plotting to mold the world to their way of seeing things- making us all equal - equally poor ? Whatever it is, it is not Free Press. It is a concerted effort to get the citizens of the world to think the way this group of people think. Anything that stands in the way of such is treated with great hostility and even violence. Especially truth.
Our American forefathers established a society ruled by a government that is of the people, by the people and for the people. That concept goes against the grain of the Enemedia that is so determined to tell us all how to live and feels emboldened to direct events to the favor of their political philosophy. In a monarchy the King or Queen is the sovereign of the country - the mind of the country. In the United States the American people are the Sovereign through the powers given in the Constitution. In much of the world today there is this tyrannical mindset that wants to quiet dissent and iron out society according to their superficial needs and power. Usually they hide behind large organizations- a bureaucracy. In their mind- the Bureaucracy is the Sovereign and the powers behind such groups are, of course, the benefactors. The mind of the people is what's being challenged here and we must meet that challenge with strength and virtue. Do not give into their oppressive subjugation and definitions of what a Democracy should be. We must never give in to the tyrants of the Enemedia. We must challenge all their assumptions and all their directives with great will and resistance. We must have a determination to hold on to our liberty, whatever the cost may be. Hold fast to true and rational thought and always endeavor to lift mankind to the highest level it is capable of being through individual innovation, ingenuity, and liberty. You and I are the Sovereign of the United States. Never lose that powerful thought ! It is what millions of young Americans have died for in battle, that this philosophy should prevail.