
Logic PhDs
Series Editor:
Jean-Yves Beziau, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and Brazilian Research Council
Editorial Board:
Patrick Blackburn (University of Roskilde, Denmark)
Jack Copeland (University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand)
Wilfrid Hodges (University of London, England)
Penelope Maddy (University of California, Irvine, USA)
Volker Peckhaus (University of Paderborn, Germany)
Friedrich Stadler (Vienna Circle Institute, Austria)
Jan Wolenski (Jagellionian University, Kraków, Poland)
Richard Zach (University of Calgary, Canada)
Jan Zygmunt (University of Wroclaw, Poland)
The idea of this book series Logic PhDs is to publish
PhD dissertations on logic (exclusively on logic but all aspects of logic):
(1) important PhDs from the past
(2) the best recent ones.
The idea is not only to publish the dissertation but to have an extended presentation of the author and his work:
(a) To give precise details of the circumstances of the PhD and an analysis of its content.
(b) To describe the background both from the perspectives of the history of logic and personal bio of the author
(c) To explain further developments after the PhD, also in both perspectives (in case of recent PhDs: expectations of future developments).
In case the original is not in English, we will publish the original and the translation.
It maybe be useful in some cases also to include additional materials by the author of the PhD.
Volumes in preparation:
Christine Ladd-Franklin, 1882, The Johns Hopkins University
On the Algebra of Logic
PhD advisor: Charles Peirce
Volume prepared by Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen (University of Helsinki, Finland) and Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia)
Gerhard Gentzen, 1933, University of Göttingen
Untersuchungen über das logische Schließen (Investigations into Logical Inference)
PhD advisor: Paul Bernays
Volume prepared by Jan von Plato (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Saunders Mac Lane, 1934, University of Göttingen
Abgekürzte Beweise im Logikkalkul (Abbreviated Proofs in the Logical Calculus)
PhD advisors: Hermann Weyl and Paul Bernays
Volume prepared by Peter Arndt (University of Regensburg, Germany)
Oiva Ketonen, 1944, The University of Helsiniki
Untersuchungen zum Prädikatenkalkul (Investigations on the predicate calculus)
PhD Advisors: Eino Kaila, and Gerhard Gentzen
Volume prepared by Sara Negri and Jan von Plato (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Newton C.A. da Costa, 1963, Federal University of Paraná
Sistemas Formais Inconsistentes (Inconsistent formal systems)
Habilitation thesis
Volume prepared by Itala D'Ottaviano (State University of Campinas UNICAMP, Brazil)
Jean Porte, 1965, University of Paris
Recherches sur la Théorie Générale des Systèmes Formels et sur les Systèmes Connectifs
(Researches in the General Theory of Formal Systems and in Connectives Systems)
PhD advisor: René de Possel
Volume prepared by Marcel Guillaume (University of Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Hans Kamp, 1968, UCLA
Tense Logic and the Theory of Linear Order
PhD advisor: Richard Montague
Volume prepared by Alexander Rabinowitz, (Tel Aviv University, Israel)
Krister Segerberg, 1971, Stanford University
An Essay in Classical Modal Logic
PhD advisor: Dana Scott
Volume prepared by Patrick Blackburn (University of Roskilde, Denmark)
Walter Bernard Redmond, 1972, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
La lógica en el virreinato del Perú a través de las obras de Juan de Espinoza Medrano e Isidoro de Celis
(Logic in the Viceroyalty of Perú through the works of Juan de Espinosa Medrano and Isidoro de Celis, in Spanish)
No advisor assigned due to the originality of the topic
Volume prepared by Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre (UNMSM, Peru) and Jean Christian Egoavil (UP, Peru)
 | Volume 3:
Investigations into the Predicate Calculus
Oiva Ketonen. Edited by Sara Negri and Jan von Plato
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 | Volume 2:
The Algebra of Intensional Logics with an introductory essay by Katalin Bimbó
J. Michael Dunn
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 | Volume 1:
Foundations of Combinatory Logics (Grundlagen der kombinatorischen Logik)
Haskell Curry. Translated and presented by Fairouz Kamareddine and Jonathan Seldin
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