It was in July 2009 during the background investigation we conducted for the CSC Honor Award Program's candidate in Bicol that we advocated for an e-application system to take CS Examination. A year thereafter, the CSC adopted "the On Line CSE Application Reservation System", which provides an e-application system to take CS Examination. What is needed to be improved further in the system, however, is the mode of payment and uploading of pictures. If the mode of payment could be done via banks or credit card, this could further enhance the system; and/or, if the applicants could readily upload their pictures via internet. This system of the CSC was already institutionalized even before the U.S. government increased the fees of their electronic Visa Application System (D-160), except of course for the advance feature of the e-visa application being implemented by the latter. At any rate, this could be a good project for the RP-U.S. government, maybe through the USAID to support, with the CSC as the pilot agency. USAID is presently advocating for transparency in government transactions through IT intervention.
Upon the request of CSCRO No. V Examination Division and CSCRO No. V Director IV Cecilia R. Nieto for the convenience of those applying to take the examination, in furtherance to our cyber advocacy, we produced an in-house video presentation to aid those who shall be assigned as room examiners as part of our advocacy project:
CSC Examination Administration Part 1
[Inset picture: Director II Nissi Cherith V. Asis, Civil Service Commission, Tagbilaran Field Office, Province of Bohol.]