
Showing posts with label Moths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moths. Show all posts

Thursday, July 23, 2015

(Inter)National Moth Week

National Moth Week (actually a misnomer, as it is celebrated in several countries) is an annual event that runs from 18-26 July. The following Mothstralian stamps are my modest contribution. All feature the mysterious masked Moth Women who several years ago began life in my paintings, drawings, prints and one of my early fairy tales, then morphed into the far less pretty and polite Moth Woman Vigilantes (AKA the MWV). 

As previously documented on these pages, the reputed aim of the MWV is to overthrow the perpetually dysfunctional Ruling Party of the Penal Colony of Australia and establish a nation in which all are equal, that celebrates diversity and maintains an open-wing policy to political refugees. (This echoes the rallying cry of the Mothstralian Apolitical Party: 'Open Doors, Open Wings, Open Minds and Open Hearts!')  

Furthermore (in stark comparison to the current regime) if any member of the MWV needs to fly to a conference - or anywhere else, for that matter - she will use her own set of wings. Here alone (for those whose vision doesn't extend past their purse strings) the savings to taxpayers will be incalculable.

The stamps from this series will shortly appear in a new mini-zine. To preview the zine, visit Moth Woman Press HERE.

 2015 Argina astrea Mothstralian stamp

 2015 Hyles lineata Mothstralian stamp

 2015 Eustixis laefitera Mothstralian stamp

2015 Agathia pisina Mothstralian stamp

 2015 Chelepteryx chalapteryx Mothstralian stamp

2015 Choreutis periploca Mothstralian stamp

2015 Othreis fullonia Mothstralian stamp

2015 Hednota bivitella Mothstralian stamp

Friday, June 19, 2015

Nascent Luna Moth Woman

Further stages in the transfiguration of Actias luna moth to Luna Moth Woman.