"Following where my camera leads me!"

"Following where my camera leads me!"

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Lets Wear Green!


ansy is outside climbing trees! LOL

....and looking for fairies.
Hey Tansy, how do you climb trees in high heels and a pretty dress?

hello from Katiedid!
she has her eye on the food bowls. LOL

Time to gather the eggs

Tracie decided to climb trees too!

...and Amybelle followed

Having fun on a warm and breezy March day

Wishing y'all a very happy St. Patricks Day!

Hope you had a great weekend. We had LOTS of rain here.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

March has arrived

March has arrived and I'm so glad!
Lots of bright beautiful colors on this month's calendar.

John Sloane Country calendar

So glad Daylight Savings time has FINALLY ARRIVED!!

And FINALLY, bursts of sunshine yellow Carolina Jessamine have arrived as well. I always look forward to these blooms as they herald Springtime. And they sure don't last long....seems once they bloom, there are gone in about a week, so if you want pictures, you have to get them while you can. 

We only have one patch of it here, but on the way to church this morning, wow, we saw it blooming  ALL OVER, all throughout trees, climbing poles, in country roadside fences and in ditches. Also lots of beautiful pear trees in full bloom.

Signs of spring on our old trees too:
Splashes of bright scarlet

Cold evenings enjoying lots of books. Just finished these:

remember Patti Callahan Henry wrote the book I posted about in the last post, "Surviving Savannah"----- about the sinking of the Pulaski

all three books were great!

below, Almost Home book:

Got some new magazines waiting on me....

sorry to hear Dolly's husband, Carl Dean, passed away this past week

Been processing lots of eggs:

Valentines cards were enjoyed in February:

.....and a sweet surprise arrived via mailbox from a dear friend!
There was this cute little box:

Lots of lovely seeds! Cant wait to get these planted!

cute cute hand sanitizer!
and even tiny sweet dolls for the resident dolls! **Tansy, Amybelle, and Tracie Gale.** LOL From their sweet cousin down in Florida, Lily Grace.
And this adorable gnome house too! 

Just so many thoughtful and fun goodies, much appreciated!
My valentines present from Mr. Front Porch:

It has our names on each side, and our birthstones side by side and is also engraved inside the band.

Every evening our sweet deer friends come out of the forest and up right up close to the house! I NEVER TIRE OF seeing them!
Not very good pictures, but it's the best I could do, they move fast! LOL

a few "dandylions" still sprouting up

and our camellias are still blooming, love their green glossy leaves!
Hope your upcoming week goes great and you are enjoying some spring-like weather where you live!