First, before we get to the grey furries, some Asian food and an Asian-themed song that might hurt your teeth it's so sweet but I can't get it out of my head.
The Bird & The Bee - Love Letter To Japan
Before you become completely disgusted with my strange of late taste in music, I'm going to distract you with food pix and squirrel talk. ;) We've been eating lunch out a bit lately so not a lot cooking here (Why? Because it's that dreaded time of season..the nightmare of small business owners through the land..nooooo!!! okay, so I mean, I totally flaked out on matching up my receipts, reconciling statements, etc. since like July so I'm wallowing in self-pity right now..wah!! Okay..pity party is over..). I am finding some good vegan meals out though: here's a photo of Tofu Bi Bim Bob (or Bab or Bap or whatever variation you can find!) from today's lunch. It was super yum! We like this Thai restaurant in Inman Square in Cambridge..they are one of the few places that make this dish with a really savory sauce on the tofu and they never put egg on top so I don't have to remember to mention it. I love it. If you have a good recipe for this dish, please let me know..I'm looking!
Finally, the one thing I did bake recently: chocolate raspberry fudgey brownies..dramatic display of my love for chocolate on Valentine's Day. own true love...
Okay, that got old fast because H. isn't quite the chocolate fiend I am so the remaining four cupcakes I decided I just didn't want. So I thought: Do squirrels like cupcakes? Hum...
My first guess was yes. Rodents are actually just one family branch away from primates (that's us as you know) which is why labs use mice in drug testing experiments (sad..)..because they are so like us. So armed with this information and the following fact and by fact, I mean, my own observation that there are no humans alive who do not like cupcakes (well, at least I've never met one!), I concluded that yes, indeedy, squirrels do like cupcakes. Now to test my hypothesis, I went outside early in the morning (I was still in my jammies so dedicated I am to my squirrel research) , and hucked with those four chocolate cuppies into the backyard . I did two overhand pitches and two underhand..and I'm a lefty. Who throws with her right hand..go figure. Anyways, I cite these details only for the sake of science (ha!). What I didn't expect was the sound of little feet running from all directions. Yes, that's right..squirrels were literally coming from every direction! I counted four in a matter of seconds of those cuppies hitting the snow. Can you say cupcake feeding frenzy? And this time it wasn't even me eating the cupcakes (that was earlier in the week).
So my friend, I believe we can conclusively say, yes, squirrels DO like cupcakes. Note the cuppy on the right side below...this guy has already taken a bite:
I'm not sure how they manage to drag the cuppies up the tree since the treats are bigger than their heads but this little fluffernutter managed just fine!
Our squirrel research will continue and we will report back on the results of our scientifically based research methods coming to you live from the Squirrel Research Institute of Cambridge, MA (aka my apartment).