- B27 DNA R1b-S9565* Simon Harr b1734 Lotzbeuren, Germany (Prussia)
Jonas Harr
d. USA
As no DNA page yet, his y67 STR result gives a predicted haplogroup from NevGen of R-FGC1954. Distant matches on his large y67 match list (see OSM) predict a level above of R-Z338 just one step above The FTDNA predicted haplogroup of R-M269 is way near the top of the R branching for the tree. The path from there to this predicted is (in the FTDNA tree):
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
d. USA
As no DNA page yet, his y67 STR result gives a predicted haplogroup from NevGen of R-FGC1954. Distant matches on his large y67 match list (see OSM) predict a level above of R-Z338 just one step above The FTDNA predicted haplogroup of R-M269 is way near the top of the R branching for the tree. The path from there to this predicted is (in the FTDNA tree):
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R-M269 > L23 > L51 > P310 > L151 > U106 > Z2265 > BY30097 > Z381 > Z301 > L48 > Z9 > Z30 > Z27 > Z345 > Z2 > Z7 > Z31 > Z8 > Z338 > FGC1954
Researchers and Descendants (current)
Researcher | GenDB | Website | Lineage |
Kenneth Harr *YA |
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only