Ricardus (Richard) Hore
b. Ireland
m.1330 Chagford, Devon England
d.1380 in Risford Manor, Devon, England
Probably one of the most regurgitated family lines. Reprinted in most family history books of this surname but often with very little real proof of connection from their researched family line to this one. Hence, many claims and thus further disinformation out there. One goal of this project would be to recreate or verify previously published claims (or disclaim them) and use DNA evidence to help support the weak evidence or actual link to this family. Would be wonderful to more strongly tie in the claims of the full family story as given by others.
The Hore line of Rishford Manor north of Chagford in County Devon existed from roughly 1330 to 1630. The line was founded with the marriage of Robert Hore to the heiress Alicia, daughter of Rowland de Risford. It ended with the sale of the Manor by the last, eldest son William Hore in 1630. This is one of the few lines, of this surname, researched earlier than 1600 and before the existence of many records. And definitely one of the rare ones researched without ties to royal lines or other significant aristocracy.
The first reference, according to Ken Smallbone, to this Hore family is in the Herald's visitation of Devon original records in the British xxxx. He claims to have researched the actual, original office copies stored there and extracted the information for the book he wrote ''The Double Headed Eagle". See the Heraldic Visitations wikipeadia page for more background on this source. There are numerous reprints and copies made in the mid to late 1800's. Both that claim to be authentic coverage and appropriately update and enhance with later found knowledge. The last visit to Devon was in 1620. Only some of these books mention the Hore's of Risford and, as they were published so much later, it is suspected they were added later. But Ken claims to have seen it in the originals. The earliest reference we have found and have access to is Sir Richard Colt Hoare's 1819 book1 we uncovered in 2014 where he claims access to the pedigree information coming from a xxxx in Devon.
The Hore line of Rishford Manor is reported to be a branch of a non-eldest son from the Hore line in Wexford, Western Ireland (more commonly known as the Pole Hore's). Additional research reports the Hore line of Wexford ties back to a William le Hore of Pembroke, Wales who went with Strongbow in the early 1200's to conquer Ireland for the deposed King of Ireland at the request of the King of England and then stayed when rewarded lands for the effort. William le Hore is said to be one of the early Norman conquerors; possibly coming from Auray in Brittany, France if one description of the surname origin is to be believed. This is likely a grandson or greater descendant though as the time frame between the two events is too great for a single person.
William Acton, working for Hoare's Bank in London, is trying to trace the descendants of the Risford Manor Hore family line to the present day. At least the 1600 to 1700's branches he could follow. His work has been captured by David G Hoare on his research website. See Research and Information page for more info. No Patrilineal line to the present day has yet been found to find a possible DNA tester.
Many of the claims to the line relate to the supposed use of a very similar / common Coat of Arms. It is believed only one family has supported, registered use with the College of Heraldry. The "Banking" Hoare's of London, et al (see Henry Hoare). But the Coat is also claimed, by others, to be part of the Rishford Manor family line. Even by Sir Richard Colt Hoare himself in his 1819 book. The only modern, detailed look more closely by this all was funded and directed by Lyon Hoard with two respected genealogists in Britain โ Hugh Peskett and Ken Smallbone. They determined Hezekiah Hoar had descended from the Risford Manor line from a much earlier branch than most try to tie in to. The results led to a New England Historic and Genealogical Record article and purported book Double Headed Eagle yet to come out. We will hope to encourage or engage in similar research on other family lines claiming a link to this family of old. As well as uncover further research about this family itself.
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
b. Ireland
m.1330 Chagford, Devon England
d.1380 in Risford Manor, Devon, England
Probably one of the most regurgitated family lines. Reprinted in most family history books of this surname but often with very little real proof of connection from their researched family line to this one. Hence, many claims and thus further disinformation out there. One goal of this project would be to recreate or verify previously published claims (or disclaim them) and use DNA evidence to help support the weak evidence or actual link to this family. Would be wonderful to more strongly tie in the claims of the full family story as given by others.
The Hore line of Rishford Manor north of Chagford in County Devon existed from roughly 1330 to 1630. The line was founded with the marriage of Robert Hore to the heiress Alicia, daughter of Rowland de Risford. It ended with the sale of the Manor by the last, eldest son William Hore in 1630. This is one of the few lines, of this surname, researched earlier than 1600 and before the existence of many records. And definitely one of the rare ones researched without ties to royal lines or other significant aristocracy.
The first reference, according to Ken Smallbone, to this Hore family is in the Herald's visitation of Devon original records in the British xxxx. He claims to have researched the actual, original office copies stored there and extracted the information for the book he wrote ''The Double Headed Eagle". See the Heraldic Visitations wikipeadia page for more background on this source. There are numerous reprints and copies made in the mid to late 1800's. Both that claim to be authentic coverage and appropriately update and enhance with later found knowledge. The last visit to Devon was in 1620. Only some of these books mention the Hore's of Risford and, as they were published so much later, it is suspected they were added later. But Ken claims to have seen it in the originals. The earliest reference we have found and have access to is Sir Richard Colt Hoare's 1819 book1 we uncovered in 2014 where he claims access to the pedigree information coming from a xxxx in Devon.
The Hore line of Rishford Manor is reported to be a branch of a non-eldest son from the Hore line in Wexford, Western Ireland (more commonly known as the Pole Hore's). Additional research reports the Hore line of Wexford ties back to a William le Hore of Pembroke, Wales who went with Strongbow in the early 1200's to conquer Ireland for the deposed King of Ireland at the request of the King of England and then stayed when rewarded lands for the effort. William le Hore is said to be one of the early Norman conquerors; possibly coming from Auray in Brittany, France if one description of the surname origin is to be believed. This is likely a grandson or greater descendant though as the time frame between the two events is too great for a single person.
William Acton, working for Hoare's Bank in London, is trying to trace the descendants of the Risford Manor Hore family line to the present day. At least the 1600 to 1700's branches he could follow. His work has been captured by David G Hoare on his research website. See Research and Information page for more info. No Patrilineal line to the present day has yet been found to find a possible DNA tester.
Many of the claims to the line relate to the supposed use of a very similar / common Coat of Arms. It is believed only one family has supported, registered use with the College of Heraldry. The "Banking" Hoare's of London, et al (see Henry Hoare). But the Coat is also claimed, by others, to be part of the Rishford Manor family line. Even by Sir Richard Colt Hoare himself in his 1819 book. The only modern, detailed look more closely by this all was funded and directed by Lyon Hoard with two respected genealogists in Britain โ Hugh Peskett and Ken Smallbone. They determined Hezekiah Hoar had descended from the Risford Manor line from a much earlier branch than most try to tie in to. The results led to a New England Historic and Genealogical Record article and purported book Double Headed Eagle yet to come out. We will hope to encourage or engage in similar research on other family lines claiming a link to this family of old. As well as uncover further research about this family itself.
Researchers and Descendants (current)
If DNA tested, identified with their other ancestor before any tie in here. But list them again if actively researching this family as well.Researcher | GenDB | Website | Lineage |
William Acton | DGH | genealogist for The Hoare's Bank |
* Family member DNA tested; placed in group (YDNA-STR and/or Autosomal SNP aka FamilyFinder)
** DNA test results pending; believed group based on genealogical work only
Researchers and Descendants (historic)
Researcher | GenDB | Website | Lineage |
Sir Richard Colt Hoare | 1 |
Books and Articles (sections of)
(A nice coverage of the Visitation republications was later found at GenealogyVillage (archive) )- Colby, Frederic Thomas, 1827-1899, editor, The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620 by Saint-George, Henry, Sir, 1581-1644; Lennard, Samson, d. 1633, College of Arms (Great Britain), 1872, London, 437pp (Archive.org) (WorldCat Online)โ page 156 covers the Hore family
- Vivian, John Lambrick, The visitations of the county of Devon : comprising the herald's visitations of 1531, 1564, & 1620, 1895, H.S. Eland, Exeter, 899pp (WorldCat Online, FamilySearch/BYU) (Google Books โ page 480 covers the Risford Hore family itself with other pages listing marriages of other family daughters to a Risford Hore son.
- Hoare, Sir Richard Colt, Pedigrees and memoirs of the families of Hore, of Rushford, co. Devon; Hoare of Walton, co. Bucks; Hoare, of London, co. Middlesex; Hoare, of Mitcham, co. Surrey; Hoare, of Stourton, co. Wilts.; Hoare, of Barn-Elms, co. Surrey; Hoare, of Boreham, Essex, 1819, Bath, England (Stourton) (see WorldCat for 7 copies cataloged in various libraries in UK, Australia and Sweden). Scanned Copy and 2-Sided, 8.5x11 now available from our project here (1st edition, 2015).
- Tuckett, John; Camden, William; Westcote, Thomas; William de la Pole, John, Sir 6th bart; Devonshire pedigrees. Recorded in the herald's visitation of 1620; with additions from the Harleian manuscripts, and the printed collections of Westcote and Pole, 1859, J.R.Smith, London, 192pp, (WorldCat Online) (note: Hore's mentioned in Index for parts 1-6 but not found in pages. Handwritten pedigrees with typed index)
Books and Articles (related)
- Westcote, Thomas; (edited by Oliver, Rev George and Jones, Pitman), A View of Devonshire in MDCXXX with A Pedigree of Most of its Gentry, 1845, Exeter, William Roberts, 649pp (WorldCat Online) (note: Hore's not mentioned)
Other Information Found
- Pease, Charles E.G., The Descendants of Willielmus Hoare (died 1656, Chagford), PDF (captured Nov 2015). Note: concerned about the accuracy. References sources of many known inaccurate publications like Edward Hoare's 1883 Early Hoare's .... But maybe a source for some original work or reference to same that could find a patrilineal line descent person to DNA test?
- http://www.pennyghael.org.uk/Hoare.pdf