Yet another anniversary of 28th Mordad, and I can’t stand it! Like the 3rd of Esfand 1299 nothing shows the divisions amongst Iranian nationalists up as much as the anniversary of these events and the (mis-)treatment of history by all involved. There are many lessons that need to be learnt by Iranians from these episodes of their history but having learnt those lessons (long ago) they need to move on. Unfortunately we don’t seem to be able to do this judging by the idiotic emotion ridden pieces of tripe written every year by all sides.
These arguments only show the fissure in the secular and nationalist movements in Iran, created the two main protagonists and their followers, which was a contributory factor to later exploitation by the clergy and foreign powers. The failure of all attempts to unite opposition since the Akhound take over can in the main be attributed to our failure to exorcise the ghosts of the past. This was very apparent in the latest such attempt, namely Iran Solidarity.
Each camp tries to turn the opposite long dead and buried leader into a villain and their own into a saint. Neither were saints and their mistakes contributed to the mess today. One camp still pines for the easy solution provided by dictatorship while another has made Mossadegh into a saint that he never was. He like the Shah made grave mistakes by his own admission and we, the later generations, are paying for it, think on that.
What I also object to is the view that Saint Mossadegh was the only democrat (he wasn’t, just look at the number of his close associates who left his government because of his autocratic style) or the only true patriot, or the only clean Iranian politician and there simply was nobody else. It is a stupid popularist oversimplification. But we are digressing.
Guys, it’s time to move on. It was sad to see students in Iran protesting for freedom carrying the picture of a long dead prime minister instead of finding leaders for TODAY. Continued arguments over details of events long ago does not serve any purpose, and it only goes to show the worst flaws in our national character. What the economists call diminishing returns has set in and no amount of analysis or arguments about the past and who said or did what and when and has any benefit.
28th Mordad has been turned into another Karbala. If the ‘shites’ have Ashura with its idiotic rites like sineh zani and ghameh zani as well as rouzeh khani, Jebheh Melli has 28th Mordad. It should consider this and its behaviour in 1979 for its total failure. There is noone else to blame. As for shahallahies, I won’t even go there but they don’t claim to be progressive.
I am at a loss to find the right term to describe the self flagellation that goes on every 28th Mordad and soon other anniversaries or our treatment of the past and its characters. But self-flagellation is a national trait. The only term that comes to mind is necrophilia but not in a sexual sense. It is the worship of death. It is what the Islamic Students Society geeks call traditions. It is what the rest of us call superstitious and backward rites and we seem incapable of ridding ourselves of these idiotic practices in 21st century.
I have yet to find a good analysis of why we Iranians are this way. A sage once recommended that I should read ‘Kholghiat e Iranian’ by Jamalzadeh to understand what "janevars" we are. Unfortunately Jamalzadeh was of a politer and more diplomatic generation than me. He would not address the core issues directly. Some years ago I read a very interesting article in The Iranian called Paralysis of Fear which helped explain one of the reasons for the way we are. But that is perhaps a worthy subject of study rather than the numerous books on why we have fallen behind the West. The point once again is that we need to move on. I was born long after the events of 28th Mordad and the world has moved on. I really don’t want the divisions of yesterday paralyse the fight against the present day tyranny.
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
Re: Parham
by Rostam on Sun Aug 26, 2007 07:08 PM PDTParham is responding to me as though I am a pro-monarchist or pro-Pahlavi. What a laugh! Where did you get that idea? Just because someone defends Mosadegh that does not make him a "Mosadegh-olahi". Same with defending the Shah or anyone else. Any person is entitled to his opinion and to criticise or praise a person, a policy or a view. He should have the privilege of not being labeled pro-X or anti-Y, But Hezbollahis, Shaholahis and in your case mosadegholahis or whatever-olhais dont' see it that way.
I was the first to say that the Shah broke the contsitutional law when he deposed Mosadegh. So did Mosadegh when he desolved the majlis. But my beef is with neither. You see dear Parham, my beef is with "Naseredin Shah" He is the cause of all our miseries. Or perhaps "shah esmail". Why dont you just admit that it was all Shah Esmail's fault? why don't you just admit that he was an agent of British influence? I'll tell you why you don't admit or even care BECAUSE IT IS HISTORY. TIME TO MOVE ON. Because of fanatics like yourself the Iraninan poeple have to suffer. Because of fanatic like yourself, the unity does not take hold. Because of fanatics like yourself, the IRI lasts longer. Because of fanatics like yourself, the Iranian people's misery endures.
Buy what do you care? You care only about CIA and Shah and Mosadegh and .... That has a higher prioritiy than Iran. This desease has a name and it is called fanatism. Fanatism that cannot be cured with words of logic is called "oghdeh". If Mosadegh was alive today, he would be ashamed of the likes of you who unvoluntarily are serving the interests of the IRI. You and the likes of you is all IRI need in order to create division among its opponents and continue its miserable life.
What part of this can't your brain understand? And why you don't you respond to the issues about priorities? Which has a higher priority? The Shaholahis to admit X or Y, The Mosadegholahis to admit X or Y, or our Iranians sisters and borthers becoming free from the IRI? Which has a higher priority? Errr... Please don't answer. you have alreayd answered that.
Re: To move on
by Parham on Sat Aug 25, 2007 03:38 AM PDTRostam, why don't you give it up and admit what happened on 28 Mordad was a completely undemocratic thing, to say the least. If there was even the slightest sign of admitting something like that from the monarchists/royalists, I don't think there ever would have been any disagreement, or if there were, it would have faded. The fact is, even after fifty-something years, Reza Pahlavi, Farah Diba and everyone of the "followers" still try to cover what happened up and say, just like you might I add, that we should move on. I really wonder who sounds like a broken record.
Re: "Not so fast"
by Parham on Sat Aug 25, 2007 03:31 AM PDT//
Re: To move on
by Rostam on Fri Aug 24, 2007 03:11 AM PDTParham says: "I think the idea here is "one who doesn't learn from the mistakes of the past is bound to repeat them", that's all. Case in point, where we are now"
Yes, Parham, you and your likes being the ones who have not yet learnt from the mistakes of the past and therefore repeating them again. It is a historical fact that the Shah and the National Front (jebheye meli) couldn't set aside their disputes, neither being able to make the great sacrifice (Bakhtiar being the exception). They just "couldn't let go" of their respective points of view. They were stucked then, like Parham is today, in the "he is bad, but I am good" thing. Imagine where Iran would have been today if they could unite, perhaps under the leadership of Bakthiar and against the Islamists and leftists. I firmly believe the revolution would have taken a totaly different path.
Those like Parham who "insist" on the "X was bad and Y was good" train of thinking have not learnt from the mistakes of the past and are repeating them today. Funny thing is that he thinks the proponents of unity are the ones who are making the mistake.
In Farsi we had an expression that I still sometimes hear. It goes like this: "soozanesh gir kardeh" refereing to the old record players that had a needle that would read the sound from the record. Sometimes the needle would get stucked and the same part would play again and again.
Parham, to not let go is only to the benefit of the IRI. Think of all your brothers and sisters who are suffering today in Iran. Nothing benefical could come out of keeping old wounds open. All secular, progressive and anti-IRI groups must unite and avoid making the same mistakes our parents made. What part of this you can't understand?
Not so fast
by manesh on Tue Aug 21, 2007 07:27 AM PDTI think you are being very harsh on both Shah and Mossadegh. You say they were both wrong and hurt us. Some say they were both right and we failed them. One thing is clear: They both gave all for their country and suffered greatly as a result. Did they owe us more than even their lives? A little respect would be in order.
As for the bad habits of Iranians: one of the worst ones is expecting others to do everything for us and being a (harsh) judge of anyone who tries.
The other one, which is a natural effect of the first, is to say "I'm sick and tired of [this] or [that]. Bring on something better". Yes, KHAN. We'll try harder to please you ...
"To move on"
by Parham on Mon Aug 20, 2007 12:05 PM PDTI think the idea here is "one who doesn't learn from the mistakes of the past is bound to repeat them", that's all. Case in point, where we are now. No chest beating!
100% with you!
by mrclass on Mon Aug 20, 2007 09:29 AM PDTI am sick of hearing about 28 mordad, coup, no coup, operation ajax, mjax, tudeh, roosvelt, etc. appearently when mossadegh used to take a shit it was all gold! Yet another karbela in making. For those who want to get an objective read on this may I suggest reading Ali Mirfetroos articles either in // or under same name.
What happend or not happend in 28 mordad was not nearly as bad as vietnam war, coup in chille, cultural reveloution in china and yet see how these countries have moved on to much brighter and prosperous future and "ma hanooz dar 28 mordad gir kardehim"!
Iranians = A bunch of Sheep = A bunch of Mordeh_Parast
by Abgousht on Sun Aug 19, 2007 06:50 PM PDT...popular Iranian tale has it that at the time of the Mongolian invasion of Iran in the 12th Century, a lone Mongol strolling in the tortuous alleys of Nishabur, then a populous and prosperous Persian city, encountered a number of hapless local inhabitants. He approached them with the intent to kill, but, to his dismay, he found that he did not have any weapons which could perform the job. He ordered the Iranians to wait for him to fetch his sword to kill them. And these pour souls obediently complied until the Mogul added a dozen more to his scores of bloody accomplishments.
Myth or no myth, the story could serve as a springboard to shed some light on the nature of the Iranian people, if not on the nature of man; ie., how extraordinary terror and panic can mesmerize man, totally immobilize his thinking process, disrupt his behavior, and if need be, make him walk into his own grave as docilely as a sheep...... "....psycho-political analysis of the Iranian Revolution was written by Dr. F. Mina and appeared in Defense and Foreign Affairs of November 1980. Somehow, it is still valid today."