Jacket 29 — April 2006 — Contents page Sorrentino — Barbara Guest — Flarf — Schuyler — Mallarmé — New Polish Poetry — Margaret Avison — Dan Dactyl comic A free internet literary magazine — Interviews — Reviews — Articles — Poems
Editor: [»»] John Tranter — Associate Editor: [»»] Pam Brown…
Gilbert Sorrentino
Sad news: Gilbert Sorrentino died in May 2006. [»»] Ken Bolton: Gilbert Sorrentino: an Introduction [»»] John O’Brien: Gilbert Sorrentino: Some Various Looks [»»] Eric Mottram: The Black Polar Night: The Poetry Of Gilbert Sorrentino [»»] Donald Phelps: Extra Space [»»] Gilbert Sorrentino in conversation with Barry Alpert, 1974 [»»] Daniel Green: A Strange Commonplace, by Gilbert Sorrentino
Barbara Guest
Douglas Messerli: The Countess of Berkeley: on Barbara Guest [»»] Charles Bernstein: Composing Herself: Barbara Guest
[»»] Bill Berkson in Conversation with Robert Glück, August 2005 [»»] Setting the World on Fire: Charles Bernstein in conversation with Leonard Schwartz, 2004 [»»] On the Nature of the Lyric: Tom Clark in conversation with Ryan Newton [»»] My Motto Is: ‘Translation Fights Cultural Narcissism’ — Chris Daniels in conversation with Kent Johnson, on Fernando Pessoa, Brazilian Poetry, and the Task of the Translator, 2005 [»»] James Schuyler: Letters from Italy, Winter 1954–55, to Frank O’Hara (a selection, ed. William Corbett) [»»] Simply, Freely, Clearly: David Kennedy reviews Just the Thing: Selected Letters of James Schuyler 1951-1991, edited by William Corbett. 470pp. Turtle Point Press. US$21.95 / £13.99. 1885586302. Paper. James Schuyler: Selected Art Writings, edited by Simon Pettet. 310pp. Black Sparrow Press. US$17.50. 157423076X. Paper. [»»] On editing James Schuyler: Simon Pettet and William Corbett and Nathan Kernan in conversation with Pam Brown The editors of Jacket thank Darragh Park and The Estate of James Schuyler, William Corbett and Turtle Point Press for their generosity in permitting Jacket to publish a selection from the book The Letters of James Schuyler to Frank O’Hara (edited by William Corbett) forthcoming in the USA from Turtle Point Press in fall 2006. ¶ Photo: James Schuyler, after lunch at Fairfield Porter’s home in Southampton, Summer 1956; photo John Button, courtesy John Ashbery. Mallarmé revisited
Stéphane Mallarmé, by Nadar
Chris Edwards: A Fluke [»»] Rachel Blau DuPlessis: Draft 73: Vertigo — a response to Mallarmé’s work. [»»] David Brooks: Le Panier Fleuri: The Text and Texture of Les Déliquescences of Adoré Floupette [»»] Christine North: Translations of two poems by Mallarmé: ‘Withheld from nude...’ and ‘When darkness threatened...’
John Tranter: Desmond’s Coupé [»»] John Tranter: a review of Musicopoematographoscope, by Australian poet Christopher Brennan, a manuscript parody of ‘Un coup de dés’ written within a few months of Mallarmé’s poem being published in the May 1897 issue of the Paris journal Cosmopolis. Polish girl: photo — Poland’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs Poems from Altered State — The New Polish Poetry. Edited by Rod Mengham, Tadeusz Pióro and Piotr Szymor. Todmorden, UK: Arc Publications, 2003. Price: £10.95. This selection was chosen by Rod Mengham and John Tranter. Visit the publisher’s website. [»»] Marcin Baran: Hot embitterments [»»] Julia Fiedorczuk: November on the Narew [»»] Darek Foks: Farewell, Haiku [»»] Mariusz Grzebalski: Slaughterhouse / Then [»»] Krzysztof Jaworski: I used to be a slender guy [»»] Bartłomiej Majzel: Scrumping [»»] Maciej Melecki: Summer, getting away from yourself [»»] Andrzej Niewiadomski: Retineo [»»] Edward Pasewicz: Bird bones [»»] Tadeusz Pióro: Bug hour [»»] Marta Podgórnik: Final destination [»»] Krzysztof Siwczyk: Metaphors and comparisons [»»] Krzysztof Śliwka: Sestina [»»] Dariusz Sośnicki: Washroom / Leaves / How to walk downstairs [»»] Andrzej Sosnowski: A song for Europe / For children [»»] Marcin Świetlicki: Battlefield / So long ago, so distinctly / McDonald’s [»»] Eugeniusz Tkaczyszyn-Dycki: XII Moon rises over the Vistula / Dernier cri / LII (‘We drink…’) / LXXX Heat / XC (‘We’d just wept… ’) [»»] Adam Wiedemann: Aesthetics of the word [»»] Grzegorz Wróblewski: Tangerines / Argument from Enghave Station / I put off the knife from my hand till tomorrow
Supplement, 2006:
[»»] Maciej Melecki: Cases and Variants / Three Colours [»»] Tadeusz Pióro: Some Methods of Crowd Control [»»] Andrzej Sosnowski: Closer / On the Hoof / Founding a Colony [»»] Agnieszka Wolny-Hamkalo: Event [»»] Grzegorz Wróblewski: Eight Poems [»»] Adam Zdrodowski: Sestine Mon Amour / Like a Tourist in a Milk Bar / Poem Written During Office Hours / Telling Fortunes On Flarf
[»»] Dan Hoy: on Flarf: The Virtual Dependency of the Post-Avant and the Problematics of Flarf: What Happens when Poets Spend Too Much Time Fucking Around on the Internet [»»] The Flarflist Collective: Actual Interview with a Six-Year-Old on the Topic of Flarf Margaret Avison
Eight poems: The World Still Needs / End of a Day or I as a Blurry [»»] Mary di Michele: Stuffing the World in at Your Eyes: Margaret Avison and the Poetics of Seeing and Believing; a review of Always Now, The Collected Poems, Three Volumes, by Margaret Avison Robert Duncan, San Francisco, 1985, photo John Tranter Articles
[»»] David Brooks: “Petit Testament”: A Reading [on the Ern Malley hoax] [»»] Stephen Kirbach: Resisting the power museum with and beyond Allen Ginsberg’s ‘Wichita Vortex Sutra’ [»»] Thomas Lisk: William Bronk’s Path Among the Forms [»»] Michael Palmer: Ground Work: on Robert Duncan [»»] John Welch: Getting it Printed: London in the 1970s [»»] Barry Wood and Bill Luckin: Catch the Music as it Fades: The Poetry of Jack Beeching Comic Strip
John Tranter: Dan Dactyl and the Mad Jungle Doctor
[»»] Erik Anderson: Join the Planets, by Reed Bye [»»] Jasper Bernes: The Hounds of No by Lara Glenum and A Defense of Poetry by Gabriel Gudding [»»] Michael Cross: Rumored Place by Rob Halpern [»»] Elaine Equi Light and Shade: New and Selected Poems, by Tom Clark [»»] Michael Farrell reviews "Hyper Taiwan: Art Design Culture", by Kurt Brereton [»»] Thomas Fink: 60 lv bo(e)mbs, by Paolo Javier [»»] John Hall: Whisper ‘Louise’, A double historical memoir and meditation, by Douglas Oliver [»»] David Koehn reviews: Profane Halo by Gillian Conoley [»»] Michael Leddy: More Winnowed Fragments by Simon Pettet [»»] David McCooey: Compared to What: Selected Poems 1971-2003 and The Ash Range by Laurie Duggan [»»] Jill Magi reviews Fantasies in Permeable Structures by Laura Elrick [»»] Nicole Mauro: The Kindly Ones, by Susan Hampton [»»] Marianne Morris: Embrace, by Andrea Brady [»»] Chris Murray: Small Works by Pam Rehm [»»] John Olson: What He Ought To Know, New and Selected Poems by Edward Foster [»»] Gerald Schwartz: Drunken Sailor by John Montague [»»] Erik Sweet: American Music by Chris Martin [»»] Erik Sweet: Father of Noise by Anthony McCann [»»] Eileen Tabios: The Passion of Phineas Gage & Selected Poems by Jesse Glass [»»] Nathaniel Tarn: Red Sky Café by Geoffrey O’Brien [»»] Ed Taylor: The Beautifully Worthless, by Ali Liebegott Poems
[»»] Andrés Ajens: Translucinating Forrest Johnson [to American-Spanish] [»»] Dustin Collis: Two poems: Title Poem / Light Plucked [»»] Alfred Corn: Rip at the Half Moon [»»] Wystan Curnow: Three poems from Modern Colours [»»] Denise Duhamel and Stephen Paul Miller: from ‘Hurricanes’: 2. B-Boy / 4. Desperate Young Americans / 6. If RFK had become President [»»] Luciano Erba: Twelve poems from Remi in barca [Shipping the Oars] translated by Peter Robinson [»»] Jon Fosse: The train in one's heart: English version by May-Brit Akerholt [»»] Bill Freind: Four poems: Serenade for Intercom and Tardy Chorister / Dispensationalist Foxtrot / Deportation Celebrant / Chillun of the Hods [»»] John Hall: An essay on lyric ethics [»»] Anthony Hawley: Six poems: ‘Awhile’ — Field Guide for Voices / Five poems from P(r)etty Sonnets [»»] Brian Henry: Three poems: Poem for the Man / Dead Aesthetic / Jesus/Stick [»»] Kent Johnson: Prosodic Structure (A bit after Barbara Guest) [»»] Kent Johnson: Julian in Nicomedeia — after Cavafy [»»] Andrew Johnston: Mauve [»»] Peter Larkin: Urban Woods (Section 1 of Open Woods) [»»] Norman MacAfee: The Coming of Fascism to America [»»] Nicholas Messenger: The Pleasures of Reading [»»] John Muckle: Speed Dating [»»] Philip Nikolayev: Two poems: Three Stars / Litmus Test [»»] Ron Padgett and Yu Jian: Five poems: Shoe Cloud / Poem 8 / Poem 9 / Poem 16 / Poem 11 [»»] Christopher Salerno: Two poems: The Republic, Book X / Not Dying [»»] Ouyang Yu: Nine Poems: Listening to the ex-Chinese-woman-soldier / Listening to the Pakistani Taxi-driver / Listening to the Big Bus Guy in London / Listening to the poet talk about himself / Listening to the Lebanese Taxi-driver / Listening to my woman patient / Listening to the 80 year old telling me a story / Listening to the Bangladeshi taxi-driver / Listening to the Chinese audience [»»] Maged Zaher: my software mission |