Saturday, December 03, 2011


having fun with SMASH. I decided to just add all the things Carson loves right now. I only have a few pages done so far and can't wait to continue adding. We have a time capsule that we used this year for fun stuff throughout the year, but I can see this changing to project life or into something like a Smashbook. xoxo

Sunday, October 30, 2011

paper and glue...

since I haven't posted in awhile...thought I would share some pages.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

oh pinterest....

oh i love thee...but you take up so much of my time....and worth every second of inspiration.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

and more...

fun making pages for Carson's books. Absolutely loving the new Amy Tangerine products and can't wait to get me some more! xoxo

Saturday, August 13, 2011

enjoying our summer...

and creating these scrapbook pages for Carson's books. xoxo

(photos on the "at the park" layout were taken by Tara Whitney. Lucky me!)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

time to shower...

It's time to shower a friend with love to celebrate her sweet baby girl. Here are the shower favors. Each girl will receive a tea cup with a paper lollie. The shower will be held at a tea house hence the tea cup party favors. Looking forward to a fun time with the girls. xoxo

Thursday, July 28, 2011

time to share...lots.

I've been busy creating as you can see below. I have so many pictures that need to be documented and can't wait to continue creating for Carson's books of memories. Love playing with paper and glue. xoxo

This page (First Steps) was inspired by April Foster.
Photo taken by Tara Whitney.
Thanks April and Tara for the inspiration!

This page (The Henkel Family) was inspired by Maggie Holmes.
Thanks Maggie for the inspiration!

Monday, May 16, 2011

memories to share.

Just hopping on here to share a few handmade memories and a fun picture of my boy! Enjoy!
the gift Carson and I created for my mom...Mother's Day. His drawing and my stitching.
that's all for now. xoxo

Sunday, April 03, 2011


It's been so long since I've posted on my blog. I recently became reconnected with a couple people on facebook (Hi Cheri and Patrice!) and they took a peek here and saw it's been I revisited this and decided it's a nice place to look back at all the milestones and exciting things that happen in the Henkel house. So with that in mind, I will attempt to add things occasionally in an effort to be able to look back when I'm scrapbooking these memories. Last month was an exciting month as Carson was able to meet his Uncle Gary, Aunt Chihiro and cousin Ali who stopped for a visit as they were passing through from Japan to their next stop. My mom and Bryan had an amazing gathering at their house for our family and their home looked wonderful. We had an amazing time with great pictures to show for it. We love that sweet little family of 3! I'm still busy at work and try to find time to scrapbook here and there...and been working on 2 books for a friend and 1/3 done on the 2 book. I've enjoyed working on them for her and happy with how they have turned out. Once complete, it will be time to work on pages for Carson's book. Have recently met 2 friends through scrapbooking and am reminded how much I love this hobby. They are so much fun to be with and enjoy paper and stickers as much as I do! Hi Alex and Sandy! xoxo Carson is really enjoying the following these days:
His favorite kitty (pictured above) Somedays I wonder if he's going to lose his arms/legs...he has had to have some mending on his little neck. This kitty is loved oh so much!

Anything Mater/Cars...can't wait for Cars 2!
Loves the following shows: Babar, Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Backyardigans, Wow Wow Wubzy. He is still a book lover. At school they said his favorite is "I love you stinky face". I have yet to locate this one at the library or Barnes and Noble. Carson is surprising us with new foods that he loves...we can add strawberries and craisins to the list. We took him to the park yesterday with such great weather and he loved kicking the ball around. Looking forward to summer for swim lessons or soccer. Bath time for that little monkey. Off I go.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

just a few pics...
