
Need I say more about the title and this post? In a gist, Christina Grimmie - a young girl who gained fame through youtube as zeldaxlove64 and the singing talent show The Voice, was shot during an autograph signing event in Orlando by an armed gunman He was then taken down by her brother where the shooter had shot himself. Sadly that took her life despite being rushed...

What is your goal?

Life is all about random occurrences that coincide leaving incidences and circumstantial situations that many would call fate or destiny. Whichever you choose to believe in - what is your goal?  Many of us go through life either taking the backseat or charging forward. Doing so, we end up with different experiences and different expectations. Things that aren't...

Do you English or England?

The picture above got me thinking. How often do we butcher our words. As I speak English primarily, this doesn't occur too frequently. Most often such pronunciation errors occur amongst people who speak it as their second language. In Malaysia, the national language is Malay. Having said that, not all Malaysians speak Malay. What surprised me even more awhile back...

The Beggar and I

No, the picture above was not the beggar I saw. The pic above was googled. I didn't have the heart to take a picture of the man even from a distance. Suffice to say, he was a mid 30's to 40 gentleman; unkempt with poor overall hygiene, cavitating teeth, barefoot and with nothing but a rugged t-shirt and shorts. It is only common to avoid eye contact or even conversation...

State of Mind

This picture reflects exactly what I'm feeling at the moment. Looking back at 2015 that's just a week ago, Wow. Truly a year that played a pivotal role towards my life's plan. Experiences that can't be bought, and questions of the future that are still a somewhat mystery. In a gist, here's 2015 - as the full story may take 10's of thousands of words and emotions to...


They say curiosity killed the cat. I say curiosity saved the other cats. From the time you and I were born, we NEVER stopped learning. If there was a day where you can definitely 100% say you didn't learn anything - you have got to share with me what did you do on that day. FYI, sleeping or being comatosed or dead - technically you're learning within your dream despite...

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