Sunday, July 31, 2011
Una PAloma Blanca
Saturday, July 30, 2011
LeBeefs 2 year anniverasry
If you just happen to be in beautiful Sweden next week you better go to mattias 2 year anniversary show. He is a great dude and is building some if the sweetest hand crafted choppers in sweden check his magical metal artistry out. We have a little project going on together it will be revealed in january at my show sooo excited love u buddy have fun.
mattias blastin
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Skydivin In AZ
All I can say about today is wooooow what an experience it was to jump out of a perfectly good plane. My good buddies, Jason, one of the top skydivers in the world works down at skydive az as one of the head instructors anD Luxi George had been telling me to come on down to Eloy, for the past couple months, to go parachute with them. I had been putting it off and off because I am a big scaredy cat, every time i thought of jumping from a plane. Well, today it happened I loaded up the whole family early this mornin with our good friends zach and soph in tow along with their little boy riahs, I hopped on the faithful old shovel and hit the road towards eloy we got there with a few hiccups along the way like the primary belt deciding to jump off headin down I-10 but we made it safe and sound. I convinced mona and zach to jump with me mona , mona was a little scared at first but once we hoped in the plane she was ready. It was scary all i could think about was i cant believe WE ARE GONNA JUMP FROM THIS PERFECT PLANE what am i thinking.. As the little plane got to 13,000 feet everyone started jumpin out I was hooked to georges wife kim who is a top instructor at the school and mona and zach were right behind me as we left the plane. As we inched to the door there was no turning back It was a feeling i cant explain If u are scared of heights u gotta do it for sure. I dont think i breathed for the first 10 seconds until i realized just go with so i did and the rest was amazing the feeling of falling is just nuts u really get a feel for the world u are in. Jason and sandy were next to us the whole time shootin video and takin pics and flying around us the whole thing happens so fast u jump u fall real fast then the shoot opens and it is so peacful and quite all the way to the ground the adrenaline rush is like no other i have ever had. It was so cool once we landed i couldnt believe I did it and so did mona and zach our first jump all together it was a great thing to share with them. After we recovered from the jump and hugged the babies we went for a little swim then over to the wind tunnel were jason showed me how to properly fly it is super hard but he makes it look so easy.Thanks so much Jason, george, kim, sandy who shot the sweet photos and video, mona, zach sophie and the babies for being troppers and the skydive az crew for such a generous gift love 4 ever jeremiah
Kim and me 10000 feet and fallin

my blushin bride so brave

What are we doing???

George is a nut

Mona and her instuructor on our way up

Jason is like a bird in the sky this man can fly for real

Zachery thinkin twice

kim is also a nut

I am thinkin this aint happenin


aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no way
like a bird

look at the view from 8000 feet
and then the shoot poooof
landin time so smooth

we are alive

Friends for life..
Kim and me 10000 feet and fallin
my blushin bride so brave
What are we doing???
George is a nut
Mona and her instuructor on our way up
Jason is like a bird in the sky this man can fly for real
Zachery thinkin twice
kim is also a nut
I am thinkin this aint happenin
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah no way
like a bird
look at the view from 8000 feet
and then the shoot poooof
landin time so smooth
we are alive
Friends for life..
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Christmas in July
This last month was like Christmas in July. I received a few super sweet gifts from friends, whom I love loads. My little brother marcus sent me a little package packed to the brim with goodies he tracked down in Ohio. I had been searching for a good set of heads for my personal knuckle and he found me a beautiful set of knuckleheads, a matched set of early cylinders, a lifter block and original H.D. pistons, still in the harley package. Thanks so much, buddy. She will be poppin wheelies real soon. He has got a job working at a real sweet shop called the gas box which is turning out some real sweet bikes.
My old holmbre jonathan cruised by last week with a Happy days puzzle he had been telling me about for years. The one that fonzi has the knuckle I couldn't believe it super cool cant wait to put her together and hang it up thanks duderino.

My big tattooed brother from a different mother, Sebastian, from the Jokers made me this sweet little handmade leather studded pouch for my telephone 'cause I lose that sucker all the time. Now it is stored safely around my neck wherever I venture. Thanks brother. Love u.

Mr. Webber over at ATR sent me some real nice pegs for my new scooter. He is making them in his top secret dungeon in sunny southern cali. Thanks so much holmbre. I owe U.
My old holmbre jonathan cruised by last week with a Happy days puzzle he had been telling me about for years. The one that fonzi has the knuckle I couldn't believe it super cool cant wait to put her together and hang it up thanks duderino.
My big tattooed brother from a different mother, Sebastian, from the Jokers made me this sweet little handmade leather studded pouch for my telephone 'cause I lose that sucker all the time. Now it is stored safely around my neck wherever I venture. Thanks brother. Love u.
Mr. Webber over at ATR sent me some real nice pegs for my new scooter. He is making them in his top secret dungeon in sunny southern cali. Thanks so much holmbre. I owe U.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Gone Fishin!!
This last weekend went down as one of my best memories in life so far. Friday, me, mona, jonas, angus and my pops loaded up in the old grand marquis car with my dads fishin boat in tow and headed for the saguaro lake for 3 days of campin. Me jonas and angus had been fishin quite a few times before but never had we had a trip like this. We headed to the same lake where I spent a lot of summers with my family when i was a little boy about the same age as jonas. We even camped at the same spot we always went to every summer caddilac cove my parents named it after their restaurant from back in the day. I hadn't been back to saguaro lake since 1992 it brought back lots of good memories with my dad. We might not of had the nicest boat on the lake but I am sure we had the most fun of everyone at that whole place. The smiles on my boys faces when the caught their first fishes was priceless true happiness with your children is incomparable to anything in the world.. Between jonas and angus they reeled in 31 fish mostly blue gill and a few good size catfish jonas and my dad caught at about 4 in the mornin. We got home and spelled fish on the front lawn something me and my pops always did.. We chowed them down and have been eatin them up these last few days good stuff. Till next time my sons love dad.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
19 seconds of fun on a 1965 xlch
I just finished this little beast of a motor scooter a 1965 xlch up for greg out in brooklyn new york. i got the bike from my little brother marcus about six months ago and i changed the motor to a 65 xlch and put some secrets inside also changed the tank and bars and a few little doo dads and now she is so sweet and oh so fast she can really move hope you like her greg love jeremiah

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Germany/Sweden road trip of memories
I have been trying to wake up super early for the last couple weeks and finally woke up @ 3 am this morning so I could scan all my photos from my trip to Germany and Sweden sorry for the delay. I took along my old nikon for the trip because i wanted to have this trip saved to good old reliable B&W film, I shot a few rolls of film i wish it was more but the pictures i dont have on film are forever exposed on the memory card of my brain. My little brother Benji came along with me and made my trip more memorable if u have ever spent time with him u will know what i mean thanks so much sweet face, anyways he shot loads of pics with his digital cam and is slowing posting some pics up on his BLOBgeR.
Our trip started in munchen germany on the 7th of june at the Draggers clubhouse were we had an amazing fish feast and from then on we where on the road in a truck, bike or a boat till the 21st of june it was a real sweet time that blew by so fast. Our first 14 hours in germany was spent in the back of a cargo van in the middle of the night headed for northern germany to a city called Keil to meet up with the rest of the german crew who had left the day earlier with all there old cars, we caught the ferry to Sweden that afternoon after touring a little bit of germany. I had never been on a boat so big in my life or for that amount of time the ferry ride was like 18 hours which dropped us in Gotenborg sweden the next morning.
We unloaded the bikes the next morning and started putting down some miles across the swedish countyside headed for a little town called Tidaholm in the heart of the country were the Jokers held there sweet car and bike show. I must tell you the bike show was undescribable u have to go next year and see it for yourself believe me. We got a few miles before we hit our first rain storm they say it always rains or snows in sweden but when the sun comes out it is an experience to ride there and to feel a different country by way of a motorcycle with friends Plus the sun doesnt go down till like 1 in the mornig and then pops back up at 4 or something like that, the days were a little blurry because they lasted so long. We spent 6 days in that beautiful country seeing and doing lots of memorable things i will forever hold dear to my heart. Gotenborg is a real sweet place and it is the home of the jokers clubhouse which is filled to the roof with tons of sweet old bikes and even sweeter people. They also have the nicest bar in the city called the sissybar u must go and see and sebastians tattoo parlor where he gave me a sweet new tattoo i love u buddy.
We boarded the boat back to germany for another sweet 18 hour sea adventure with with the whole swedish crew with us now, we all pigged out till who knows when in the amazing buffet on the boat it was like a 4 star buffet not the usual 5.99 chinese buffet like we have in the states this thing was all class.. The next morning back in Keil germany we unloaded off the ferry and hit the road with i think 10 old bikes headed for bottrop car show in the middle of the country. We almost had a whole day with sunshine across the country cruisin at a nice pace of 65 mph on the autobahn were cars go faster than i can describe but it was sweet riding in such a sweet pack of friends. Our day wasnt complete though it wouldnt of been perfect without a little rain to finish the day off. I think it was the strongest rain storm I had ever been 4 real like somebody turned on the firehouse but it was amazing me and benji where the only ones whose rain suits made it into the other van that wasnt with us on the road so we improvised with trash bags. Anyways we made it to bottrop safe and sound that night and chilled.
The next couple days in bottrop was real sweet lots of cool cars and bikes and even more sweet people u must go and experience it. That sunday we split our paths with the swedes they headed north to sweden and we headed south to munchen to catch our flight home. I couldn't wait for that 15 hour flight to end so I could see my little babies and mama it was so sweet i was sandwiched between two 300 pound plus germans with some amazing B.O. memories it was an awesome time with all of you guys LOve 4 ever Jeremiah
Map of memories

PEter and his baby boy
Jokers house
rikard and sebastian
family time
Jive turkeys
Rikard, baby boy, Peter. the viking brothers
Pretty boy rikard and jules
Kilos an hour

my favorite pan
Brothers from diffrent mothers
sebastians flathead amazing in color
Le beefs amazing mochine
Da boys
tobi the punk
michael and klause the face demolisher
nicke and magnus

Jules and Johanna
Peter bong hair, Mattias

LE BEEF aka mattias
JOker Jimmy
Benji high times

jules gas

Andrea my sweetness, jules wrenchin

ferry boats
jimmys pan
Gus pan
tattoos in sweden
nicke the handsome, jermiah the fat, rikard the handsomer man
microwave chicken wings
Mr Wright.
fur face

sebastioan and adam
plastic surgery
shine time
Family portrait
Our trip started in munchen germany on the 7th of june at the Draggers clubhouse were we had an amazing fish feast and from then on we where on the road in a truck, bike or a boat till the 21st of june it was a real sweet time that blew by so fast. Our first 14 hours in germany was spent in the back of a cargo van in the middle of the night headed for northern germany to a city called Keil to meet up with the rest of the german crew who had left the day earlier with all there old cars, we caught the ferry to Sweden that afternoon after touring a little bit of germany. I had never been on a boat so big in my life or for that amount of time the ferry ride was like 18 hours which dropped us in Gotenborg sweden the next morning.
We unloaded the bikes the next morning and started putting down some miles across the swedish countyside headed for a little town called Tidaholm in the heart of the country were the Jokers held there sweet car and bike show. I must tell you the bike show was undescribable u have to go next year and see it for yourself believe me. We got a few miles before we hit our first rain storm they say it always rains or snows in sweden but when the sun comes out it is an experience to ride there and to feel a different country by way of a motorcycle with friends Plus the sun doesnt go down till like 1 in the mornig and then pops back up at 4 or something like that, the days were a little blurry because they lasted so long. We spent 6 days in that beautiful country seeing and doing lots of memorable things i will forever hold dear to my heart. Gotenborg is a real sweet place and it is the home of the jokers clubhouse which is filled to the roof with tons of sweet old bikes and even sweeter people. They also have the nicest bar in the city called the sissybar u must go and see and sebastians tattoo parlor where he gave me a sweet new tattoo i love u buddy.
We boarded the boat back to germany for another sweet 18 hour sea adventure with with the whole swedish crew with us now, we all pigged out till who knows when in the amazing buffet on the boat it was like a 4 star buffet not the usual 5.99 chinese buffet like we have in the states this thing was all class.. The next morning back in Keil germany we unloaded off the ferry and hit the road with i think 10 old bikes headed for bottrop car show in the middle of the country. We almost had a whole day with sunshine across the country cruisin at a nice pace of 65 mph on the autobahn were cars go faster than i can describe but it was sweet riding in such a sweet pack of friends. Our day wasnt complete though it wouldnt of been perfect without a little rain to finish the day off. I think it was the strongest rain storm I had ever been 4 real like somebody turned on the firehouse but it was amazing me and benji where the only ones whose rain suits made it into the other van that wasnt with us on the road so we improvised with trash bags. Anyways we made it to bottrop safe and sound that night and chilled.
The next couple days in bottrop was real sweet lots of cool cars and bikes and even more sweet people u must go and experience it. That sunday we split our paths with the swedes they headed north to sweden and we headed south to munchen to catch our flight home. I couldn't wait for that 15 hour flight to end so I could see my little babies and mama it was so sweet i was sandwiched between two 300 pound plus germans with some amazing B.O. memories it was an awesome time with all of you guys LOve 4 ever Jeremiah
Map of memories
PEter and his baby boy
my favorite pan
Jules and Johanna
LE BEEF aka mattias
Benji high times
jules gas
Andrea my sweetness, jules wrenchin
ferry boats
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