Chinchillas are squirrel-like animals from the mountains of Chile. Their name Chinchilla means "little chincha".

Ironically their name was derived from people from the Andes who are distinctly known for wearing garments made from the Chinchillas fur. In 1923, Engineer Mathias Chapman brought eleven wild Chinchillas to the United States to preserve their species by breeding and domestication.

There are two kinds of Chinchillas. Royal Chinchilla (Chinchilla Brevicaudata) Short-tailed, stockier in build and more rounded to the eye. These species still live in the mountains and domestication of this specie is rare.
Chinchilla Lanigera or the Long-tailed are streamlined in appearance and have been kept as pets in the United States since the 1960's. Only recently has the popularity began to skyrocket.

Keeping Chinchillas as pets requires the same commitment and dedication as other pets. These species are nocturnal in nature; they are rarely active in daytime and reserve their energy for playtime at night 'till dawn. Chinchillas are skittish and very playful, making them suitable pets for adults and adolescents but not younger children. These species aren't like dogs that appreciate being hugged. These furry creatures are curious by nature and need to be let out of their cages often to exercise and satisfy their eagerness.

Chinchillas have their own communication; they make a different noise depending on how they feel. These noises range form calm chirping, aggressive barks or startled/ excited squeaks. When housed with other Chinchillas, they are generally peaceful and don't fight among each other.

Chinchillas are voracious chewers, having chew toys and wood pieces help satisfy their habit. Wood chips should be Birch, Willow or Apple. It is best to avoid wood like Cedar since they contain toxic resins that can harm Chinchillas digestive tract. Chew toys are available in material that suits Chinchillas; it is advisable to give one, which is recommended for your pet. Housing them requires a wire cage and be sure to avoid plastics in any part of their cage. It is important to note that Chinchillas don not sweat. So their cage must have good air circulation, or else your Chinchilla can suffer from heat stroke.

Chinchillas come in gray, beige, ebony, silver and sometimes with markings. They keep clean by taking dust baths with store bought Chinchilla dust. This is a special mixture that replicates the dust a Chinchilla will have available to it in the wild. These creatures treasure their bath time since this is one way they clean themselves. Rolling in the dust makes their fur soft and bright. Another reminder for future Chinchilla owners, giving them water baths causes their fur to grow fungus. This would in turn cause an infection in the Chinchillas respiration system. In case your pet accidentally gets wet, emergency treatment would be blow-drying in low setting until its fur is relatively dry.

Chinchilla's digestive systems are rather sensitive. They cannot digest sweets or fatty foods making them prone to diabetes. A strict and rigid diet of hay pellets must be followed. Though they are close relatives of Squirrels, nuts are not to be given to Chinchillas due to it's fatty content. Just like most pets, regular hydration is required. Keep a bottle of clean water near your Chinchilla at all times.

Chinchillas live for around 15 to 20 years and can be a very loving pet. As soon as you choose your little Chinchilla, it is best to handle it gently. This initial contact is like a child's formative years, it is imprinted and makes training easier to do.


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