Yesterday Leland came over on his bicycle after he'd finished bouldering at the gym which is a about six blocks from my apartment. We visited awhile and got to talking about a Camera World event that interested the two of us, him because he'd like to look at the newest model of the camera he already had, me because I wanted to check it out too because my Nikon D5100, although I adore it, is just so doggone heavy for me any more. So, I said, "Let's go!" Camera World had e-mailed me about their Trade-In event--Leland had received it too--so their marketing ploy worked on the two of us. Leland rode home and came back in his car. We got a parking spot right beside the store, so I didn't have to walk far. The guys in the store brought me a comfortable chair which even had a place for me to put my feet, sort of a stool which was easy to get on and off. Anyway, we ended up trading in our cameras and getting a new one, each of us--we'll be able to tell them apart because my lens is a newer model than his.
Now I'm shooting with an Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II. I've never owned anything but Nikon, so this will take a bit of getting used to. Leland has only owned this camera, so he's going to be a fantastic teacher and resource person who, by my having given birth to him, will happily put up with my asking the same questions over and over again until I am able to remember what I need to remember.
This is the third photo that I took with it this morning. These items sitting to my left as I type, atop one of those sectional book case cabinet things which you put together--you know, particle board covered in vinyl that resembles wood--mean a whole lot to me. There's the porcelain Cupie Doll that Mama loved; the blue glass head that I love; the painting of our darling Duncan that everyone adores (which we have thanks to Leslie and Chris); peaking out from behind it there's the owl that my Mama's mother Mama Sudie loved.
And standing over it all is a papier mache deer that I have named Ruby Pearl the Yes Dear Girl. I painted her myownself, with Yes Dear in various languages among the flowers. I love her because she reminds me how much my husband and I loved each other. You see, my sweetheart of a husband LeRoy loved to be out and about with our friends and throw in the occasional "Yes, dear." whenever he had the opportunity, sort of like he was the all-suffering man about the house. All of us knew that he was joking out the wazoo, that the two of us were equal members of our fine partnership of love. Anyway, when this deer ended up in my classroom years ago after having served as a high school skit prop, I couldn't just toss her out--yes, I know that girl deer don't have horns in real life, but, hey, she's made of papier mache.