Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Armed In Thailand - What Can You Tell Us?

Really Obscure Gun Blog Question
What do you know about how to get a gun, or gun ownership, in Thailand?
We know someone that is going deep into the country where police and military won’t offer protection. What would you recommend to carry? What can you tell us?
We don’t want to end up on “Locked Up Abroad” but we want to come out alive...

Thanks - this one is personal boys!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

H.R. 45 - What News Do You Want?

Were you aware of House Resolution 45, the Blair Holt act?

Which leads us to the next question:

What gun, gear or veteran news would you like to see from Human Events? You tell us and we will deliver it to your inbox.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Defend the Homestead

I think I'm pretty prepared but a recent power outage combined with a gang shooting not far from the house had me thinking. I had access to my Berretta M9 with 15 loaded and 2 back up mags with 15 each. But my Mini 14 and AR 15 were not battle ready. So give me your thoughts on loaded mags, sheltering in place during a power outage, food and water storage. Let's talk survival. Is 50 rounds ready to fire enough? How much water do you store (25 gallons for me)?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Best Story Wins!

Best story wins a copy of Karl Von Clausewitz book; War, Politics and Power.

Winner announced Thursday morning.

This is a true story and the luckiest I shot ever made.

I was starling hunting with my .22. Shot the bird on the limb I was aiming at and hit a starling that was on a tall limb on another tree behind the one I shot. A flock of sparrows was flying by and I hit one with the same bullet. Got 3 varmints with one shot from a .22. I even have a witness. (and yes all were legally varmints)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Answer the following:

1) What was the hardest kicking rifle you ever fired?

2) What is the gun you could never sell?

Here are mine…

1) My Ruger #3 in 45-70 - kicked so hard with hot loads it split my lip.

2) I have the Carcano rifle that was used for ballistics from the Kennedy assassination given to me by one of the officers of the NRA and my father's Walther P-38 made in 1944 he left to me when he died.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Design the Ultimate Urban Defense Firearm

A friend of mine once called the Ruger Mini-30 the ultimate urban defense rifle. That got me thinking. What is the ultimate urban defense rifle?

My criteria:
1) Semiautomatic
2) 16”-18” medium-heavy barrel
3) 6.5lbs or less without optics
4) 1200 ft-lbs energy at 200 yards
5) 20-30 round magazines
6) Peep sights with optics mount option
7) AR-15 platform

Now here is the controversial part - .260 Remington.

So what do you say?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pick 5 and Only 5

If you could only own 5 guns what would they be? Here are mine:

.22 rimfire rifle – the 10/22 is my favorite
.40 S&W pistol - for conceal carry and bedside. I’ll take a Polymer framed Kahr.
.223 – an AR-15, accuracy and firepower
30-06 – bolt action, scoped, a Ruger 77 or Remington 700.
20 Gauge - Model 870 – I have to admit I struggled with this one.

I live in Virginia, so that means deer, turkey, coyote, small game and birds. Also need to protect the homestead and the AR & .40 can take care of that nicely.

What do you say?


Monday, April 13, 2009

Talk'n Turkey

Let’s talk turkey. It’s Spring Gobbler season. What advice do you have for first time hunters? Is a .22 Hornet too much gun? What pellet size works best in your shotgun for Toms? Ground blind or tree stand? Got any turkey cleaning tips?

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Welcome 2nd Amendment Supporters

Welcome to the first post on The Range Officer.

Here is my question?

What is the best home defense gun and flashlight combo?

A Taurus PT 101 stoked with 12 rounds of Hornady 155 grain HP sitting next to a Pelican 760 (the LAPD light) and a SureFire C2 Centurion (better to have 2 lights handy I figure).
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