Samurai Megazord
The Samurai Megazord is formed when the Rangers write the kanji for "unite" to make their zords to combine. It is armed with a katana that the Zord uses in its Samurai Strike attack. |
Beetle Blaster Megazord
The Samurai Megazord can combine with the Beetle Blaster zord and form a helmet of sorts for the Megazord and give it incredible power. |
Swordfish Fencer Megazord
The Swordfish Fencer Megazord is formed when the Swordfishzord forms into armor for the Samurai Megazord to wear. Armed with a Twin Blade Mode for the saber. In its Strike Position, the saber can attach to the head and executes the Swordfish Slash attack, which the megazord bows down slashing everything in front of it. |
Tiger Drill Megazord
The Tiger Drill Megazord is formed when the Tigerzord forms into armor for the Samurai Megazord to wear. Its weapons are its Tiger Drills. |
Octo Spear Megazord
The Octo Spear Megazord is formed when the Octozord forms into armor for the Samurai Megazord to wear. Its weapons include Spear Thrust, Ice Breath and its finisher Samurai Strike. |
Samurai Shark Megazord
This is formed when the Shark Sword enlarges into the Sharkzord and forms the armor and sword for the Samurai Megazord to use. Like the normal sized Shark Sword, the sword can extend to great lengths and bite enemies on the tip of the sword. |