4 hours ago
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Painting Table Update
Hi all,
Wow 2 posts in 2 days, I'm on a roll! Thought I would post up the paint station every now and then to share what I'm currently working on.
I've got some Foundry old west Mexicans, some ww1 French cavalry, some privateer press hordes Circle Orboros, some Forge World space marines and lots of other bits.
Fairly tidy as well for a change!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Darkest Africa Group
Hi all,
Long time no blog... Life has changed and there is little time for the brushes. But I am chipping away at the lead mountain when I can.
Back to my favourite period today, some Foundry Darkest Africa characters. Love painting miniatures from this range and have many many more to do!
These miniatures are available individually on ebay, please take a look!
Ruga Ruga
Witch Doctor
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Some eBay auctions
Hi Guys,
Nothing new this time im afraid. I am reorganising my Old West posses and I have some extra minis so decided to part with them in the hope of funding a pirates project im pondering.
Here are the links to the auctions and images of the minis for sale, thanks for looking.
Nothing new this time im afraid. I am reorganising my Old West posses and I have some extra minis so decided to part with them in the hope of funding a pirates project im pondering.
Here are the links to the auctions and images of the minis for sale, thanks for looking.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wulf & Gronk - A Palette Cleanser.
Hi guys,
Something a bit different this time. I've painted a few Foundry 2000AD characters in the past and loved them but they have been near the bottom of the lead mountain for too long. So I needed a palette cleanser and I am so glad I chose these two to paint. They were AMAZING to paint. Can't say enough good things about this range of minis. I have been trying a new red recipe and I feel it turned out nicely here. Especially next to the warm yellow. Gronk was much easier but I had to paint all the ridges on the arms otherwise it would look too flat. Anyway, I highly recommend throwing a random mini into the painting queue to keep things fresh and interesting.
Played a fair number of warmahordes games over the last two weeks. Made my first "official" visit to the Heavy Brigade WM group in the Thames Valley and have a highly successful evening with 0 wins and 5 losses :o) Back to the drawing boards... Had a great time and if your are in the Thames Valley area, look them up!
Something a bit different this time. I've painted a few Foundry 2000AD characters in the past and loved them but they have been near the bottom of the lead mountain for too long. So I needed a palette cleanser and I am so glad I chose these two to paint. They were AMAZING to paint. Can't say enough good things about this range of minis. I have been trying a new red recipe and I feel it turned out nicely here. Especially next to the warm yellow. Gronk was much easier but I had to paint all the ridges on the arms otherwise it would look too flat. Anyway, I highly recommend throwing a random mini into the painting queue to keep things fresh and interesting.
Played a fair number of warmahordes games over the last two weeks. Made my first "official" visit to the Heavy Brigade WM group in the Thames Valley and have a highly successful evening with 0 wins and 5 losses :o) Back to the drawing boards... Had a great time and if your are in the Thames Valley area, look them up!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
More Darkest Africa I Presume?
Hi All,
More Darkest Africa. Really enjoyed painting these, particularly the explorer. So much character in this sculpt and I'm so glad to get round to him.
The Askari came out well also but the flesh always comes out too dark in pics and you lose some of the highlights. He looks better in the flesh!
These are on eBay for sale so please take the time to take a look:
Still working on my Warmachine armies, particularly Cygnar. Almost finished a max unit of stormguard which will be a huge achievement for me as I struggle getting units done as I lose concentration...
Getting ideas together for the Warmachine blog so hopefully more on that soon.
Thanks and heres an individual pic of the explorer
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
A New Post!?
Hi all,
Woohoo a new post!
This time some more Darkest Africa minis from Copplestone and Foundry. The Guy in the blue coat is a Ltd Edition Copplestone mini that was briefly on sale again which I snapped up quick! Managed to get the Masai Elder as well but missed out on the elephant hunter - gutted :(
So real life has taken over hobby a lot but I'm getting more time again hopefully. I want to keep posting regularly again, at least once a fortnight but hopefully more.
As usual I am playing a lot of Warmachine / Hordes. I am thinking of starting a new blog devoted to WM and posting battle reports. A little project for the future perhaps?
I am also a big fan of a new ruleset called Smooth and Rifled by Dadi & Piombo. It is a small scale historical skirmish ruleset that they have adapted for a range of periods. We are interested in Napoleonic and Darkest Africa so far. Go and have a look! Here's the link to the download:
Saturday, February 18, 2012
The dice were not with me...
Thought i would write the odd post here or there on my experiences in gaming and the hobby in general, in addition to posts about painted models and hobby time.
This post is about a game i had last night with a good friend of mine. We played a 35pt battle of Warmachine (Cryx vs Cygnar). It was the first game in a few weeks for me so was very excited to get the dice rolling.
However, when the dice started rolling they were not playing nice... I have not had a game where i have rolled so many ones for as long as i can remember. Really was disheartening as there is nothing you can do about dice rolls.
This is not a moaning post, it has simply reminded me how fickle feelings towards a game of toy soldiers can be. I love this hobby and how it enriches the creative and social side of my life. But when the dice are against you the enjoyment really can drift away (even if just momentarily).
BUT, im a big boy and i realise this is just one of those things. Ive had a good run of luck with games and a blip was bound to surface sometime soon. Im glad that the blip was down to rotten dice and not a rotten opponent. I thank my opponent for putting up with my long face towards the end of the game and for being a decent bloke :)
I would like to hear of any other experiences with bad dice from anyone who reads this, perhaps we could start a support group!
Finally, i would like to say a big thank you to all those who are following this blog. I don't advertise it much and use it mainly as bit of fun so i really appreciate it when i get the odd comment on a post or a new follower pops up. Good stuff guys.
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