Rockerek.hu azonos�t�-sz�m: 0005956 | Weboldal c�me: http://rockerek.hu/wounded | Lakhely: Kom�rom, Felvid�k | Sz�let�snap: 1983-09-23 |
Regisztr�ci� d�tuma: 2008.02.16. 13:52:01 | L�togat�sok sz�ma: 3773 | Utols� bejelentkez�s: 2014.03.16. 17:53:07 |
Hozz�sz�l�sok: 359 |
K�pek : |
Kedvenc egy�ttesei : |
Aebsence, Amorphis, Anathema, Arch Enemy (old), Arcturus, At The Gates, Atheist, Borknagar, Carcass, Control Denied, Cynic, Dark Tranquillity, DeadSoul Tribe, Death, Down, Emperor, Empyrium, Enchant, Enslaved, Fates Warning, Fear Factory, Gire, Gojira, Green Carnation, Hacride, Hypocrisy, Ihsahn, Immortal, In The Woods..., Katatonia, Mastodon, Meshuggah, Moon Of Soul, Moonspell, Morbid Angel, My Dying Bride, Nevermore, Nightingale, Opeth, Pain, Pain Of Salvation, Paradise Lost, Porcupine Tree, Primordial, Psychotic Waltz, Redemption, Riverside, Samael, Sieges Even, Solefald, Strapping Young Lad, Tesseract, Textures, Tiamat, Tool, Ulver |
Egy�ttes profiljai : |
Dysentery (�nek), Hypnosphere (git�r, vok�l), Neurasthenia (�nek) |
Mag�r�l : |
Some voices...www.myspace.com/hypnospheresk |
Szavazatok : |
Hozz�sz�l�sok : |
Nincs hozz�sz�l�s. |