Reached home at 9pm and went for a run round the estate.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Present
It's that time of year again when I have to wreck my brain to come up with what to get my Baby.
(I never knew there was a Mr. Christmas)
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:38 AM
Labels: Baby
Friday, December 14, 2007
I still love her so very much but I've decided for her happiness I'll take a step back and let her do what she wants. I pray to God for strength to follow through with this and to watch out for her when I'm not there. Amen.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:52 PM
Labels: Baby
Another run, this time from home to the stadium, 7 rounds and back home. Followed by pull ups (3, 1, 2, 3).
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:29 PM
Labels: Training
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Did a run round the estate, first one after the SCSM. Right foot still hurts slightly, stamina took a dip. Finished off with push ups (3 x 10) and sit ups (30, 20, 10). Slow start to getting the engine running again.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:24 PM
Labels: Training
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
George Jensen
Koppel Chronograph
Chronograph watch crafted in stainless steel with black calfskin strap. Design by Henning Koppel.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
4:04 PM
Labels: Things to buy
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon
A quick recap of what happened on race day...
Woke up feeling half dead at 4.50 am. LATE!!! Had planned to meet Mike and CM at the baggage deposit point at 5.30 am. A quick rinse, no toilet time and I'm off. Managed to flag a cab when my phone went off, it was Mike asking where on earth am I. Met up with the guys fifteen minutes later at the memorial park and its already crowding with people ready for the half marathon. Sharing a protein bar, we slowly made towards Fullerton One where the start point was.
6.15 am and we're off! Well sort of, there were so many runners that we had to trot till the old Collyer Quay before we could start running. Weather was good and we slowly moved to the middle of the HM group. Being CM and my first 21k, we decided to be careful not to push too much ourselves too much in the earlier portion. We ran pass some runners taking a leak in the bushes turning into Marina Bay, no girls though.
We covered the first 15k in a pretty relaxed pace and then the rest became a blur.
15k- ran ahead of Mike and CM
17k- legs started to cramp up so slowed to a walk and legs felt like jello...
18k - CM over took me with a towel tied around his head
18.5k- started to jog with cramps slowly creeping back
19-20k- every step sparked off a series of cramp, feet, calf, thigh, butt cheek (not always in order)
20.5k- saw the finishing line, adrenaline kicked in and started to speed up. Miraculously the cramps disappeared as I started to sprint. Went pass Mike at the last 500m mark.
21.2k- Finishing line! Didn't even know I was looking at the camera as I pass the Golden (white) Arch, must be the Star in me... Barely missed a guy in a NYP athletics team singlet who stopped right in my path to tend to his cramps.
The feeling of finishing was incredible! The furthest distance I had covered before this was 10k at the Terry Fox 2006. Still couldn't feel my legs though, as I floated to collect my medal (everyone gets one). Legs couldn't stop shaking while I tried to remove the senor chip. Lost sight of both Mike and CM so made my way to collect my stuff and to the nearest toilet to relieve the protein bar.
Even though my right foot is still hurting from tying the stupid sensor too tightly, I can't wait for the next run!
Maybe I'll psycho Zen to join...
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:11 AM
Labels: Training
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Heart break
Days are harder to get by these days without her. And to make matters worst, I can't afford to tell her what I'm thinking which if I do, will most likely make her cry. Which is a big no-no since she's on recovery from Lasik surgery. Sigh...
My heart feels like its dying a little more everyday...
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
12:28 AM
Labels: Baby
Monday, November 12, 2007
Barbeque at my place
Some were very tired...
More photos here.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:30 PM
Labels: Friends
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 2, 30 x 1
Estate Run
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
9:45 PM
Labels: Training
Sunday, October 21, 2007
More photos here.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
9:39 PM
Labels: Baby
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Estate Run
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
10:10 PM
Labels: Training
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Healthy Hair
The living parts are the follicles, tiny hair-growing factories under your scalp. They're nourished mainly by the protein in your diet, and by carbohydrates like whole grains (they provide energy); essential fatty acids from fish, nuts, and soy (they hydrate follicles); and vitamins B6, B12 and biotin, found in eggs, salmon, bananas and spinach (they help strengthen your hair's outer layer, called the cuticle). Iron is also essential because it stimulates hair turnover and replenishment.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
2:11 PM
Labels: Health Tips - Hair
Friday, October 12, 2007
Night Safari
Mandai Zoo... at night
Was down for our first Night Safari and I have to say that its overrated (referring to the night safari). Highlight of the night would have to be Zen's foot brushing against an overgrown branch on the trail and freaking out (also happened to a female tourist twice Zen's size, so no one is saying "Scaredy Cat!"). We started with the creatures of the night show which was quite entertaining but a little short. Following which we took the tram ride. Pretty limited variety of animals although we managed to see a couple of them up close (up close = can reach out and strangle the furry fellow) so thats a plus point. Zen was sick, coughing up half her lung so we're pretty sure half the animal population in the safari will be down with flu too. All in all it was something refreshing though you wouldn't see me at the Night Safari till my kids drag me there (when I have kids say in yr 2500).
P.S: Good place for making out, damn freaking dark.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:50 PM
Labels: Baby
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:46 PM
Labels: Training
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Estate Run
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
10:01 PM
Labels: Training
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Estate Run
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
10:08 PM
Labels: Training
Friday, September 21, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
10:05 PM
Labels: Training
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Pushups - 20 x close, 20 x standard, 20 x wide
Crunches - 25 x 3
Estate Run
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
8:43 PM
Labels: Training
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Friday, September 7, 2007
Estate Run (Interval Training - Sprinting)
Pushups - 15 x close, 15 x standard, 15 x wide
Crunches - 20 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:33 PM
Labels: Training
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Estate Run
Pushups - 15 x close, 15 x standard, 15 x wide
Crunches - 20 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
10:16 PM
Labels: Training
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Estate Run
Pushups - 10 x close, 10 x standard, 10 x wide
Crunches - 15 x 3
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
2:09 PM
Labels: Training
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Langrisser - Best game ever
Langrisser (Warsong)
This is the first ever game I've played. Well, not really the first, think that would karate on the ancient apple pc. Langrisser is the first RPG (Role Playing Game) that I've played and it's also the reason why I'm hooked on RPG games. It is still to date one of the greatest strategy games.
What sets Langrisser apart from others is its tremendous scale. Most similar games have you controlling between five and ten single units. By comparison, in Langrisser it's not uncommon to control over thirty units at one time, fighting against scores of enemies on a single map. The main characters are extremely powerful unit dubbed "generals". Each general commands a battalion of generic soldiers, and the two share an important symbiotic relationship with each other.
Some guy did a in-depth summary here
Can't wait for my Langrisser III to arrive.
Update: Langrisser III is sold out... Boo Hoo!!!
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
12:14 PM
Labels: Gaming
Thursday, June 14, 2007
IPPT at Khatib Camp
Took my IPPT on 13 June before my deadline on 14 June (Hahaha). Managed a pass with incentive.
Some points to note:-
Shuttle Run - 10.4secs (4 points)
Wasted time during the turns, should end before and reach for the sensors.
Time to achieve - 10.2 or faster
Sit-up - 39 (5 points) no sweat
Standing Board Jump - 216 (2 points)
Aiming point should be above and away from the board, have to tuck in my legs more during the lift.
Distance to achieve - 238 or further
Chip-up - 5 (2 points)
Basically have to improve upper body strength
Reps to achieve - 11
2.4 run - 10.36 (5 points)
Good effort (pat pat myself). However, wasn't exhausted after the run which meant I didn't push myself enough. The trick is to run fast during the start then keep the pace. Somehow I know my body will push itself to keep up. It's only 6 rounds.
Timing to achieve - 9.59mins or faster
On the whole, good job! Time to spend the 100bucks!
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
12:11 PM
Labels: Training
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Training - Weights & Cardio
Gym at Toa Payoh
Went to the gym besides the Toa Payoh stadium, cost me $2.50.
Shoulder Press 5kg x 12, 7.5kg x 10, 10kg x 8, 7.5kg x 10
Incline Press up 5kg x 12, 7.5kg x 10, 7.5kg x 12
Bicep Curls 5kg x 12, 7.5kg x 10, 5kg x 15
Tricep Curls 5kg x 12, 7.5kg x 10, 5kg x5
Did another 3km run the following day
Distance - 3km
Timing - 14mins 6secs
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
1:07 PM
Labels: Training
Monday, June 4, 2007
Training - Cardio
Running at Toa Payoh Stadium
Did another 3km run today, timing was better but still needs improvement.
Distance - 3km
Timing - 14mins 4secs
I'm averaging 1min 53secs a round, need to reduce to 1min 40secs.
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:13 AM
Labels: Training
Friday, June 1, 2007
Training - Weights & Cardio
Training in Toa Payoh
Pullups - x3
Chinups - x2 x2 x2
Dips - x4 x5 x10
Situps - x15 x 15 x15
Pushups - x10 x10 x10
Distance - 3km
Timing - 14mins 45secs
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
11:21 AM
Labels: Training
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Training in Toa Payoh
Pullups x 3
Dips x 4 x 5 x 6
Chinups x2 x2 x2
Situp x15 x15 x15 (Shoulder blades off the ground)
Pressups Diamond x 10 Standard x 10 Wide x 10
Distance - 3km
Time - 16mins 50 secs
15 days to go
Posted by
Name: Robert Ang
1:14 AM
Labels: Training