ConvertXToDVD (aka DivXtoDVD) is a 1 click solution to convert your movie files to a compatible DVD playable on any home DVD player. ConvertXToDVD supports most popular format such Blu-Ray(M2TS), DivX, Xvid, MOV, VOB, Mpeg, Mpeg4, AVI, WMV, MP4, MKV, DV and stream formats. It converts your single files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD media. Supports switchable subtitles from srt,sub/idx.
Hello to all and thanks for droppin by again and welcome to BELAJAR BUAT BLOG PERCUMA. As you can see there are many video file format around us these day..and the video contains our favorite songs or movies. The problems come out after we download from free file hosting like youtube, google video and etc. The file contains the format which we don't want..either file are too big or have to download another software before we can run it. So we have to change the format first before make another step.
Okeyss guysss today i wanna share this very useful software called 'VIDEO CONVERTER PORTABLE 2'. I've tried this software about 2 months and its very great and you should try it also and the best thing is it's absolutely FREE. Really simple to do with 3 little step and you done. And why this topic is out of my blog scope? Don't ask me my dear friend ask my big brother Mr. Zahrol hehehehe....
Thanks for droppin by again and welcome to BELAJAR BUAT BLOG PERCUMA sekali lagi. Untuk post kali ini aku nk terang kan bagaimana cara nak buat table dalam posting anda atau HOW TO MAKE TABLE IN BLOG POST dlm bahasa penjajah hehehehe..Masalah begini memang selalu berlaku terutama kepada blog master-blog master yang hendak senaraikan barangan harga atau menyenaraikan nama sesebuah organisai dan persatuan..memang leceh..
Sebenarnya terdapat beberapa cara boleh dilakukan seperti contoh GOOGLE EXCELL. Tapi ramai yang complaint kerana 'kureng' mesra pengguna... See below table example :-
Tim. Pengarah
Cik Sue
Pen. Setiausaha
nie script nyer..copy paste pastu korang pandai-padailer ubah mana-mana yang patut :)
Good day to all..salam sejahtera pada semua..dah lama aku tak membuat post dalam blog nie hehhehe..wokeys from the title above what is exactly 'float image'..Korang nampak tak kat bottom my blog nie sebelah kanan..yang like logo tu hehehe tu ler 'float image' today i want to share very simple technique how to make this need to modify your html code...
There are steps that we gonna do...
1. login to your blogger 2. click layout --> add a gadget --> html/javascript 3. copy and paste below code ( just pick one for one float image )