Gemma Rose, thirteen.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

 Dear Gemmi, 

My gorgeous girl (you know the voice we say that in). A real teenager now and so full of all the very best parts of girlhood. Every day you fill our home with outbursts of laughter, hearty eye emojis, and dance moves. But the best part of girlhood is through shared connection: eye to eye, sharing the daily updates from our lives, randomly bursting out inside jokes, and little pick-me-ups throughout the day: a candle lit, the laundry already switched, a hot drink delivered. 

My Roie, everyday I can't believe I get to be your mom. I can't believe I get to be your mom. I can't believe I get to be your mom. 

You love specialty coffees, yogurt parfaits, and snack plates, but are always willing to try new foods. You have so much rhythm and a spontaneous dance party is always just on the brink of breaking loose if you are around with a speaker nearby. Music blasting and you twirling and moving like you've been trained in contemporary dance all your life. You love Meghan Trainor for all her self love lyrics (I Want to Thank Me, and Been Like This). But you also listen on repeat to love songs that make you heartsick for all the great loves and breakups of your future. Your obsession for romcoms can easily compete with mine and you dive into tv series and movies that have you floating through the house with big ideas of love and grand gestures. You've especially loved Gilmore Girls, New Girl, My Life with the Walter Boys, and The Summer I turned Pretty. 

Now that you have your phone it has been so fun texting with you and seeing the Youtube shorts you think to send me. Most of them making fun of mom and daughter relationships with you captioning, "but why is this us though" with a crying laugh emoji. Your text exchanges almost always include a "love you" , or a random lengthy update, or a perfectly selected gif.  Maybe that's not a huge deal - but after texting with your brother and his one word responses for two years  - I can assure you texting with you has been a delightful revelation! 

As a sister, you are top tier. You consider Grey; buying him his favorite ice tea if you get to run errands and texting him to make sure he knows the schedule. You attend his games and are so proud to be his little sister - but always trying to stay on the right line of 'not embarassing him' (hah). You help Violet with her hair and give her outfit suggestions and share food. You find ways to connect with her even though you are so different from each other. Rusty, Reddy, and Olive are babied by you quite a bit - knowing they can look at you with puppy dog eyes and get you to do just about anything; from making them something to eat to doing their chores for them. You shower them with hugs and kisses and compliments and they will grow to be so self confident in your adoration. (thank you for that).  You are always willing to 'stay home with the babies' and it feels like a new level in parenting when I can run to the grocery store without buckling car seats and carrying both bags and kids! You are a great big cousin too and fawn over your little cousins always asking if Aunt Uch needs a babysitter. 

You are an awesome teammate and friend. You talk through the whole game - giving positive affirmations when a teammate does well or shouting encouragement when the going gets tough. You encourage teammates to run off the field or court; to keep their heads high; you dole out high fives constantly. Lots of people are always telling me and dad about how good of an athlete you are, but we are most proud when parents and coaches from the opposing team have regularly come up to us to say, "I love how your daughter talks during the game - she is such a force of positivity for her team!" You have the heart of a leader through the manner of believing so much in everyone that your teammates have no choice but to believe in themselves and rise to the expectation you have inspired in them. 

Already, by seventh grade, you are involved in a lot of things and you love being given responsibilities and trust. You played defense for the jrhigh soccer team, you played forward for the jrhigh basketball team, and you're preparing for a 14U AYSO soccer season, and a 15U travel soccer season. You attend confirmation year1 classes and volunteer opportunities at church, you take yearbook photos, you are a member of jrhigh student council, and you assist the trainer during Varsity football season. After a home playoff game, you cleaned up the bleachers without anyone asking- earning you a personalized thank you note from the superintendent. Your teachers send you to complete little errands or trust your notebook as an example for students who were absent the day before. If me and dad need a chore done, we rely on you (too often!) because we know you'll do it as good (or better) than we would. 

You love being the one asked to help, 
you love to do the helping and meet or exceed expectations, 
you love being the one to come up with the idea on how to help. 
and, GIRL. 
It is sometimes so dizzying to look at you and see a mirror - not just in the way we look - but in the way we find validation for our worthiness. 

I want to celebrate that in you because you ARE so trustworthy and responsible. 
The world actually does need you and YOUR (very specific Gemma Rose) help. 

But I am also determined to find a way to let you know that you don't need to be helping to prove your worth. 
My baby girl, 40+ years and I am still trying to internalize that to be true. 
One of my greatest hopes for you is that you learn that so much sooner than I have. 
That you can know deep in your bones and full in your heart of how incredibly valuable and worthy and amazing you are without having do to a single thing. 
Because, my gemmi - you ARE incredibly valuable
and worthy
and amazing
exactly as you are,
laying in your bed under comfy blankies watching 18 hours of romcoms 
or sneaking out your stash of sweets in the pantry hidden where your siblings can't find them
or blasting music and dancing around the backyard shaking your booty like a 1990's music video
or face mask drying with your hair in curlers sipping chai tea
or room covered in a clothes explosion (honestly, how?!) asking to borrow my sweater
or mud on your face and straw in your hair chasing down the goats in the yard
you are valuable and worthy, my darling girl.
always, always, no matter what.

love you forever and ever
and ever.
never being done of ever.
through space and time and tears and laughs.
forever loving you, Roie girl.

Around Here Week 8 02/17-22

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment. 

photo cred: Michael O'Ship

photo cred: Michael O'Ship

photo cred: Becky C

photo cred: Uch

photo cred: Uch (that's me under there - sick with fevers and chills, hah!)

the birthday kids

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 11+ hours (of 1000)
THE COLD. THE SNOW. THE ICE. I just can't anymore. I know it's only February and obviously it is still winter - but usually at this point we have had a few nice days that we could enjoy the sun and outdoor playing. It has just been relentlessly cold and windy. The kids need out of the house (hah), I despise wearing winter outerwear, everyone's hot breath and germs are just recirculating in the house and schools....we need some ventilation of fresh air and a major dose of vitamin D, please! 

Reading and finishing The Push by Ashley Audrain. It was good and definitely had great pacing. It reminded me so much of the movie We Need to Talk About Kevin which I haven't seen in probably 10+ years but it still regularly haunts me (very unsettling and great movie). I really liked the very raw, physical, brutality that Audrain used to describe motherhood - because FOR REAL. So battered and broken and giving of all the things (mind, body, and soul) that you're so deeply connected which is somehow also completely disconnecting. Great book, but very unnerving. I sent some book club notes with Renee to the meeting since I couldn't there to discuss What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon (thank you for sharing for me!) 

Listening to The Things we Hide from the Light by Lucy Score and I very quickly remember how much I enjoy the Knockemout characters. Actually Lol'ing at some of the scenes because they are so hilariously crude.

So relieved to finally get the truck key replacement!? The truck keys went missing two weeks ago (B? Olive? Dropped in the snow and ice somewhere?) So we have been trying to deal with driving Jillian (the Honda Pilot) and Lucille (the 12 passenger 2 wheel drive) in this weather for the last two weeks. It has been maddening but we finally were able to secure a locksmith at our house to get the replacement keys made. Thank goodness!! The truck is back in business and you really truly don't know what you got till it's gone, man. 

Laughing though because it is just always a three ring circus. I drove Lucille home on Wednesday night and couldn't get up the driveway (ice/snow) so since the truck finally worked again - B was like just stay there (half way up the driveway) and I'll pull you up with the truck. While I'm sitting there (on a steep grade) the gas light comes on. B is trying to hook up the ties and then tries to pull it up but can't get a good grip. Then Lucille runs out of gas (LOL) and I don't want to back it down the driveway, so we have to switch places but I can't let my foot off the brake until he puts his foot on. LIKE COME ON. Then he backs down with no power steering because, of course.  We did make it to the bottom and park Lucille down there and then walked back up the driveway to the truck because nothing is ever normal - I swear.

Visiting the art show at the elementary school where Violet was showing her mosaic art work. Thank you to the incredible Mrs. Williams (our elementary STEAM teacher) who is always encouraging and supportive to all our kids - we love you! 

Celebrating our thirteen year old! Gemma Rose turned 13 this week! Don't mind me blowing up 13 balloons at 6:30a for her bedroom (LOL). She got some very sweet messages from her aunts and friends throughout the day (including a special video message that three senior football players were convinced to make for her! Girlhood at its finest!) She requested pineapple meatballs over rice for dinner and we sang over rice krispie treats. Aunt Uch took her for a facial and eyebrow wax at Swanky with lunch out to eat too! (thank you). She got gifts from her grandparents and she has decided to hold off on a party until the weather is nicer. This girl - how lucky we are to be in her orbit.

Helping Grey finalize his schedule choices for his sophomore year. Time is crazy. 

Getting slammed with the germs. Rusty and I woke up on Saturday morning laid up. Both with fevers, chills, and sore throats. My parents took Rusty to stay for the day and then sleep over (thank you!) it was such a blessing to just let him rest and hydrate. I mostly laid under blankets (and had the kids lay on top of me because I always want pressure on me when I have fever/chills - is that normal?) I did nothing all day but lay and drink hot tea. B and I watched two episodes of The Night Agent season 2. I really don't have time for this (LOL) but one whole day of not moving should help me bounce back because #motherhood 

Wishing a very happy birthday to Pappy who celebrates his birthday one day after Gemma. And so did Grey's bestie twin friends Bryce and Reed - happy birthday to you boys, we love you! We went to Dino's restaurant in Latrobe to celebrate. 

I'm not the only one right?! This is the same storyline as so many historical fictions AND historical nonfiction books. Everywhere I look and read is just patterns. Don't try to gaslight me, I know I have read this book!?!

Teaching my elementary students about the Galapagos Islands and we learned about Charles Darwin, Green Sea Turtles, and the Galapagos Giant Tortoises. My Spanish Expo class worked through the geography week and Spanish 1 continued with verb conjugations but focusing on the Super7 verbs. Spanish 2 read Chapters 10 & 11 and closed out the book with a speaking quiz. I also met with my Spanish teacher mentee and she is the absolute sweetest and so clearly cares about her students. I am so grateful to get to chat with her and bounce ideas off of each other about teaching Spanish. We discussed things that are going well and what goals we have for the next month.

Sporting with two swim practices for Rusty to prep for his last upcoming swim meet and Violet had a Sparks soccer practice.  Grey had three basketball practices and the last two basketball games of the season. I texted my 5u AYSO players' families to introduce myself and give some important dates and I created the Weights&Wings flyer for the football offseason event, 

Making cheesy broccoli chicken and rice, bbq deer meat sandwiches, pineapple meatballs over rice (Gemma's birthday dinner request), Pioneer Woman skillet lasagna. I made Gemma's request of Rice Krispy treats for her birthday dessert. 

Sourdoughing: blueberry muffins with discard

Around Here Week 7: 02/09 - 02/16

Sunday, March 2, 2025

 A glimpse into what it is like to be in our family just this moment. 

when Violet eats chicken wings, hah

photo cred: Ashley P

photo cred: Uch

photo cred: Uch

photo cred: Uch

photo cred: Abba

photo cred: Jackie F

Intentional Outdoor Hours: 10+ hours (of 1000)
The winter is wintering in the rudest way possible. Hah. Just snow, wind, and ice all the live long days. The animals are hanging in and dealing with it (better than me and my whining!) I said to B this week that I either need us to not be sick or for the weather to warm up: I cannot do both sick and cold because I am slowly slipping into psychosis. #sendsunshine 

Reading and finishing What the Wind Knows by Amy Harmon. Perfect and I loved it so much. It was historical fiction from 1920's (my favorite!) and I learned so much about the revolution period in Ireland. Beautiful writing, gorgeous ancestral connection and family tree building, and the deep connection love story. I adored it. My book club will be meeting about it next week but I can't be there - so I'm literally typing up notes for my friend Renee to share on my behalf (Haha, thank you!) I started The Push by Ashley Audrain and I'm already buzzing through it. 

Listening to and finishing Funny Story by Emily Henry. It was cute and I enjoyed it.  Brandon and I started listening to Things we Hide from the Light by Lucy Score on the ride home from Berkeley Springs, so I guess I'll be finishing that. (I do love me some Knockemeout characters)

Germ house continues. Gem was knocked from the Flu A and her and B struggled all week trying to get back to life. She even missed both of her last basketball games which broke her heart, but she could barely walk from the bathroom back to her bed without dizziness. She watched the games over the internet and cheered for her teammates though. Rusty was next to go down and he stayed home from school on Wednesday to try to rest from the fever and sore throat. 

Superbowl at our house with Pappy and without Grey (he celebrates at the Valentines house every year - thank you for having him!) Pappy brought pizza and wings and we made appetizer foods. We are Swifties but we were cheering for the Eagles this year. First, they are a PA team! Second, Jalen Hurts with his handsome face and his full female management team - okay, we see you! Third, we love a good underdog story! I also kind of think that the best relationship building comes out of supporting each other through losses of life - so Tay and Trav, the growing is good! hhahah, like they know me or something - but I'm rooting for them! 

Valentine creating. I made Valentines on Canva and got them printed. Rusty and Violet cut them and we all worked together to slide the single pixie stick into them with the message "Let's stick together, Valentine" Reddy and Olive practiced writing their names on their valentines and everything got packed and sent to school on time for the parties. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times - I loathe elementary school valentines parties (and Halloween parties). The trinkets ?! The spending on things that literally go from backpack to trash can?! I had 65 students in total that would be receiving treats from my children...I'm sorry, I cannot budget in $3 worth of treats for 65 children?! Ya'll are getting a single pixie stick!  Bah humbug, I said what I said. 

Another phone user in the house! With Gemma's 13th birthday looming next week and our mini getaway this weekend, I felt fully ready to give her the phone a week early. She was so thrilled. We went together to the Verizon store with her handmedown iPhone SE to make sure everything was set up correctly and then she called and texted her way home to let everyone know she officially (finally!) had a phone (she was one of the last 3 kids in 7th grade holding out!) Her favorite first text was from her big brother (it was the middle finger emoji which made her cackle hysterically #brothers). It has already been a daydream in girlhood to text with her. My sisters are over the moon to text with their niece. Getting a phone in our house is not taken lightly and we have front loaded so many conversations and expectations and modeling. If you get a phone, it's because we trust you can handle the responsibility and we will be here to support you and answer questions and give you grace as you navigate this very tricky world of addiction device. (our rules are no social media until 14, we don't use Life360 so you better get good at communicating, no phone scrolling in cars, no phones when you're speaking to someone, don't text, comment, or post anything you wouldn't be willing to say in person to your grandmother, try to be like the people you think have responsible phone usage, and remember what it feels like when you are with someone who acts like their phone is more important than their time with you...don't be that guy). 

Mammogram done! I called to schedule it and they had an opening for the next day! Nothing like a mammogram for Valentines day - LOL. All looks good and glad to have it off the to do list! GO GET CHECKED, mommas! 

Someone Special Dance with Violet and Rusty! B and I were happy to be dates and everything looked amazing (bravo to our friend Onara who was the lead PTA mom on this - you are awesome!) The kids had a great time and it was good to catch up with some momma friends too. 

Volunteering at Violet's 4th grade class Valentine party. I took a half day on Friday to be there and I was glad to get to spend time with her and her classmates. I ran the Twister station and everything went smoothly and the kids had a good time. Always a huge thank you to the class moms who take on these events and get everything donated and organized - bless you!! 

Valentines day. We don't go too big on the holiday, I just feel grateful that I get to hug and kiss these sweet faces; my little loves. B gifted flowers to our daughters and I got our sons chocolate. How lucky can a girl be to have 7 valentines?! 

Mapping out the logistics of the weekend and calling in the village! Every practice, event, meal, and important chore (pets!) was covered in a long list that went to family and friends who were ready and willing for duty. Sleepover at Aunt Uch's for the youngest four, meals provided for Grey and Gem by Pappy and Miss Heather, Sleepover at Abba and Chum's for everyone but Grey. Valentines dinner for Gemma with the Hunsbergers and Birthday party for Violet's bestie Jacey with the Feathers. Thank you everyone for helping us get away this weekend! 

Weekend mini getaway to Berkeley Springs, WV just me and B. We stayed at the Dove's Nest that was beautiful and relaxing. Everything was so organized and intentional - we even got a little welcome bag with snacks and farm fresh eggs! We didn't get there until late Friday night because of Grey's rescheduled basketball game and I slept half the way despite trying to convince myself that I could stay awake (B knew better and kept telling me to just relax already?!) We got there around 11p and then slept so much. It was snowy and cold outside on Saturday and we were happy to stay in and sleep and cozy up with a book (me) and basketball games (b) and eat the food we brought (bagels, bacon, shrimp alfredo!) It was incredibly relaxing and I took so many naps and a very hot shower and even a bubble bath! We stopped in Berkeley Springs to do a lap around the neighborhood and then had lunch at The Canary Grill (delicious!) on the way home. It was a perfect weekend away with this handsome, kind hearted man that I have loved for so long. 

And yep, still feeling like I've already read this book. Like a version of this book many, many times in many different versions. Trust - none of them go well. 

Teaching with some Spanish valentines at the elementary school and the kids are making the sweetest messages for their moms! It was also "show" week for the 4th and 5th graders, so they were all very happy to watch another episode of LegendQuest (we watch it every 4th class together). My Expo group finished working on their geography unit and took their map test this week. Spanish 1 finished their AR/ER/IR conjugations and took a big test - they did very well and I was so proud of them! Spanish 2 finished reading Chapters 7-9 of El Ekeko and did some flipping the perspective with verbs. 

Sporting with a mixed up week due to weather and illness. Rusty had two swim practices and Vi's soccer Sparks practice was cancelled due to weather. Gemma missed her last two Jr High basketball games due to Flu A (she was so sad but watched the games online and cheered while coughing and laying in bed - poor girl). She did get to be announced at the Varsity boys' basketball game though and made it to her Gators soccer practice on Sunday. Grey had two pitching practices, three basketball practices, and one basketball game. I attended the Baseball booster meeting, got all the paperwork done for the soccer travel teams, submitted the basketball banquet paperwork, and got the money in for Grey and Gem to play in the annual dodgeball fundraiser. 

Making pierogies and hot dogs, taco pasta, bbq chicken sandwiches, sloppy joes with mac&cheese, frozen pizza. For the superbowl - I made Mexican street corn dip, bacon ranch and cheddar potatoes, B made fried pickles, and Pappy brought wings and pizza. I also made some chocolate covered pb bites with team color sprinkles! 

Sourdough update: nothing this week. Sabrina sourdough stayed in the fridge this week. She be chillin (lol).