Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Perry Miniatures 28mm French Revolution

 New! French Revolution range!

Alan has been busy on many ranges recently but this the first release for a new period (if you don't count the the French in Egypt!). The first batch is of course Line Infantry, march attack. These will be followed by Light Infantry. This is first small start of what will probably be a fairly hefty range! It will probably spill over into the Consulate Period in time.
Revolutionary French 1789-1799
28mm metal figures designed by Alan Perry
REVF 1 Early Infantry command advancing.
REVF 2 Infantry command advancing.
REVF 3 Infantry command advancing, 1791 helmets.
REVF 4 Fusiliers march attack, bicornes.
REVF 5 Fusiliers march attack, 1791 helmets.
REVF 6 Grenadiers march attack, bicornes.
REVF 7 Grenadiers, march attack, bearskins.
REVF 8 Infantry, march attack, various headgear.

Sunday, 19 January 2025

TundraWorks French Revolution era Brits

 Find out more on their Facebook page. Great to see Brits being done. Flanders campaign apparently, 

They are 18mm (foot to eye).
The Kickstarter

Sunday, 5 January 2025

The Chouan Guerrilla

 Useful blog post in English

Chouans (1988) trailer

 I would love to see this. 

Chouan (French pronunciation: [ʃwɑ̃] , "the silent one", or "owl") is a French nickname. It was used as a nom de guerre by the Chouan brothers, most notably Jean Cottereau, better known as Jean Chouan, who led a major revolt in Bas-Maine against the French Revolution. Participants in this revolt – and to some extent French anti-revolutionary activists in general – came to be known as Chouans, and the revolt itself came to be known as the Chouannerie.

1793 Vendeans/Chouans from the Perrys

 These look great.