cahaya is about to go to upm
for her school field trip..
die dpt pegi after ME,berjaya begging bapak die..
i told him,ksian anak i...nti kwn2 cerita...
and die just listen and not experience the fun..
mikel start serba salah..and said..ok2 nti die confirm balik with the teachers..
tpi i da npk mcm 55% chance cahaya dpt pegi..
so..smlm die g tnye cikgu..and ask bout the security..
bus ape naik..
mcmne cikgu nk control group of children..
then he agreed!!
im double yeay for cahaya..msti die happyyyyy...
tp awal2 dlu si cahaya tu bgtau i...
momi..cahaya pnye school ade field trip,tapi cahaya xpergi..
sbb papa x bagi... pasrah my baby girl???
then i ask tapi cahaya nak ke pegi..
die ckp nak...tapi bile papa xbagi xpe la...
ya ALLAH,baik nyeee...
dlu i la kan,nangis klau xdpt..
klau bapak i slalu on jee..
sbb die suka anak die try new things,mak yg mcm berat hati nak lepas...
Cahaya is good because she can tune in with the parents...
layan kan jee..
when with papa..more dicipline and rules(german u noe laaa)
while with me..more fun and lets break the rules..
ok la...nti i update pasl her trip friday nti :)
as a mom,msti kite nak yg baik2 for our child..
lagi baik kite serahkn dan berdoa anak kite pada Allah..
insyaallah,Allah sentiasa jaga dan lindungi Cahaya..