- Interdorsal ridge present.
- Dorsal fin originates over the middle of pectoral fin.
- 2nd dorsal fin directly over anal fin.
- Length of 2nd dorsal fin rear tip equal to 2nd dorsal fin height.
- Research fishery only. Prohibited recreationally.
- Interdorsal ridge present.
- Dorsal fin originates over pectoral fin margins.
- 2nd dorsal fin directly over anal fin.
- Length of 2nd dorsal fin rear tip is twice 2nd dorsal fin height.
- Interdorsal ridge present.
- Dorsal fin originates behind pectoral fin.
- 2nd dorsal fin directly over anal fin.
- 2nd dorsal fin rear tip length is 3 X 2nd dorsal fin height.
- Prohibited recreationally, allowed commercially.
- Lacks an interdorsal ridge.
- 1st and 2nd dorsal fins the same size.
- Pointed snout and slender needle-like teeth.
- 2nd dorsal fin originates forward of anal fin.