Showing posts with label scuba diving. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scuba diving. Show all posts

Monday, 23 May 2011

Preparing for Outdoor Adventure

Living life to the fullest is a great sentiment. Carpe diem is the Latin phrase most quoted to reflect the desire to add adventure to ones life. Some people take that to mean do whatever you like at the moment. Doing what you want to bring enjoyment to your life is usually viewed as a good thing. However, being responsible for how to go about bringing adventure in to one's life should always be considered.

What people call adventure varies from person to person. For some, living life to the fullest consists of jumping out of airplanes, scuba diving, camping, hiking and fishing. These outdoor sports make up the bulk of some peoples excitement. But what makes people become experts at their journeys usually involves planning and education.

Going on an outdoor excursion involves many factors which should be included in your planning. All of the factors are hard to account for since every situation may be different. However, there are some things well worth mentioning so as not to spoil ones trip.

Food, of course, is mandatory. Sources of light food include granola bars and breakfast bars. These are great transportable items that easily fit in backpacks or cases. Many different brands contain essential nutrients and can be quite filling. Cans of food such as pork and beans and tuna fish are good but can be bulky and weigh down your pack. Many people consider pork and beans to be a traditional camping meal.

If you are planning a fishing trip, the amount of perishable items to bring may be smaller. Replacing some food for fishing tackle aids in carrying less items if you are intending to eat the fish while you camp. Make sure to include in your tackle a good knife and gloves. Any fisherman can tell you how frustrating it can be to have the wrong knife. Selecting the proper knife before your fishing trip requires a bit of forethought. Preparing a fish for consumption often involves scaling, gutting, sectioning, and filleting depending on how you want it cooked.

Having adequate rain gear is also important since weather predictions can sometimes be faulty. Nothing can be worse when trying to go to sleep in a fresh air environment while in wet clothes in a soaked sleeping bag. Checking your enclosure; tent, lean-to or camper, for cracks leaks and other damage before you travel may save you some headache.

First aid kits are also indispensable equipment to be included in your survival pack. These come in many different sizes containing a variety of items to suit particular needs. However, any basic first aid kit should do just fine. Take care to include insect repellant. Being bitten alive while trying to prepare an outdoor meal can be absolute torture. Watching enormous amounts of mosquitoes and other flying insects swarming the campfire can make your head spin.

Medications for any ailments should always be kept nearby. The last thing you want while on a vacation is to suddenly remember you left your perscription in the bathroom at home. Hiking without having asthma medication if needed can be catastophic.

One of the most important things to have with you or nearby your campsite is a reliable source of drinking water. It cannot be stressed enough the importance of having clean drinking water while out on an excursion. Some camping supply stores offer miniature filters and tablets that can be used to make water drinkable. Try to avoid soft drinks that can increase dehydration. How long you will be camping and the number of people will determine how much water is needed.

These are just a few things that should be thought about before going on an outdoor camping or fishing trip. There are many other things to be considered depending upon each individual needs and what type of experience one would like to have. Since safety is the key factor to one's enjoyment, steps should be taken to minimize the risk of being caught unprepared.