I'm a young colector of stamps, FDC, covers from world wide.I want and would like to corespondate, exchange stamps, FDC, covers, CM from every nook and corner of the world.
Please contact me at: andreea_kallai@yahoo.com
Tulipa, commonly called tulip, is a genus of about 150 species of bulbous flowering plants in the family Liliaceae. The native range of the species includes southern Europe, north Africa, and Asia from Anatolia and Iran in the west to northeast of China. The centre of diversity of the genus is in the Pamir and Hindu Kush mountains and the steppes of Kazakhstan. A number of species and many hybrid cultivars are grown in gardens, used as pot plants or as fresh cut flowers. Most cultivars of tulip are derived from Tulipa gesneriana.
the last 30 posts •••14items •••1 postal administrations •••9 species •••5 categories
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - red Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expoziția filatelică "Simfonia Lalelelor", 28. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - black Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expoziția filatelică "Simfonia Lalelelor", 28. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - red Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expofil "Simfonia Lalelelor", 20. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - black Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expofil "Simfonia Lalelelor", 20. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - black Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expofil "Simfonia Lalelelor", 25. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 1980 Description: Tulipa generic - red Category: special cancellation, Die proof Mi# - Keyword(s): Expofil "Simfonia Lalelelor", 25. 04. 1980, Pitești (Tulip Symphony in Pitești City)
Country: Romania Year: 2008 Description: Tulipa generic Category: Postal card Mi# - Keyword(s): Cu toate dragostea.../J´adore București ArtDesign (http://www.artdesign.ro) - FA 136 XA
Country: Romania Year: 2008 Description: Tulipa generic Category: Postal card Mi# - Keyword(s): Pentru tine.../De dor... București ArtDesign (http://www.artdesign.ro) - FV 180 XA
Country: Romania Year: 1975 Description: Tulipart Category: Postal card Mi# - Keyword(s): Editura Ion Creangă, București - Piața Scînteii nr. 1, Ilustrație de Done Stan la vol. Păcală și Tîndală de Alexandru Mitru Tipărit cu aprobarea nr. 137/5610 - 1975 a D.G.P.Tc. Se distribuie gratuit