Curtis, Swisher and Lewin’s Java Man of 2000: Hominin-Themed Books, Part 1

If you were following the hominin-themed discoveries of that long-ago era known as the 1990s, you may well remember the hot news, published in Science in 1994 and 1996, on Homo erectus

Heptasteornis, My Beloved; Alvarezsaurids in Europe, the Backstory

Among the most fascinating of Mesozoic theropods are the alvarezsaurids, a mostly small-bodied group of maniraptoran coelurosaurs characterized by modified, ‘pick-like’ forelimbs, a lightly built, shallow lower jaw, tiny, simple teeth and elongate, slender hindlimbs…

My Weird 2000 Paper on Tree-Climbing Dinosaurs

Every now and again – speaking here as someone who’s published some number of articles, books and technical papers – I find it worthwhile to look back at the things I’ve published in the past. For whatever reason, I’m doing that a fair amount right now, and right now I want to talk about a peculiar short paper I published in 2000…

A New Theropod Dinosaur Assemblage from the Older Part of the English Wealden

What, you want more new theropod dinosaurs from the English Lower Cretaceous? Today sees the publication of our group’s ongoing analysis of theropod diversity within the Wealden Supergroup of southern England, and the results are pretty neat if I say so myself…

Post-Truthism, Brian J Ford’s Aquatic Dinosaurs, and the Fate of ‘Too Big To Walk’

Late in the afternoon of Friday November 8th, my paper ‘The response to and rejection of Brian Ford’s Too Big to Walk, a 21st century effort to reinstate the aquatic dinosaur hypothesis’ saw digital publication in Historical Biology (Naish 2024)…

The Last TetZooCon

Once again, it was recently that part of the year where a good number of science enthusiasts, natural historians, wildlife artists, scientists, researchers and interested members of the public gather in London for what we call TetZooCon: the annual Tetrapod Zoology Convention…

Tet Zoo Reviews Zoos: Tokyo’s Ueno Zoo

Once again it’s time to continue with my slow-burn zoo review series. I’ve just returned from a trip to Tokyo, you see, and while there I visited two zoos. Today we look at the first of them: Ueno Zoological Gardens (usually just called Ueno Zoo), located in Ueno Park in Taito City, central Toyko…