Yesterday saw a visit from my regular opponents. G arrived early with these-
He brought his latest board game purchase, two games on the Winter War , one at a strategic level one at battalion level plus an Ardennes game. We decided to start with the strategic Finnish game soon.
P arrived at noon. We then, post lunch, set up a roadblock scenario from the Bolt Action Seelowe sourcebook. I defended , P was the German attacker and G umpired.
Getting the troops out on the table in preparation.
The Homeguard hold the roadblock with cyclists on the right flank and a section in woods on the left .
The view , with order dice, from behind the road block.
German invaders come across a small section in a wood, hidden there, subsequently supported by the cyclists. A fight ensues.
Red dice show number of pins btw.
The umpire points out something to us which l can’t recall.
Things not looking good for the Homeguard. They have been worn down by weight of numbers…
The end sees the Homeguard commander meeting his demise. Defeat but an enjoyable game.
Afterwards l was sorting out some recycling, took a chance to look for something in the lead pile ( which I failed to locate ) but found some British infantry Fromm an old , stalled VBCW project. Here they are being removed by boiling water from their old bases-
Enough for a section or two, they were started to be repainted yesterday and I will continue to do so today…