Memorial Day 2017 Dad Remembered
This is a re-post of a blog that I did in 2009, but my family asked me to put up these photos to remember our dad.

Memorial Day 2017

This is a picture of my father, Carmelo Guglielmino. He was a private First Class in the U.S. Army,
WWII 101st. Airborne Division. Click on highlighted words for more info.

My Dad receiving a medal, the President's Citation award.

He was one of the first to return from Europe based upon his record and in an New York Italian newspaper this was reported.

We have many pictures from WWII, some of him, some of his buddies, and some which he took at the front.

These are just some of the medals that were awarded to him during his tour of duty. Others include:
Bronze Star Medal, Good Conduct Medal, Presidential Unit Emblem, American Defense Service Medal, American Campaign Medal, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal w/4 Bronze Stars, WWII Victory Medal, Army of Occupation Medal w/Germany Clasp, Belgian Fourragere, Netherlands Orange Lanyard, And the Honorable Service Lapel Button WWII.
This is a bronze plaque that commemorates his duty at Bastogne.

Kilogram is a book written by Bob Minick in 1979,recounting the activities of my Dad's unit, the
907th, a glider field artillery battalion, click on the highlighted words for more info.

and his picture with his buddies appears on page 101.
Rendezvous with Destiny A History of the 101st Airborne Division,by Rapport & Northwood, 1948, tells the complete story of the 101st men.

We have his dog tags, his camouflage parachute, his jacket, caps,
silk scarf, medals, pictures, money belt, and boots.

picture of his group in France, (he is standing at the right side) and
he wrote on the back of the picture"France March 16, 1945 Paris Spring

Here's to all of the brave men and women who have fought for their countries.