Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Veterans Day Research Open House - Gulf War Illness, TBI, PTSD
Highlighting the work at The Roskamp Institute and Clinic and showcasing research programs on:
Traumatic Brain Injury
Gulf War Illness
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Also featuring a live Q-and-A with our top researchers on these topics.
For details and to RSVP for the event:
Friday, October 23, 2020
Gulf War Veteran Survey Now Open
The Nova Southeastern survey study of Gulf War veterans is open for a limited time.
If you have already taken it already, don't take it again. There are two parts.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Research Finds Gulf War Pesticide Associated with Immune Response in Gulf War Illness
A permethrin metabolite is associated with immune responses in Gulf War Illness
(Sarasota, FL - Roskamp Institute) - Gulf War Illness remains difficult to diagnose and treat since exposure to Gulf War chemicals happened nearly 30 years ago. Many studies now provide strong support that pesticide exposure during the Gulf War is one of the key factors in causing GWI.
This recent work at the Roskamp Institute shows that the pesticides used during the 1991 Gulf War can cause the body to negatively react to its own proteins that play important roles in supporting bodily functions.
Treatment Research Studies for 1990-91 Gulf War Veterans
( - August 18, 2020) There are several important resources for veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War interested in participating in treatment research studies.
Individual Studies
There are numerous individual clinical trials and other studies around the U.S. that are actively recruiting veterans of the 1990-91 Gulf War. Below are several resources to find them.
Friday, March 20, 2020
**Action Alert** Call on Your Senators to Continue Gulf War Treatment Research
It parallels the effort in the U.S. House that just concluded, led by Rep. Gregorio Sablan (D-NMI) and Rep. Jack Bergman, LtGen, USMC (Ret.) (R-Mich.) with 108 bipartisan cosigners including the leadership and many members of the House Veterans' Affairs Committee.
Friday, February 28, 2020
Help Grow Gulf War Illness Treatment Research
( - The treatment-focused Gulf War Illness research program expires at the end of this fiscal year. The goal is to continue to grow this critically important treatment development research for the nearly one-third of Gulf War veterans debilitated by Gulf War Illness.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Veterans with Gulf War Illness have widespread brain inflammation, new study shows