Monday, April 11, 2011

Egg quiche muffin thingies

About once a week, I make these mini egg quiches as a dinner side dish.

Dinner?  I know it seems a bit weird to eat them for dinner, but we are only eating our protein at night.

We are doing a food combining diet (way of life really)  where we don't mix protein and carbs at all.

It's a great weight loss plan. (I lost almost 20 pounds since January.)

So, therefore, we eat all our protein with dinner and this is a great extra side dish!

Of course, it's wonderful for breakfast & brunch too!

Start with 8-10 eggs.

I like to buy local eggs.

Whip them up and add some water (or milk if you so please), some salt and pepper and any other seasonings you feel like putting in.

Ladle the eggs into your muffin tins.

I obviously use these silicone pans a lot.

I felt like being creative and using up some leftover chicken sausage, some baby spinach, and pecorino romano. 

Use what you have.

You could just grate some cheese on it and call it a day.

Add your toppings and Bake at 400 degrees (F) for about 15-20 minutes.

They puff up all nice and pretty and deflate as they cool down.

These are great to snack on, serve at showers, send along with lunch, or serve on the side!

The Lunch Lady

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