Sunday, December 31, 2017

Palm Springs Family Vacation & Christmas in San Diego

The day after Christmas, we drove from San Diego to Palm Springs to spend time with Dallin's family. It was our first time there and perfect weather everyday!

We drove around looking at all of the cute Palm Springs homes and hotels. This house is the winner because of the big pink door! Even in google maps, this house is called "That Pink Door"💕

We also did a hike to a waterfall with our cute nieces and nephews. They are the best!

Sophia was brave and climbed up the boulder.

Jack and Sophia have the same birthday, so we celebrated them with cake and a pool party.


Saturday, December 16, 2017

San Diego Safari Park

Dallin and I went on a little safari at the San Deigo Safari Park to celebrate our 6 year anniversary! The highlight of the caravan tour was definitely feeding the giraffes and rhinos😊

It honestly felt like we were on a mini safari in Africa. I couldn't believe the giraffes just walked straight up to us and let us feed them. It was such a cool experience being this close to these animals!

And here's the baby giraffe!

After we feed the giraffes for awhile, we drove over and feed the rhinos some apples. I thought rhinos were dangerous, but they totally let us pet them. I couldn't believe it.


Sunday, November 5, 2017


There's nothing quite like Fall in New England! We love driving through Vermont around the first weekend in October to see all of the leaves. The trees are so colorful, and it's become one of our favorite traditions! Here's what we did in Vermont:
  • Woodstock: Sleepy Hollow Farm, Jenne Farm, Sugarbush Farm, and downtown
  • Stowe: Gondola at Stowe Mountain Lodge, Cold Hollow Cider Mill, Lake Elmore, and Grandview Barn
  • Warren: Camel's Hump Alpaca Farm & Blueberry Lake
We spent our first day in Woodstock with some friends and saw a bunch of farms. First, we drove to see Sleepy Hollow Farm which was so picturesque. 

The drive to get there was gorgeous, I love the bright yellow leaves.

We then went downtown Woodstock to walk around. Lot's of places were decorated with pumpkins for Halloween😊


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Happy Halloween

Every year we dress up as a family theme and this year we chose to be the wizard of oz. Happy Halloween from Dorthy, the lion, the scarecrow, and the tin man! 

Since moving to Boston, we've spent every Halloween in Beacon Hill- it's the best! We always meet up with friends and walk around together. Every stoop is adorably decorated, they go all out! And it's so fun to see everyone's costumes. This stoop below was my favorite this year.

Olivia was the cutest little Dorthy! I love that I found her red sparkle moccasins😍

And Ryan was so tiny in his cute costume.

Happy Halloween!


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Fall Traditions: Cranberry Festival, Apple Picking, & Pumpkin Patch

Since moving to New England, we look forward to doing so many traditions together as a family every Fall! A few of these traditions include:

  • Wading in the bogs at the Cranberry Festival
  • Apple picking (and eating apple cider donuts!) at a farm
  • Going to a pumpkin patch with friends
  • Driving through Vermont to see all the colorful leaves

We had so much fun at the Cranberry Festival in Cape Cod this year! It's so neat to see how they harvest cranberries. We threw on some waders and walked around the bogs, trying our best not to fall in!

Olivia had fun picking up cranberries, though she wouldn't eat any of them.

We got a whole bunch of our friends to join us in the bogs which made the day extra fun! Unfortunately, we had a few friends accidentally slip into the water right after taking this group picture😬

Here's some pictures of all our great friends that joined us-

I love these two💕


Friday, September 15, 2017

Happy One Month Baby Ryan

Our little guy is one month old💙Life has been crazy with two kids but I love it so much! 


Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Welcome Ryan Benjamin Bills :)

Ryan Benjamin Bills was born on August 15th at 3:42am, weighing 7 lbs 12 oz. We love our little baby boy so much! I can't believe we are a family of four now.

He has precious blonde hair and sweet blue eyes😊

Since he is my second child, birth was so much faster. I couldn't believe it. We almost didn't make it to the hospital in time for me to get an epidural, but thankfully I got one! My mom flew out on a red eye flight that night so that she could watch Olivia for us while we were recovering in the hospital for a few days. Ryan and Olivia are only 16 months apart, so I know life is going to be a little crazy for awhile. But I love my babies so much!

Welcome to the world baby Ryan! We love you so much!


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer in Boston

I love summertime in Boston because there's so many fun things to do and to see! We've had a busy summer & here's some things we've been up too-

We explored Newburyport, a cute little town on the water about an hour away from Boston, with some girlfriends

Rode bikes around the Charles river for Kimberly & Caitlin's birthday (we did this for them last year too- it's becoming an annual tradition!)

Canoed the Charles when Dallin's college roommate Elliot and his wife Maggie came to town (they visited us for a weekend with their son Charlie who is just a few months older than Olivia)

We've been strawberry picking (love these baby girls!)


Saturday, August 5, 2017

Kennebunkport, Maine

Our baby boy is going to be here soon (I'm already 38 weeks pregnant, how did that go by so fast?), which means we can't travel very far. We wanted to take a little family day trip before our baby comes, so we drove up to spend a day in Kennebunkport, Maine! Here's what we did:
  • The beach at Tides Beach Club
  • Cape Pier Chowder House
  • Ocean Avenue
  • Dock Square
First, we stopped at Tides Beach Club to walk along the beach and hang out. It's a really pretty beach and the sand was so soft!

Olivia loved running around on the sand😊

After, we grabbed lunch at Cape Pier Chowder House - Dallin of course got a lobster roll! This little place is right on the water, so we ate our food overlooking fishing boats. Also, the restaurant right next to it has all these cute lobster buoys hanging up.

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