Night shot -- Sudden spring snowfall
Barbara Muir © 2025
It was starting to be full on spring here -- snowdrops (the flowers) were showing up
in people's gardens. The Type bookstore in Forest Hill Village on Spadina that I love
had a flower box of tulips outside. And then a day ago, at about this time (evening)
-- I looked out and the snow was back, covering everything. My phone lit up the
photos, so you don't get the full effect, but it was awesome. Then of course it all melted
But today at lunchtime -- large movie style snowflakes were falling. They didn't last,
but they sparkled in the sunlight, and looked so beautiful. Then of course full on
spring sun made them disappear.
Later I was walking my dog, and another dog walker and I laughed about the snow.
It had returned in very small sporadic flakes. We agreed that it was beautiful, and
then laughed and said that we were clearly Canadian.
Have a loving your life day.