Instructions to Authors
1. Scope and policy of the Journal of Geosciences
The Journal of Geosciences publishes high-quality original research papers dealing with all aspects of the nature and origin of crystalline rock complexes. It focuses, mainly but not exclusively, on:
- process-oriented regional studies of igneous and metamorphic complexes,
- research in structural geology and tectonics,
- petrology, mineral chemistry and mineralogy,
- major- and trace-element geochemistry and its bearing on the petrogenesis of metamorphic and igneous rocks,
- isotope geochemistry and geochronology,
- experimental petrology and mineralogy,
- theoretical models of igneous and metamorphic processes,
- mineralizing processes and mineral deposits,
- geophysical survey in the crystalline complexes.
All papers are subject to (anonymous) peer-review and acceptance is based solely on their quality and scientific merit.
2. Legal requirements
The author(s) guarantee(s) that the manuscript was and will not be published anywhere else in any language. The scientific results presented should be essentially new (with exception of Review Papers) and should be of broad interest to the scientific community. The exclusive copyright for every language and country is transferred to the publishers with the acceptance and publication of a manuscript. The copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article including reprints, microfilm, electronic media/Internet or any other reproduction and translations.
3. Submission of manuscripts and review procedure
Manuscripts must be written clearly and concisely in English (British or American, but not a mixture of these). The normal maximum length of Original Paper or Review Paper is 13 500 words, including equivalent space for tables and figures. There are c. 800 words on a printed page. Longer papers may be accepted, provided that their length is justified by the scientific content. The Journal also accepts short, topical papers of 4 000 words or less, publication of which is within 6 months from the date of receipt. This concerns contributions termed Letter to Editor and Discussion, the latter relating to papers that have appeared in the Journal within the last year.
Submission as a single PDF file by email (editor(at) is strongly encouraged. The author is responsible that the file is of a quality sufficient for the review process and its total size does not exceed 10 MB. In addition, authors should submit the text in the original (e.g., MS Word) form, in order to expedite the text correction by the reviewers/editors directly in the file. Alternatively, two manuscript hardcopies could be mailed to the Editorial Office.
Every paper is reviewed by at least two independent and anonymous referees selected by the Editorial Board. The authors may suggest up to two names and addresses of the most appropriate reviewers for their contributions. Manuscripts, which are returned to the authors for revision, are normally expected to be corrected within 2 months.
4. Preparation of manuscripts
To help authors with the preparation of the manuscript, a Microsoft Word template is available here or can be obtained upon request from editor(at) Papers must be printed (or typed) on A4 (Letter) paper and double-spaced. Broad margins should be left at the sides, top and bottom. Pages should be numbered sequentially. Authors are encouraged to carefully study the current issue of the Journal to ensure that treir paper corresponds with the required format and style. Authors are urged to ensure that the English is of a good standard before manuscript submission. Poor manuscript formatting and/or language may result in rejection even prior to the review stage.
The title should be concise and informative; authors should avoid overusing specific local and regional names. The first name (in full) and surname of each author should be followed by his or her affiliation(s) and address(es). The corresponding author should be indicated and his/her telephone, fax and e-mail address given. The authors should provide a running header not longer than 140 characters, including spaces.
Up to six key words should be given below the abstract in order of hierarchy, separated by commas.
The paper should be preceded by an Abstract summarizing the most important results and conclusions. The Abstract must be written on a separate page, may not contain any references or unusual abbreviations, and should not exceed 400 words (100 words for Letter to Editor and Discussion papers).
Abbreviations should be defined in full immediately after their first occurrence in the text. For the readability sake, the abbreviations, if defined by the author(s) for instance for individual rock units, should be used sparsely.
The SI units and their standard abbreviations are the norm; use decimal point and not comma to separate decimal digits. IUGS and IMA-approved terminology is to be strictly adhered to. Manuscripts presenting results of crystal-structure refinements must include Crystallographic Information File (CIF). This will be checked by an independent editor chosen from the Editorial Board and stored as a supplementary electronic material.
The following structure of headings is recommended where appropriate; each chapter should be numbered consecutively.
Heading 1 - Arial, bold, numbered, capital and lower case
Heading 2 - Arial, italic, numbered, capital and lower case
Heading 3 - Arial, plain text, numbered, capital and lower case
Heading 4 - Times, italic, indented; text to continue on the same line
1. Petrology
The durbachite rocks...
1.1. Textures
The textures of...
1.1.1. Durbachites
Regarding petrology,...
Čertovo břemeno type is widespread in the area...
For level 1–3 headings, the following text should begin without indent. Subsequent paragraphs should be indented.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The list should only include works that are cited in the text and have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should only be mentioned in the text. Text references should be cited by author and year, and ordered chronologically (e.g. Skinner et al. 1967; Černý 1973; Novotný and Neumann 1996, 1997) and listed alphabetically in the reference list. The list should be formatted as follows (note that this is a standard used by Springer; standard abbreviations are to be employed):
Journal articles:
Vrána S, Štědrá V, Fišera M (2006) Petrology and geochemistry of the Běstvina granulite body metamorphosed at eclogite facies conditions, Bohemian Massif. J Czech Geol Soc 50: 95–106
In case that the paper is written in a language other than English, German or French, the title should be translated:
Vrána S, Štědrá V, Fišera M (2006) Petrology and geochemistry of the Běstvina granulite body metamorphosed at eclogite facies conditions, Bohemian Massif. J Czech Geol Soc 50: 95–106 (in Czech)
Wilson M (1989) Igneous Petrogenesis. Unwin Hyman, London, pp 1–466
Book chapters:
Hibbard MJ (1991) Textural anatomy of twelve magma mixed granitoid systems. In: Didier J, Barbarin B (eds) Enclaves and Granite Petrology. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 431–444
Articles published online:
Articles published online and not (yet) printed can be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as follows:
Stuart CBP, Cumberland D (2006) Sources and petrogenesis of Tertiary lavas, Isle of Skye, Inner Hebrides. Scot J Geol DOI 10.1144/0036-9276/01-284
Web links:
Geochemical Data Toolkit (GCDkit). Accessed on February 9, 2011, at
The tables should be numbered consecutively and printed on separate sheets with a brief descriptive title. More detailed explanations can be given below. Tables should be designed to fit a single (82 mm) or double column (170 mm) width of a Journal page. Text references to tables should appear as Tab. 1 or (Tab. 1) as appropriate.
Only high quality illustrations will be accepted. If submitted as hardcopies, figures must be laser-printed or drawn in black on white card or colourless tracing material. Each figure/plate must be submitted on a separate sheet and clearly identified with figure number and author’s names.
Individual parts of multiple figures (plates) are to be labeled by lower case letters, (a), (b), (c)...
All illustrations must be designed for, or at least suitable for, reduction to the width of the column (82 mm), one and half column (120 mm) or to the page size (170 × 230 mm). Figure explanation or map explanation (“legend”) should be included in the figures itself, not in the form of numbered explanations in the caption. Text references to figures or plates should appear as Fig. 1, Fig. 2a or (Fig. 1, Fig. 2a), unless at the beginning of a sentence.
Each map must contain geographic coordinates, North arrow and a scale bar.
The figures may appear in colour on the Journal's Web at no additional
charge. Therefore, authors may provide two versions of their illustrations,
black and white for printing and colour for the web.
All Figures and Tables have to be numbered in a sequence they are referred to in the text.
Authors are strongly encouraged to provide additional electronic material (such as extended data sets, photographs etc), which will not appear in the printed journal. Instead they will be stored in data repository and linked to the electronic version of the article. The supplementary data should be submitted in MS Excel (XLS), and the additional text/figures in PDF formats. For an interactive map with sample locations on the article's website (example), authors are encouraged to provide table with sample name, short description and geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude) in decadic form according to WGS84 system.
No paper offprints are provided.
5. Electronic submission of the final version
After revisions, the complete manuscript including figures and tables should be sent by email (each message < 10 MB) or uploaded using Web services such as Alternatively it can be submitted on a single CD/DVD. The disc will not be returned.
The text should be typed in the style and order of the Journal. Use ENTER only once to separate paragraphs. The text should be unjustified, without hyphenation, using Times as the main text font (12 pts for the text body) and Symbol for Greek and special characters. The Word processing format should be invoked to indicate bold, italic, superscript and subscript characters. The authors should supply tables in MS Excel or MS Word Table formats.
The preferred figure formats exported from a drawing program are Encapsulated Postscript (EPS) for vector graphics and TIFF (with LZW compression) for halftone illustrations or line drawings. High-quality JPG files with low compression ratio are only acceptable for individual colour photographs.
Original files (e.g. CorelDraw – CDR, up to version 2018; Adobe Creative Suite up to CS4; NOTE that Figures in MS Word or Excel formats are unacceptable) should also be provided. Arial font should be normally used; any non-standard fonts have to be embedded in the file. The line width must be at least 0.2 mm, the lettering at least 2 mm (8 pt.) high after reduction and no less than 20% gray is to be employed.
The file name (one file for each figure) must include the figure number. Figure captions should be included at the end of the text and not in the figure file. Photographs should have a 300 dpi resolution, scanned images at least 600 dpi (preferably 1200 dpi). See the overview table of the preferred formats.
6. Page charges
Page charges of 500 CZK/20 EUR per every printed page apply to every page exceeding the (free) limit of sixteen. This will not apply to contributions, whose corresponding author is a current member of the Czech Geological Society.
All colour illustrations are free of charge, if they are to appear solely in the online PDF of the article and the authors provide also grey-scale versions suitable for printing.
Authors who also wish to publish their illustrations in colour also in the printed version, are requested to contribute 300 CZK/15 EUR/18 USD per colour page printed (discounted price applicable from the 3/2018 issue).