New Old Stock (NOS) Campagnolo GRAN SPORT brake levers from the 70’s-80’s.

Love the details. You spin the brev inter logo to spin the cable catchers inside.

I tracked down some nice soft and gummy hoods, amazing reproduction of the old stuff, so much love.

NOS Campagnolo Victory Pedals with Toe Clip and Straps. Yeah unused from the 80’s, what a win!

So amazing.

Campag winged logo toe strap end clips, so so awesome.

The Campagnolo winged logo, it’s all over the bike now.

I put so much care into installing the pedals, what is usually just a routine installation all of a sudden is something special.

Just like old times. Into the zone with some wine, Alice in Chains on iTunes and some internet references to get the brake cable routing right.

Vintage bike brake cable ferrules made for non-aero brake levers.

Took my time to get the cables right, so so right.

She’s now period correct, makes me so happy it sure took a long time to ditch those Japanese Suntour Superbe Pro aero levers which belong to bikes from the mid to late 80’s.

Waiting for some period correct bar tape now! So close to being “done” :)