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Contents of Local Population Studies: issues 81 to 82
Local Population Studies Number 82 (Spring 2009) Contents include: Mark Freeman and Louise Wannell, The family and community lives of older people after the Second World War: new evidence from York Dave Postles, Morbidity in an early–modern small town: Loughborough in the seventeenth century Peter M. Solar and Malcolm T. Smith, Background migration: the Irish (and other strangers) in mid-Victorian Hertfordshire Colin Pooley, How people moved: researching the experience of mobility in the past Sources and Methods: Chris Galley, Infant mortality. Specific sources, available on the Sources and Methods page Regular features: editorial, news from the universities, book reviews. To order a copy for £4.50 contact: |
Local Population Studies Number 81 (Autumn 2008) Contents include: E.A. Wrigley, Population history: recent changes and current prospects Richard Smith, Linking the local and the general in population history: prioritising migration Nigel Goose and Chris Galley, Local population studies – forty years on Christopher French, Persistence in a local community: Kingston Upon Thames 1851–1891 Heather Falvey, Searching for the population in an early–modern forest Jonathan Healey, Socially selective mortality during the population crisis of 1727–1730: evidence from Lancashire Chris Galley, The stillbirth rate in early–modern England Matthew Woollard, The causes and effects of error correction in the population totals of the 1801 census of England and Wales Regular features: editorial, news from the universities, book reviews. To order a copy for £4.50 contact: |
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