Series 1: Correspondence. 1941-1989
Subseries 1.1: Family Correspondence. 1950-1989
Brooks, Gwendolyn, outgoing. 1976-1984, undated
Brooks, Keziah Wims, outgoing. 1961-1972, undated
Brooks, Keziah Wims, incoming. 1959-1977, undated
Blakely, Henry, incoming. undated
Blakely, Henry / From Others. 1975-1989
Blakely, Henry Jr. 1961-1982, undated
Blakely, Nora, outgoing. 1967, 1976, undated
Blakely, Nora, incoming. [1955]-1980
Blakely, Nora, school correspondence. 1952-1968, undated
Brooks, Raymond Sr. 1973-1974, undated
Brooks, Robert. 1960-1961
Beulah Wims. 1970-1980, undated
Aunt Ella. 1950-1960, undated
Aunt Eppie. 1950
Aunt Lizzie. undated
Greeting Cards. undated
Subseries 1.2: General Correspondence. 1941-1989
Amini, Johari. 1980
Baker, Houston A. Jr. 1980
Bragg, Robert H. 1943-1944
Brown, Abena Joan. 1976-1981
Brown, Bruce Bennett. 1966-1972
Browning, Alice C. 1979-1981, undated
Chicago Daily News. 1950-1958, undated
Chicago Sun-Times. 1961-1976, undated
Chicago Tribune. 1961-1980
Cisneros, Sandra. 1980-1984
Conroy, Jack. 1955-1962
DuSable Museum of African American History. 1967-1980, undated
Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. 1962
Elgin, Robert. 1956-1957
Engle, Paul. 1949-1987
Fuller, Hoyt W. 1964-1981
Harper & Row Publishers. 1944-1983
Hirsch High School. 1956-1958
Holiday (Magazine). 1950-1951
Jaffe, Daniel Freeman. 1971, undated
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. 1958-1968
Kawadza, Wanda. 1980
Kendrick, Dolores. 1968-1981
Knight, Etheridge. 1968, undated
Library of Congress. 1969-1981
McCall's. 1971-1972
Madhubuti, Haki R. (Don L. Lee). 1968-1989, undated
Melhelm, D.H. 1971-1980
Merrill, Ernest S. 1970-1974, undated
Metropolitan Community Church. 1965-1980, undated
Mills, Paul. 1950-1952
Pierce, Edith Lovejoy. 1948-1976
Poetry (Magazine). 1950-1969, undated
Randall, Dudley. 1968-1981, undated
Randall, Dudley / Broadside Press. 1969-1975, undated
Roseliep, Raymond. 1967-1971
Roslyn Targ Literary Agency, Inc. 1941-1982
Stroman, Prilla. 1980, undated
University of Wisconsin, Madison. 1968-1972, undated
Whitfield, Vantile. 1978-1979, undated
A Miscellaneous. 1950-1981, undated
Ba-Be Miscellaneous. 1956-1980, undated
Bi-Bu Miscellaneous. 1952-1988, undated
C Miscellaneous. 1951-1981, undated
D Miscellaneous. 1944-1980, undated
E Miscellaneous. 1962-1967, undated
F Miscellaneous. 1952-1980, undated
G Miscellaneous. 1955-1981, undated
H Miscellaneous. 1958-1980, undated
I Miscellaneous. 1965-1981
J Miscellaneous. 1951-1981, undated
K Miscellaneous. 1950-1982, undated
L Miscellaneous. 1958-1981, undated
M Miscellaneous. 1958-1981, undated
N Miscellaneous. 1950-1982, undated
O Miscellaneous. 1968-1978, undated
P Miscellaneous. 1959-1981, undated
Q Miscellaneous. 1968, 1979
R Miscellaneous. 1955-1989, undated
Sa-Sm Miscellaneous. 1950-1984, undated
So-Sw Miscellaneous. 1950-1989, undated
T Miscellaneous. 1952-1981, undated
U-V Miscellaneous. 1950-1981, undated
W Miscellaneous. 1950-1988, undated
Y-Z Miscellaneous. 1957, undated
No surname. 1949-1981, undated
No surname - Portia. 1970-1972
Unidentified. 1941, undated, 1980
Fan mail. 1950-1989, undated
Letters from school children - on We Real Cool. 1972, undated, 1980
Letters from school children - Overbrook Elementary, Philadelphia, PA. 1972
Letters from school children - miscellaneous. 1969-1988, undated
Prisoner correspondence. 1970-1980, undated
Solicitations. 1958, undated
Subseries 1.3: Greeting Cards. 1950-1989
Birthday. 1974-1980, undated
Christmas. 1950-1984, undated
Get Well. 1982, undated
Mother's Day. undated
Sympathy. 1978
Other. 1951-1989, undated
Series 2: Writings. 1933-1989
Subseries 2.1: Poetry. 1933-1989
Astonishment of Heart. circa 1968
Books Feed and Cure and Chortle and Collide. 1969
Brooke Maj of Hawthorn South. undated
Children of the Poor. undated
Computer. undated
A Critique in Rhyme. circa 1933
Election Night Returns. 1986 October 30
Essential Black Women. undated
The Explorer, Harper's Magazine. 1959
A Farmer. undated
For the Unveiling of the Chicago Picasso. 1967
In Honor of Edgar Blakely: Our Friend. 1980 December 26
Instruction to Myself. 1989
Look at these faces, these scenes.. 1967 September 17
My Democratic Donkey. undated
Raymond Brooks [Memorial Poem]. 1974
Riot. 1968 April 8
The Sight of the Horizon: A Centennial Poem. 1963 May 1-2
Sky. undated
Something Needs Tending. 1988 October 24
The Tiger Who Wore White Gloves. undated
To Henry Jr.. circa 1945-1946
To the Young who Want to Die. undated
Two Poems - Gay Chaps at the Bar, Poetry: a Magazine in Verse. 1944
The Wall. 1986 August 18
The Way Is. 1986 August 25
When the Children Ask. 1986 August
The Poetry of Black America - Contents List. undated
Bronzeville Boys and Girls - Book Jacket. circa 1967
Gottschalk and the Grande Tarantelle - Book Jacket. circa 1988
Collected Poems. undated
In the Mecca - Galley Proof. 1968
Subseries 2.2: Essays. 1938-1980
Gladys the Gladiolus. undated
Has it Been Hard, Miss Brooks?. undated
How I Think Poetry Should be Written. 1938 September 11
Inez Cunningham Stark. undated
Young Poet's Primer. 1980
Young Poet's Primer - Introduction. 1980
They Call it Bronzeville, Holiday Magazine. 1951
Subseries 2.3: Plays and Screenplays. [1968], 1975
A Tale of a Far Tomorrow. [1968]
The Sundays of Satin-Legs Smith. 1975
Subseries 2.4: Speeches. 1968-1987, undated
Art and Blackness. undated
Building Future Leaders. undated
For Lisa Steinberg. undated
George Kent. undated
Introduction for Don Lee. undated
Poetry and the Education of Children. 1987
A Response to the Theme: Causes for Optimism. 1973 February 21
Woman as Writer. undated
Untitled [ Poetry is life distilled]. 1968
Untitled [ On the Difficult Conditions in the Bishop College]. undated
Raymond Roseliep. 1966 January 12
Book Week . 1964-1966
Simple, Honest Poems of Richard Wilbur. undated
Notes. undated
Subseries 2.6: Miscellaneous Writings. 1966-1987, undated
Daughter of the Dusk - Jacket Copy. undated
On the Death of Langston Hughes. 1967
Congratulations! [On winning Poet Laureate award]. undated
About Brooks - Articles/Essays about Brooks's Writing. 1966-1987
Notes. undated
We'll Win Again - Music and Lyrics. undated
Series 3: Professional Papers. 1946-1990
Subseries 3.1: Awards and Honors. 1950-1988
National Book Awards, Nominees and Winners. 1950-1975
Second World Black and African Festival of Arts and Culture. 1977
Columbia College of Chicago. 1961-1968
Metal Placards. 1965-1979
Honorary Degrees. 1967-1980
Honorary Degrees - Western Michigan University. 1978
Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center - Western Illinois University. 1970-1981, undated
Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center - Annual Report. 1973
Gwendolyn Brooks Cultural Center - Reports. 1973
Miscellaneous. 1957-1988, undated
Miscellaneous. 1950-1980
National Council of Black Studies Plaque. undated
Subseries 3.2: Speaking Engagements. 1950-1989
Correspondence. 1950-1989, undated
Contemporary Forum. 1972-1987, undated
Programs, Press, and Flyers. 1951-1989, undated
Financial. 1955-1980, undated
Flyers. 1965-1984
Subseries 3.3: Organizations. 1951-1982
1020 Club. 1957-1959
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters. 1976-1982, undated
International Black Writer's Conference. 1973-1977, undated
National Institute of Arts and Letters. 1976
Quality of Life Panel, President's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties. 1980
Society of Midland Authors. 1951-1980
Miscellaneous. 1954, undated
Subseries 3.4: Activities. 1963-1990
Poet Laureate Awards, Illinois Arts Council. 1971-1981
Illinois Arts Council. 1963-1981, undated
Poetry Contests. 1963-1990, undated
Gwendolyn Brooks Black Student Awards. undated
Writer's Contest, [Clark College, Atlanta, GA]. circa 1977
Scholarships and Fellowships. 1972-1980, undated
Subseries 3.5: Writing Conferences and Residencies. 1968-1979
Indiana University Writer's Conference. 1968, undated, 1971
Miscellaneous Writer's Conferences. 1976-1979
Fine Arts Work Center, Provincetown, MA. 1969-1976, undated
The International Writing Program, University of Iowa. 1969
Chicago Public Library - Wild Onion Festival. 1977
Subseries 3.6: Teaching. 1966-1981
Teaching. 1966-1981, undated
Subseries 3.7: Miscellaneous Professional. 1946-1988
Royalty Statements and Payment Stubs. 1946-1977
Resumes. undated
Professional Miscellaneous. [1964]-1988, undated
Series 4: Personal Papers. 1928-1984
Subseries 4.1: Personal Miscellany. 1928-1981
Calendars. 1961-1976
Guestbook. 1976
Legal Documents. 1946-1980
Travel Documents. 1971, 1977, undated
Addresses. undated
Report Card - Forestville School, 6th Grade. 1928
Poetry Clippings Scrapbook. circa 1930s
Announcements - Graduation. 1968-1979, undated
Announcements - Receptions, Benefits. 1958-1981
Announcements - Wedding, Death, Birth. 1958-1980
Music Scores. undated
Scrapbook. 1969
Subseries 4.2: Family Papers. 1929-1984
Storiettes. circa 1972-1977, undated
Miscellaneous Writings. undated
Notebooks. 1929-1944, undated
Miscellaneous. 1959-1978, undated
Keziah Brooks - Famous Composers scrapbook. undated
4.2.2: Henry Blakely Papers. 1938-1984
Curriculum Vitae. undated
Correspondence - miscellaneous. 1978-1984
Writings. 1938-1975, undated
Writings. 1938-1975, undated
Speeches and Appearances. 1977-1978, undated
Organizations. 1978-1984, undated
Business Papers. 1969-1978, undated
Teaching. 1976-1979, undated
Miscellaneous. 1969-1982, undated
4.2.3: Nora Blakely Papers. 1968-1983
Curriculum Vitae. undated
Correspondence miscellaneous. 1977-1981
Writings. 1979-1980, undated
Organizations, Anchor Arts Organization. 1979-1983, undated
Organizations, Anchor Arts Organization Notebook. undated
Organizations, Kuumba. 1973-1981, undated
Organizations, Rainbow Magazine. 1980-1981, undated
Organizations, other. 1979-1981, undated
Teaching. 1972, undated
Personal. 1968-1981, undated
Rainbow Magazine. 1981
Miscellaneous. 1977
Subseries 4.3: Financial Papers. 1951-1980
Financial Papers. 1951-1980, undated
Raymond Brooks - Miscellaneous Financial. 1953-1956
Series 5: Clippings. 1938-1989
Subseries 5.1: About Gwendolyn Brooks. 1947-1988
Clippings by decade. 1947-1988, undated
Clippings by decade. 1957-1987, undated
Subseries 5.2: General Clippings. 1938-1989
General Clippings. 1938-1989, undated
Newspapers. circa 1950-1980
Series 6: Writings by Others. 1967-1989
Subseries 6.1: Individuals. 1967-1988
Authors, A-K. 1968-1985, undated
Authors, L-Z. 1967-1988, undated
Authors, Anonymous. undated
Individuals and Unidentified. 1964-1986, undated
Various Authors - Collected Poems. 1972, undated
Various Authors - Encyclopedia Britannica. 1969
Requests for Manuscript Review. 1960-1981, undated
Unsolicited Manuscripts. 1982
Subseries 6.2: Teaching and Workshops. 1976-1979
Gwendolyn Brooks Workshop - Class Poems. undated
Prison Class Writings. 1976-1979
Student Class work. undated
Subseries 6.3: Poetry from Schools. 1968-1989
Student Poetry. 1968-1989, undated
Subseries 6.4: Publications by Others. 1950-1990
Poetry. 1950-1990, undated
Black Publications. 1965-1981, undated
Black Publications. 1972-1984
General Publications. 1977-1982
Song Books. undated
Newsletters. 1965-1987
Reports. 1950-1980
Miscellaneous. 1925-1989, undated
Chicago Magazine, Charter Issue. 1964
Carr, Peter. Bumpers, Bugs, USA. 1969
Series 7: Miscellaneous. circa 1940-1991
Writing. 1971-1978, undated
Black Organizations, History, Art. 1963-1978, undated
Colleges. 1974-1991, undated
Organizations. 1965-1980, undated
Political. undated
Ephemera. circa 1940s, undated
Miscellany. undated
Ephemera. undated
Martin Luther King Jr. Print. undated