Halo is our keeper puppy from the Monte x Elara litter we had at the end of 2018. She has everything we were hoping for with this breeding; size, angulation and attitude! She will debut in the Baby Puppy classes in both the CKC and the UKC this spring, and will be just old enough to compete for points by the time the National and Regional Specialties come around in June. We have gifted this puppy to our daughter Audrey, so watch for this duo in the summer!
Audrey and Halo made their debut at the National Specialty in June 2019, there they were awarded Reserve Winner Bitch and Best Puppy. Halo also brought home a second RWB at the Ontario All Pointing Breed Field Dog Club specialty that weekend. Her brother Rye, owned by Suad Dajani, showed well all weekend and took home Reserve Winners Dog at the Regional Specialty. Halo has since earned 6 points towards her Championship with very limited showing.
Audrey and Halo competed in a local field test in the fall of 2019 and Halo earned her Field Dog Jr title in 3 runs, with scores of 77, 88 and 97. Audrey handled Halo in the last run and was awarded the first ever Best Jr Handler award given by the Vizsla Society of Ontario at their field tests for the highest passing score by a Jr handler. This was the first time ever that they have been able to hand this award out. Halo is our youngest dog to earn a field title at just 10 months old. This team has also been attending obedience classes together, and will hopefully hit the rally ring in 2021.
With all dog events shut down due to Covid, we had not had a chance to get the dogs out. Finally they started to allow certain outdoor sports to start up again and we decided to try out Sprinter, a timed 100m dash. At our first sprinter trial Halo ran all 3 times and kept her runs to 9 seconds or less, topping out her speed at 41km/h. These speeds gave her enough points to earn her Novice Sprinter title, the first for any of our dogs! Halo ran again at another sprinter test the end of October, increasing her top speed to just under 44 km/h, the fastest of all our dogs so far! She will not be able to finish her next level of Sprinter titles this fall, but she is very close.
At the Elgin County show the end of August 2020 Halo showed very well and took home Winners Bitch and Best of Winners/Breed both days we were entered earning her 4 points towards her Championship. She now needs only 4 more to finish, but it may be mid 2021 before we get into a show ring again.
Halo showed at the Barrie Kennel Club and the Kilbride Kennel Club shows in late July and early August 2021. She earned a Reserve Winners bitch at both shows with large bitch entries.
At the St. Catharines KC show in August 2021, Audrey and Halo participated in their first ever Rally trials. They passed both runs with scores in the 90's and a 1st and 2nd place in their class. Halo needs just one more pass to earn her RN title. This team also participated in a UKC rally trial in December where they earned 4 scores in the 90's, several class placements and their URO1 title (the UKC equivalent to the CKC RN). Halo also completed her SPOT assessment, the UKC's version of the Good Neighbour test.
After raising her first litter Halo returned to the performance and conformation rings in late July/early August 2022. At the Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club show she earned Reserve winners out of a nice entry of class bitches. The weekend of August 12th to 14th Halo and Audrey completed their final leg of the RN title with a perfect score of 100 and second place in the class, Halo also picked up 1 more point towards her Championship by going Best of Breed over Mali. The following weekend we returned to sprinter where Halo earned her Advanced Sprinter title, and passed the Canine Good Neighbour test. Halo also earned her Novice Trick Dog title at the Oakville Kennel Club show and added 200 points towards her Sprinter Excellent title on September 18th.
We showed at the Brantford and District Kennel Club show in early December 2022 where Halo picked up 2 more points for her CKC Championship by going Winners and Best of Winners, she is now only 1 point away from her title. Halo earned her UKC Champion title at the last UKC show of the year on December 10th, she also went on to win a huge Group 1 in a strong Gun Dog group.
At our first show of 2023 Halo picked up her final point towards her Championship by going winners bitch and earning 2 points, putting her at 11. Halo has been sitting out of performance for the time being while her co-owner Audrey is away studying at College.
BPISS - Best Puppy in Specialty Show
FDj - Field Dog Jr
NS - Novice Sprinter
S - Sprinter
AS - Advanced Sprinter
SX - Sprinter Excellent
URO1 - United Rally Obedience 1
SPOT - Socialized Pet Obedience Test
RN - Rally Novice
CGN - Canine Good Neighbour
UKC/CKC CH - Show champion, both United Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club
VN - Versatility Novice
Eyes: clear VZ-EYE1341/23F-VPI
Heart: clear VZ-BCA10/23F/C-VPI
Hips: Good VZ-16749G25F-VPI
Elbows: clear VZ-EL3570F25-VPI
Thyroid: normal VZ-TH2195/25F-VPI
CHIC#: 155953
Reserve Winners Bitch and Best Puppy in National Specialty at 6 months + 1 week of age
Youngest of our dogs to complete a field title at 10 months old.
First of our dogs to earn a Sprinter title
Earned her URO1 title in 3 runs with scores in the 90's
Finished her RN in 3 runs, ending with a perfect score
Halo's brother Rye travelled with us to Long Sault for one day to show in the all breed show and the Ottawa Valley Pointing Dog Specialty in 2019. At the specialty he was awarded Best Puppy in breed and at the all breed show later that afternoon walked away with Winners dog, Best of Winners and Best Puppy for a 3 point win. Rye picked up a few more points in the fall/winter 2019 and finished his Championship at the Woodstock and District Kennel Club show in February 2020. He is the first of the Monte x Elara puppies to earn their Championship.
Not to be out done, the second brother, Zoti, finished his CKC Championship at the Barrie Kennel Club show July 2022, shown by his owner.