The 75+ Best TV Shows About Marriage, Ranked

Molly Gander
Updated January 18, 2025 38.9K views 88 items
Ranked By
3.8K votes
553 voters
2 reranks
Voting Rules
Vote up the scripted shows that center their storyline around marriage and being married.
Latest additions: The Couple Next Door, Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage, The Perfect Couple
Most divisive: Black-ish
Over 500 Ranker voters have come together to rank this list of The 75+ Best TV Shows About Marriage, Ranked

There's no shortage of stories to tell about marriage. Since the beginning of television, nearly every series has dealt with the trials and tribulations of marriage at some point, whether in groundbreaking, funny, dramatic, or tragic ways. Whether you've vowed to never get married, you're thinking about getting married, or you've been married for years, sometimes the best way to understand such an endlessly complex institution is to watch how others deal with it. In our current age of television, the best shows about marriage tell utterly compelling, human stories that can go from heartbreaking to empathetic to hilariously satisfying all in one episode. 

Shows about marriage can be therapeutic for those in a long-term relationship, but they can also be cathartic and just plain entertaining for everyone else. The best shows about marriage differ from those about plain old dating because, compared to marriage, dating is a walk in the park. On this list of shows about marriage, we're focusing on stories that are primarily about getting married and staying married. From dramas to comedies to cartoons to HBO nudity-fests, the shows on this list all manage to say something unique about marriage and show the variety of ways that a marriage can affect us and those around us. Whether these shows are simply about a loving couple or manage to show the maddening complexities of long-term love, these TV series about being married all understand what makes a marriage compelling and are able to turn that union into endlessly riveting television.

What are television's best marriage shows? Vote up the shows about marriage you think are the best and see where your favorite shows about being married rank.