I am so sorry. I must apologize. The course I just finished ate me alive. My whole self was stuck in that class. I promise to catch up with my blog. I appreciate your vigilance. I'm on it! Please have a safe and happy Christmas!!!
He's Tricky
We sat down to eat dinner this evening, Carter took just a few bites and got down. Naturally, I asked him where he was going. He started rubbing his eyes and said, "I'm Tire." (It's true, he leaves the d out.) I said, "You're tired?" Carter-Yes Sir, Me-Maybe you should go to bed then. Carter- I'm gonna lay on the couch and watch TV.
All he cared about was getting down so he could watch some Phineas and Ferb. Hee hee hee. Needless to say, it didn't work out in his favor. He joined us once more for dinner and tried the ordeal once more. He's so tricky. :º) I love that he thinks if he's tired he doesn't have to do what ever it is he's supposed to be doing. He frequently pulls the eye-rubbing tire act when I ask him to pick up after himself.
10 Things My Kids Have Done Lately
1. Michael- Mommy, all I want for Christmas is Mighty Beanz and Pixos. That's all Santa has to bring me. I won't be mad if he brings Carter Baby more stuff than that.
2. Carter- You so trouble Mommy. Go to the corner. Me- Why? Carter- BU Cause. Me- what did I do that I'm in trouble? Carter- You scratched this thing. (A body washing blobby thing made from tule)
3. Carter- I wanna go in the Beej. I wanna go in the Jeep. Are we goin' shoppin'?
4. Michael- This is what people do on dates. They put two straws in one drink!
5. Carter lays down with a purpose and says "I'm relaxing"
6. Michael has an old happy meal toy that fits on his wrist and flips out slowly. It used to have a red LED light on it. It was intended as some kind of spy device. Now...It's anything you want it to be. He "shot water" out of it today and I told him we would have to mop it up so we didn't fall and magically a mop shot out the end of it and he started mopping the floor with his invisible mop. Then he measured me with it. Then vacuumed with it. Then he built me an E-dult gym with basketball hoops and basketballs in it. He made me shoot a basket and then showed me where the score was showing. The fun goes on for hours.
7. Carter- There's a monster. Brian- Where? Carter- in my bedroom. B- Let's go get them out of there so you can go to sleep. Monsters...get out of here. C- No, you have to yell at them like you yell at me. B- Monsters..GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!
8. Brian went to McDonald's with the boys while I was out of town. There is a huge play place so naturally they are playing in it. A group of 6 or 7 young teens come in and throw their boots in the middle of the floor. Michael tripped on them and a girl gave him attitude about watching where he's walking. Michael turned right around and said "You should've put them away in the right place." Carter chased all of the teen girls out of the play place by going up to them one by one and growling in their faces till they were uncomfortable enough to leave.
9. Carter was playing a driving game with Brian and he would NOT sit on the seat. He knew he had to push the petals to make it go. We are in SO much trouble. I mean...We are SO trouble.
10. Both boys have Buckeye Fever right now. If you tell one of them to say "Go Buckeyes" they will keep at it for at LEAST 20 minutes. They know Jeff Weese hates the Buckeyes so they rub it in when ever he's around. YEAH BUCKEYES!!! :º)
2. Carter- You so trouble Mommy. Go to the corner. Me- Why? Carter- BU Cause. Me- what did I do that I'm in trouble? Carter- You scratched this thing. (A body washing blobby thing made from tule)
3. Carter- I wanna go in the Beej. I wanna go in the Jeep. Are we goin' shoppin'?
4. Michael- This is what people do on dates. They put two straws in one drink!
5. Carter lays down with a purpose and says "I'm relaxing"
6. Michael has an old happy meal toy that fits on his wrist and flips out slowly. It used to have a red LED light on it. It was intended as some kind of spy device. Now...It's anything you want it to be. He "shot water" out of it today and I told him we would have to mop it up so we didn't fall and magically a mop shot out the end of it and he started mopping the floor with his invisible mop. Then he measured me with it. Then vacuumed with it. Then he built me an E-dult gym with basketball hoops and basketballs in it. He made me shoot a basket and then showed me where the score was showing. The fun goes on for hours.
7. Carter- There's a monster. Brian- Where? Carter- in my bedroom. B- Let's go get them out of there so you can go to sleep. Monsters...get out of here. C- No, you have to yell at them like you yell at me. B- Monsters..GET OUT RIGHT NOW!!!
8. Brian went to McDonald's with the boys while I was out of town. There is a huge play place so naturally they are playing in it. A group of 6 or 7 young teens come in and throw their boots in the middle of the floor. Michael tripped on them and a girl gave him attitude about watching where he's walking. Michael turned right around and said "You should've put them away in the right place." Carter chased all of the teen girls out of the play place by going up to them one by one and growling in their faces till they were uncomfortable enough to leave.
9. Carter was playing a driving game with Brian and he would NOT sit on the seat. He knew he had to push the petals to make it go. We are in SO much trouble. I mean...We are SO trouble.
10. Both boys have Buckeye Fever right now. If you tell one of them to say "Go Buckeyes" they will keep at it for at LEAST 20 minutes. They know Jeff Weese hates the Buckeyes so they rub it in when ever he's around. YEAH BUCKEYES!!! :º)
Dear Politicians,
As an American, I feel it is a gift to vote. I also feel you should tell us WHY to vote for you, not why NOT to vote for your opponent. In student council, a candidate tells us what he or she will do for the student body. He or she may share opinions about current events or student rights. I am pretty sure this is how it started with the politics we know today. What on earth made you decide it would be better to slam your opponent? I PROMISE to make my decision based on who goes about the process in a positive manner. I refuse to vote for the politician that spends other Americas' hard earned money to spit on another's face. It is disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself.
While watching television with my husband yesterday, we sat through a commercial break that was completely made up of political slander ads. Eew! Why am I receiving 6-12 paper slander ads a day in the mail? Why would I vote for someone who throws trees into my mailbox? I have placed them all in my recycle bin, but I am positive, most people are just tossing them in the trash. I don't even read them if they look negative. I believe this is a trashy way to do business. PLEASE knock it off. We tell our children not to speak ill of others. What do you think they are learning from our nation's leaders? You are undoing everything parents try so hard to instill in their children. Talk bad about each other and waste as much as possible. What garbage!!! Thank you to the occasional pump ad. It is shameful that they are so rarely seen. Please refrain from teaching us to hate. Isn't there enough hate in this world? Do you REALLY need us to HATE your opponent? God tells us to love one another as he loved us. This is hardly what you are practicing. Please re-evaluate your practices before our next election. I really can't take all of this negativity in my mostly positive home.
~Helen Hassel
While watching television with my husband yesterday, we sat through a commercial break that was completely made up of political slander ads. Eew! Why am I receiving 6-12 paper slander ads a day in the mail? Why would I vote for someone who throws trees into my mailbox? I have placed them all in my recycle bin, but I am positive, most people are just tossing them in the trash. I don't even read them if they look negative. I believe this is a trashy way to do business. PLEASE knock it off. We tell our children not to speak ill of others. What do you think they are learning from our nation's leaders? You are undoing everything parents try so hard to instill in their children. Talk bad about each other and waste as much as possible. What garbage!!! Thank you to the occasional pump ad. It is shameful that they are so rarely seen. Please refrain from teaching us to hate. Isn't there enough hate in this world? Do you REALLY need us to HATE your opponent? God tells us to love one another as he loved us. This is hardly what you are practicing. Please re-evaluate your practices before our next election. I really can't take all of this negativity in my mostly positive home.
~Helen Hassel
The Funny Things My Kids Did Today
1. I was helping Michael get ready for school this morning. His zipper was down so I asked him to zip it. He said, "Daddy calls this my barn doors." (Brian has been telling him his barn doors are open) I said,"I understand that, could you put it up?" Michael continued, "But I like to let the cows out!"
When he's 13 this is going to be SO FUNNY!
2. Michael has recently taken my razor scooter out of retirement. He's getting really good at it and decided to attempt a trick. He was riding down the sidewalk from the front door, crossing the driveway and into the grass, where he would fall knee first into the small hillside. I asked him to stop and he naturally asked why. I said something to the tune of "Because you are ruining your jeans and I'm going to have to find a way to get those grass stains off of your knees." He said,"You just have to rub that stuff on them and they will come right out!" me - WHAT? Michael- It's called Oxyclean.
3. Brian and I were sitting on the sofa sharing some popcorn and watching "Top Gear" when I smelled baby powder. I asked Brian what smelled like baby powder and he said he was wondering the same thing. He walked up stairs to the origin of the smell. This is the farthest point of the upstairs to where we were sitting. There was a small mound of powder in Carter's room. This mound was closely followed by little white footprints leading to the closet. In the closet, there were 2 pairs of shoes, two board books and a baby powder bottle completely covered. Along with a two year old more pale than he has ever been before.
I have had many many laughs today. Thank you Boys!!!
When he's 13 this is going to be SO FUNNY!
2. Michael has recently taken my razor scooter out of retirement. He's getting really good at it and decided to attempt a trick. He was riding down the sidewalk from the front door, crossing the driveway and into the grass, where he would fall knee first into the small hillside. I asked him to stop and he naturally asked why. I said something to the tune of "Because you are ruining your jeans and I'm going to have to find a way to get those grass stains off of your knees." He said,"You just have to rub that stuff on them and they will come right out!" me - WHAT? Michael- It's called Oxyclean.
3. Brian and I were sitting on the sofa sharing some popcorn and watching "Top Gear" when I smelled baby powder. I asked Brian what smelled like baby powder and he said he was wondering the same thing. He walked up stairs to the origin of the smell. This is the farthest point of the upstairs to where we were sitting. There was a small mound of powder in Carter's room. This mound was closely followed by little white footprints leading to the closet. In the closet, there were 2 pairs of shoes, two board books and a baby powder bottle completely covered. Along with a two year old more pale than he has ever been before.
I have had many many laughs today. Thank you Boys!!!
Can You Even Believe This???
I can hardly believe how stinkin' cute this boy is. I am so proud of him for taking such an amazing picture. I admit, I would have liked for the photographer to have him wipe his chin but this smile is priceless. Way to go Pal!!!!
My Aspiring Dentist
Carter set up one of the bar stools near the very bright sliding door. He said, "Mommy! Check this out! Come sit down so I can check your teeth!!" The amazing part is that he moved his little fingers around my mouth like the dentist moves his tools. He was totaly looking IN my mouth, like from 2 inches away. After he was done checking mine, he had me check his. I love this alone time with him. His imagination astounds me.
I'm Not Crying...
Michael has apparently inheritted my crying eyes when it's cool and windy. He came up to me and I asked if he was crying. He said,"I'm not crying! That's just eyeball juice."
Michael's Editing
Michael has been working on a LOT of nursery rhymes at school. The first week he came home singing "Hickory Dickory Dock"
Today...He had a revision.
"Hickory Dickory Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck two,
Then the mouse stayed up there and got the cheese."
I said, "That's not how it goes."
He said, "That's how I say it."
Today...He had a revision.
"Hickory Dickory Dock,
The mouse ran up the clock,
The clock struck two,
Then the mouse stayed up there and got the cheese."
I said, "That's not how it goes."
He said, "That's how I say it."
Ten on Today
1. I got to sleep in today.
2. When I woke up, Carter asked me for milk. I told him to get it and I would fill it for him. He said "My milk's all gone." I told him it wasn't and that we had more in the garage fridge. He promptly brought back a half gallon of Lactaid. Brian said, "Where did he find that?" I told him it was in the garage. He followed that with, "Well, I think we just found our self-sufficiant child."
3. I LOVE October.
4. I can't wait to decorate this monstrosity for Halloween.
5. Buckeyes are on!!!
6. Michael knows that Buckeye day comes just before church day. Hee hee hee
7. Mom brought over her Cricut a couple weeks ago and NOW realizes how much she actually uses it. I'll get it back to you soon Mama!
8. Carter and Brian are giving the yard a once over. It's pretty pitiful. Most of the grass is brown from the lack of rain. If you run your foot over it, it just comes out.
9. Charge conference is done and out of our heads for the year. :ºD
10. We got our "Save the date" for Maureen and JD's wedding. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! I am so excited forher them. She deserves a love like JD gives her. WHAT A BLESSING!!!! Love you Mo!!!!
2. When I woke up, Carter asked me for milk. I told him to get it and I would fill it for him. He said "My milk's all gone." I told him it wasn't and that we had more in the garage fridge. He promptly brought back a half gallon of Lactaid. Brian said, "Where did he find that?" I told him it was in the garage. He followed that with, "Well, I think we just found our self-sufficiant child."
3. I LOVE October.
4. I can't wait to decorate this monstrosity for Halloween.
5. Buckeyes are on!!!
6. Michael knows that Buckeye day comes just before church day. Hee hee hee
7. Mom brought over her Cricut a couple weeks ago and NOW realizes how much she actually uses it. I'll get it back to you soon Mama!
8. Carter and Brian are giving the yard a once over. It's pretty pitiful. Most of the grass is brown from the lack of rain. If you run your foot over it, it just comes out.
9. Charge conference is done and out of our heads for the year. :ºD
10. We got our "Save the date" for Maureen and JD's wedding. I CAN NOT WAIT!!! I am so excited for
Noises in the Night
Michael came down stairs from bed this evening. He looked like he was on the brink of tears. He said to Brian, "There's something making noise under my bed." Brian asked him if he wanted the Monster Slayer to take action and he just shook his head. He then asked Michael if he just wanted him to look under the bed to see what was making all that noise. Michael said yes. Brian brought Michael back upstairs and reluctantly looked under the bed. I heard from upstairs, "OH! THAT'S what's under your bed!" It was Carter. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA! That Carter Baby is so funny. He has been sneaking out of his room a lot since the Lannings moved in. Now that they have gone, he is still leaving his bed a ton. This was a first. :º)
A Month In Review
So sorry about my "missing in action"-ness. It has been so busy around here. Let's start with Michael's glasses. He got them a month ago. I can't believe I haven't shown you yet.
This face was made for glasses. I can't believe how old he looks. I could just eat him up!
The day after he got his glasses, Missy and Aubrey came to town. Shawn was playing in Indianapolis and I was going to take the boys to watch him when things changed. Missy and Aubrey happily changed their plans and came to see us instead. It was so great to see Carter interact with his aunt and cousin. They just met for the first time a few short weeks ago.
I know it looks like Missy doesn't have legs but this was the cutest one! It was a fast love for the three of them. Aubrey was, of course, in love at first sight. Missy has been waiting for this moment for two and a half years. I'm so glad she finally had it! The cousins, Pammie and Cheyenne were all excited to give us a photo opportunity.
Pammie, Aubrey and Michael jumped with all their might while Carter and Cheyenne just looked at them as though they had lost their minds. This is my favorite shot though. I have it on my desktop. :º)
A couple days after Missy and Aubrey were here we went to Youngstown to visit Brian's family. Pat and Todd came in for a visit and we squeezed a little play time in there too.
Grandma Pat was helping Carter on the teeter totter. All three of my boys loved this one. Brian may have helped out too. ;º) Michael was not so cooperative when it came to picture time with him.
I had to sneak this one while they were trying to figure out which house had the barking dog. He was avoiding a picture with Grandma Pat like it was his job. Isn't it cute how they matched that day?
Lastly, Pammie's first day of school. (Michael's will come soon. I promise!) The Kindergarten started three days after the rest of the elementary school. On Pammie's first day we got the whole clan out to see her off.
This look is VERY typical of Cheyenne. I don't know why she thinks that's what we want when we tell her to say cheese but that's what we get. Almost always. Recently, like 3 days ago, I realized that if I show her my smile with open eyes that she smiles great! These five have been together for a month. The Lannings got their own place last Thursday and life has been SO quiet since then. We still see them when Pammie gets off the bus though. :º)
A Pouring of Blessings
Last Thursday, around bed time, I got a call from my friend Beth. She asked me if I was busy and I said "I am about to put the boys to bed. Why? What's up?" She said, "Tim just called, my house is on fire and I'm in Mt. Vernon." So we packed the kids in the car and boogied over to their house.
When we got there, Pammy, 7, was holding Wyatt, 1, in the yard and Tim was running in and out of the house getting anything he could think of that may be important. I took Pammy and Wyatt to the car and they played inside with my dudes while the fire department showed up. Beth came first, Cheyenne, 2, was in the back sleeping. She slept through the entire ordeal. We got the dogs into her car and they stayed there. Tim and Brian were rushing in and out when the firemen started showing. The first one asked Tim where the fire was and Tim told him it was right above his head so the fireman proceeded to make a 5 foot hole in the living room ceiling. Then they went upstairs and did the same thing to the roof of the girls' bedroom.
The firemen were there for a very long time. The fire was out before 9:00 but they didn't leave till about 1:00 in the morning. I took the kids back to our house and put them all to bed. Tim works third shift so he went to work around 11:00 so Brian, Beth and her sister, Brittany were getting anything they could save until 3:00ish. They came back here, reeking of smoke, showered and went to bed.
When they left the upstairs was pretty much lost but Tim and Beth's bedroom was wet but untouched by fire damage. The morning came much too early and a gentleman from the church stopped by and told us that the house caught fire again around 5:00. Beth had only the clothes on her back. Tim had some jeans that were salvageable. Luckily, she had a load of kids' clothes in the drier that were a little smokey but unharmed. Over the next couple of days, they returned to salvage anything they could. The owner of the house is planning to burn the rest of the house down after they get whatever they can use out.
The master bedroom
What's left of the toddler bed. Somehow, it ended up outside.
This is where the blessings start. First, we had dinner delivered Friday evening. We also had some breakfast items dropped of the night of the fire. Brian and I have been down a vehicle for a few months and when I brought my boys to M & D's Friday night, they let me take their extra vehicle. They also offered Beth and Tim the queen bed they just replaced and a dresser.
The transmission in the Explorer (our only vehicle) has been troublesome lately and we really don't have $3,000 to replace it. On Saturday morning, a man from the church had his step dad look at it and he said he thinks it's a filter inside the transmission not the transmission itself so it's looking like it will cost around $100 instead of $3,000. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
Brian and I had a very busy weekend. I was on a youth retreat and Brian was preforming a wedding of a dear friend. When Sunday evening came, so did dinner. Delivered in abundance. The deliverer also brought many, many pantry stuffers. She and the deliverer of our first meal took what ever smokey laundry they could grab and started washing. Three washers and driers have been super busy trying to get smoke out of clothes. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
On Saturday, when Lou was looking at the transmission he took the Explorer for a ride. Before leaving the driveway, he backed it into Beth's car. He felt AWFUL! His stepson immediately gave us his van to use. Brian tried refusing and he wouldn't hear it. So we now have 2 completely functioning vehicles. WHAT A BLESSING!
Three weeks ago, I made plans with a family to bring their son to band this week so he has been staying here also. You would think that 10 people living in one house would be hard...it's been incredible. I admit, it's been loud but the blessings keep pouring in.
Last night we had another dinner delivered. We had two extra mouths and it was no big deal. This church has completely stepped up.
I want to thank every single person who has stepped up and taken time to help us in this time of need. The kids have all received clothes and a couple toys. The food has been amazing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
Thank you again for all the help and blessings. I have never felt so blessed in all my life.
When we got there, Pammy, 7, was holding Wyatt, 1, in the yard and Tim was running in and out of the house getting anything he could think of that may be important. I took Pammy and Wyatt to the car and they played inside with my dudes while the fire department showed up. Beth came first, Cheyenne, 2, was in the back sleeping. She slept through the entire ordeal. We got the dogs into her car and they stayed there. Tim and Brian were rushing in and out when the firemen started showing. The first one asked Tim where the fire was and Tim told him it was right above his head so the fireman proceeded to make a 5 foot hole in the living room ceiling. Then they went upstairs and did the same thing to the roof of the girls' bedroom.
The firemen were there for a very long time. The fire was out before 9:00 but they didn't leave till about 1:00 in the morning. I took the kids back to our house and put them all to bed. Tim works third shift so he went to work around 11:00 so Brian, Beth and her sister, Brittany were getting anything they could save until 3:00ish. They came back here, reeking of smoke, showered and went to bed.
When they left the upstairs was pretty much lost but Tim and Beth's bedroom was wet but untouched by fire damage. The morning came much too early and a gentleman from the church stopped by and told us that the house caught fire again around 5:00. Beth had only the clothes on her back. Tim had some jeans that were salvageable. Luckily, she had a load of kids' clothes in the drier that were a little smokey but unharmed. Over the next couple of days, they returned to salvage anything they could. The owner of the house is planning to burn the rest of the house down after they get whatever they can use out.
The master bedroom
What's left of the toddler bed. Somehow, it ended up outside.
The staircase.
This is where the blessings start. First, we had dinner delivered Friday evening. We also had some breakfast items dropped of the night of the fire. Brian and I have been down a vehicle for a few months and when I brought my boys to M & D's Friday night, they let me take their extra vehicle. They also offered Beth and Tim the queen bed they just replaced and a dresser.
The transmission in the Explorer (our only vehicle) has been troublesome lately and we really don't have $3,000 to replace it. On Saturday morning, a man from the church had his step dad look at it and he said he thinks it's a filter inside the transmission not the transmission itself so it's looking like it will cost around $100 instead of $3,000. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
Brian and I had a very busy weekend. I was on a youth retreat and Brian was preforming a wedding of a dear friend. When Sunday evening came, so did dinner. Delivered in abundance. The deliverer also brought many, many pantry stuffers. She and the deliverer of our first meal took what ever smokey laundry they could grab and started washing. Three washers and driers have been super busy trying to get smoke out of clothes. WHAT A BLESSING!!!
On Saturday, when Lou was looking at the transmission he took the Explorer for a ride. Before leaving the driveway, he backed it into Beth's car. He felt AWFUL! His stepson immediately gave us his van to use. Brian tried refusing and he wouldn't hear it. So we now have 2 completely functioning vehicles. WHAT A BLESSING!
Three weeks ago, I made plans with a family to bring their son to band this week so he has been staying here also. You would think that 10 people living in one house would be hard...it's been incredible. I admit, it's been loud but the blessings keep pouring in.
Last night we had another dinner delivered. We had two extra mouths and it was no big deal. This church has completely stepped up.
I want to thank every single person who has stepped up and taken time to help us in this time of need. The kids have all received clothes and a couple toys. The food has been amazing. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!
R.S.D. Awareness
If you have anything orange in your wardrobe, please put it on today. We are walking in Peachtree City tonight to raise awareness for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. It's a misfire of the sympathetic nerve and causes a pain like a blow torch. It's as though barbed wire were wrapped around your body. Even the brush of your clothing can cause excruciating pain.
My sister-in-law has RSD. Sometimes it's all over pain and sometimes it's reserved to her extremities. She has to wear a boot on her left leg all the time just to walk. It kills me to watch the pain in her eyes. She hides the pain so well that sometimes I forget she has any issues. She is amazing. I am so proud to walk for this disease today. Please put something orange on today!!!
My sister-in-law has RSD. Sometimes it's all over pain and sometimes it's reserved to her extremities. She has to wear a boot on her left leg all the time just to walk. It kills me to watch the pain in her eyes. She hides the pain so well that sometimes I forget she has any issues. She is amazing. I am so proud to walk for this disease today. Please put something orange on today!!!
I could really use your help!
My sister-in-law Lucille has lived on a pretty rough path. 14 Januaries ago, her dad had a heart attack. She and her sister left the hospital to run home and grab a quick shower. She lived in a cabin on Mount Pisgah. The steps aren't quite normal they are probably a foot or more tall and just a couple inches deep. She ran and played on these steps for her whole life but on this particular day, she ran up and dislocated her knee cap. Life was never the same.
She spent a very long time in the hospital. She gained 90 pounds in just a couple months. She was bound to her hospital bed. She couldn't even touch her lower leg without excruciating pain. She was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). It is a problem with the sympathetic nerve that confuses touch for awful pain. She finally went home and lived in a hospital bed. She eventually got to a point where she could reasonably ride in a wheel chair. When I met her in 2004 she was using crutches. By the time she walked down the isle to marry Keith, she was free of her crutches. If ever you feel like you can't achieve something, think of Cille. She has never given up this fight.
She deals with this burning pain every day of her life. Looking at her, I see a caring, loving, helpful, amazing woman who would do anything for ANYONE. Beneath her clothing she faces a blow torch. She is constantly in pain. She has attempted many different types of pain management. Some work better than others but nothing takes it away.
This weekend, there is a walk for RSD awareness in New York City. Cille, Keith, Kerri, Jill and I were going to meet there and take the walk. Cille has since had many other terrible medical problems and is unable to make the trip. Keith has been working around the clock to make sure we can still walk for RSD but a little closer to home. Keith and I have not raised any money just yet because we didn't know if we would be going.
We have a chance to make a difference for everyone facing RSD(Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). Please stop by my fundraising site and support us as we walk to raise awareness for RSD. Maybe the right doctor with the right technology will hear about it and be able to make a difference. With your help we can make a difference for our Lucille!!!
Thank you for taking your time to read about my Cheese.
She spent a very long time in the hospital. She gained 90 pounds in just a couple months. She was bound to her hospital bed. She couldn't even touch her lower leg without excruciating pain. She was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD). It is a problem with the sympathetic nerve that confuses touch for awful pain. She finally went home and lived in a hospital bed. She eventually got to a point where she could reasonably ride in a wheel chair. When I met her in 2004 she was using crutches. By the time she walked down the isle to marry Keith, she was free of her crutches. If ever you feel like you can't achieve something, think of Cille. She has never given up this fight.
She deals with this burning pain every day of her life. Looking at her, I see a caring, loving, helpful, amazing woman who would do anything for ANYONE. Beneath her clothing she faces a blow torch. She is constantly in pain. She has attempted many different types of pain management. Some work better than others but nothing takes it away.
This weekend, there is a walk for RSD awareness in New York City. Cille, Keith, Kerri, Jill and I were going to meet there and take the walk. Cille has since had many other terrible medical problems and is unable to make the trip. Keith has been working around the clock to make sure we can still walk for RSD but a little closer to home. Keith and I have not raised any money just yet because we didn't know if we would be going.
We have a chance to make a difference for everyone facing RSD(Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy). Please stop by my fundraising site and support us as we walk to raise awareness for RSD. Maybe the right doctor with the right technology will hear about it and be able to make a difference. With your help we can make a difference for our Lucille!!!
Thank you for taking your time to read about my Cheese.
Good Bye Old Friend
Pablo was the greatest dog I have EVER owned. Brian gave him to me in October, 2000 for a birthday gift. I wanted a puppy and this fur ball was available and in need of a new home. The family who first owned him called him Gizmo and did not appreciate him. They had kids who poured glue and paint on him. They were going to put him down because he was so mean. I had him for six months before I ever heard him bark. Mean was the last word I would use when describing this dog. He was so cool. He never needed a leash. He has always been VERY loyal.
We had to put him down today. It was a decision that did NOT come lightly and is killing me now. I gave him one last bath this morning. He was such a good bather. Every groomer we ever took him to gloated about his fabulous behavior. When he was brushed and dry I asked Michael if he wanted to say good bye and we had a good cry together. He understands that Pablo is going to Heaven to live with Jesus. When the deed was done, we buried him in the back yard. Before we put him in the ground we wrapped him in a towel. Michael said, "Are you wrapping him up?" I said "Yes Honey." He then said the sweetest, most understanding thing I think I've ever heard from a 5 year old, "Is God going to unwrap him?" That broke my heart all over again.
Then tonight he cried a little more before falling asleep. I assured him that it is COMPLETELY okay to cry. Pablo was an amazing dog and we were blessed to find him. It doesn't matter what you go by, Fat Guy, Pabs, Pablo, Fatman, we just loved you and will never forget what a wonderful, loyal friend you have been. Thank you for falling in love with us.
I love you.
Good bye.
What a Big Dude!!!
While driving to the 'bus, I looked back and saw this. Carter was "reading" aloud from this coloring book. This makes me so proud. I've never been much of a reader but we make sure to read to the boys every single night. It seems to be working. :•)
Squinty Eyes
Michael pulled his eyes out like this today and said "Mommy! Look at me! Do I look blurry?" Hee hee hee He doesn't understand that the world doesn't see as he does. :•)
10 On Tuesday
1. I apologize for not blogging more often.
2. We got a dog for Mother's Day.
3. Michael has been learning a ton about back yard critters at school. We had a toad in our garage one morning and he informed me that it was an amphibian. Then he yelled for me to join him. I said, "Why buddy? What's up?" He said, "There's an arachnid climbing on our house."
4. My kids are cracking me up every day.
5. We are really enjoying date night swap with the Lannings. I admit, having 5 kids every other week makes for a stressful night but we all get ours in the end.
6. I have been VERY busy with school lately. I doubled my class load this session so I don't have to find time for class during Institute.
7. I wish my blogging was the only thing lacking due to school work. I have baskets of folded and unfolded laundry clogging up my bedroom.
8. I am still VERY happy with my choice to keep all the toys in the basement. It has helped immensely with house cleaning.
9. Play-doh is awesome and haunting at the very same time.
10. Carter is a card. He is going to be the clown of the family.
2. We got a dog for Mother's Day.
3. Michael has been learning a ton about back yard critters at school. We had a toad in our garage one morning and he informed me that it was an amphibian. Then he yelled for me to join him. I said, "Why buddy? What's up?" He said, "There's an arachnid climbing on our house."
4. My kids are cracking me up every day.
5. We are really enjoying date night swap with the Lannings. I admit, having 5 kids every other week makes for a stressful night but we all get ours in the end.
6. I have been VERY busy with school lately. I doubled my class load this session so I don't have to find time for class during Institute.
7. I wish my blogging was the only thing lacking due to school work. I have baskets of folded and unfolded laundry clogging up my bedroom.
8. I am still VERY happy with my choice to keep all the toys in the basement. It has helped immensely with house cleaning.
9. Play-doh is awesome and haunting at the very same time.
10. Carter is a card. He is going to be the clown of the family.
This Boy
This boy is amazing.
This boy makes me smile every SINGLE day.
This boy makes me cry when I see how big he is.
This boy helps his brother all day long.
This boy was a premie.
This boy is SO LOVED.
This boy is hilarious.
This boy loves roller skating as much as I do.
This boy loves everyone.
This boy is not afraid to move on.
This boy is so smart.
This boy is my biggest dude.
This boy hits his face when he's nervous.
This boy hides behind me when he's acting shy.
This boy loves to play.
This boy loves Spiderman and has never seen him in action.
This boy remembers EVERYTHING!
This boy has constant bruising on his shins from playing like boys do.
This boy doesn't always listen the greatest.
This boy means the world to me.
This boy says the funniest things.
This boy has the cutest little lisp.
This boy is not very brave when it comes to trying new things.
This boy will try most foods.
This boy is my Michael Man.
This boy loves to cuddle in the morning.
This boy still plays with my hair to soothe himself.
This boy LOVES to meet new people.
This boy is a skipper.
This boy makes fast friends.
This boy is a constant influence on his brother.
This boy cares a LOT.
This boy loves popcorn as much as his Daddy.
This boy makes up songs about anything.
This boy IS a Buckeye.
This boy loves his vegetables.
This boy is FIVE!
Last Day to be 4
Michael had a fun FILLED day today to complete his fifth year of life. 5 years ago today Brian was getting ready for a canoe trip with a group of rural and inner city kids. Let's just say it's a good thing my water broke when it did or he may have missed the whole thing.
Michael skated the morning away. He had them on his hands before he got dressed. Then he wore them till it was time to leave for school. As soon as we got home he went right outside and played till dinner. After dinner he and Carter watered our garden and the beautiful plants popping up around the house. Then proceeded to play till it was pajama time! Isn't that the best part of being 4? Playing till you pass out. I love you 4 year old Michael. I can't wait to meet the 5 year old you become tomorrow! He is so excited to wake up and be 5.
Healthy Snack
Today is Michael's first snack turn at his new school. We chose to share some healthy smiles.
Two slices of apples, two marshmallows, apple dip:
1 stick cream cheese
1/3 cup brown sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. maple flavor
Michael had a great time putting the teeth on these little fellas. Red looks more like lips but granny smith apples just taste SO good with the dip. You can also make these with peanut butter.
A Roth Vacation
Ruth came down this past weekend and I asked her to teach me to crochet. It surely is NOT perfect but it's a start. This is a clear reminder that I am not perfect and simple things take practice. You can tell that I started at the bottom. The stitches are a lot more uniform toward the top.
Thank you Ruth for this life lesson. I had so much fun with you. Thank you for coming. Thank you for loving us the way you do. Thank you for indulging in the Cheesecake Factory. I'm glad we got to experience it's wonder for the first time together. Thank you for introducing me to the Container Store. *Sigh* Thank you for the lasagna. Thank you for being so FUN!!!! I just love you!
I Am SO Excited
Lakeside Institute is going to be amazing this year. Charlie Yoost is our chaplain and he has some fabulous plans for us. If you are going to be a freshman in the fall or are under 21 you can come! Lakesideinstitute.org is where you start. You can sign up now and save $20. Just be sure to sign up before May 1, to get the discount. There are scholarships available if you need the help, just be sure to send in your $40 to register. This camp changed my life and has introduced me to some of my very best friends. Lakeside Institute 2010 will be "Preparing for Take Off." Let's fly together. Go there now and sign up!!!!!
Happy Birthday Daddio!!!!
Happy Birthday Dad! This day is so appropriate for you for so many reasons. Thank you for sharing your wonderful sense of humor with us all. Thank you for passing on the juke box in your head. I just love having a song for ANY situation.
Thanks for being the best Dad!
Thank you for helping everyone. Thank you for being an amazing friend. Thank you for teaching me to love.
Thank you for always having a smile and giving smiles. I love you! Hippy Bathday Fajah! Happy Birthday too! MUAH!
Dramatic Black and White at I ♥ Faces
This girl is a big ball of drama. The contest at I ♥ Faces this week is Dramatic B&W. This girl should have her photo next to the definition of dramatic. There was a little girl, without a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead. And when she was good she was very, very good and when she is bad, she was horrid.
It's a poem my sister used to mess up when we were little but is pretty suiting. I just love her. She has a spunky spirit and is NOT afraid to tell you what she is feeling. Her eyes are just so beautiful! This shot was taken on our last Sunday at the old church. We sure do miss this face!
A Couple Birthday Shout Outs...
Happy Birthday my sweet Julia Faith. I love you so much. I hope your 6th birthday is your best one to date. You mean the world to Uncle Brian, Michael, Carter and me. We just can't get enough of you. Happy Birthday you Big girl!!!! Love you!
Happy 30th to you Kimmy! I am so glad I have you! I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for being Aunt to my dudes. They just love you! We appreciate EVERY THING you do for us! Love you Kimmy!!!!!
What. The. Heck.
So Pat and Todd came this evening to celebrate Carter's birthday. It was PORING down rain all day and most of the evening. We had an interesting situation during supper. At about 8:30 Brian says "Honey?" "Yes?" I say. "Hurry up and look outside." I'm kind of freaking because of the aforementioned incident. I slowly and cautiously approach the front door to find S-N-O-W! On the ground. Accumulating. My poor little plants aren't going to make it. I have no idea what's planted out there and now, I may not find out till next spring. Really? Two days before Carter's big party? What. The. Heck? :º)
It's official, this little jaundice baby just turned two. He showed up 3 weeks early and made the perfect addition to our family.
Carter Baby, you are so wonderful. You are so feeling. So caring. So empathetic to everyone. You never let anyone cry alone. When someone cries, you cry with them. If your brother hurts himself, you run to the wall, conk your head and come holding your head with your fake cry. I just love that. I look at you every day and can not believe how much you have grown. I can't believe how tall you are or how much your legs look just like your Papa's. I love how you stand when you eat too much sticking your belly out so you look like an old man. I love your crazy, straight long hair. I love how you go to bed with one hairdo and wake up with crazy bed head. I love your laugh. I love the things you find funny. I love how you count before you say "GO!" when you want to race. I love how you call me Mama and Mommy. I love how you kiss the phone when you are ready to get off. I love how you love everyone. I love how you still want me when you are sad, tired, scared or hurt. I love how ornery you are when you know someone is watching. I love watching you act just like your brother. I love how you call Michael "Buzzue" (Brother) when you see him. I love the time I get to spend with you when Michael is in school. I love watching you swing. I love how hard you laugh when Daddy and I push you in the swing. I love it when you run. I love it how we only have to mention a bath before you start taking off your clothes. I love it how you ask for a bath every time we change you. I love it how you climb on the potty and say "pee pee" at every opportunity.
I love watching you explore. I LOVE how excited you get when you see the cows next door. I love how you yell "BOO" at them till they moo back. I love how you enjoy our new home. I love watching you jump. I love that you trust us to catch you every time. I love watching you try new things. I love how you sing while we eat lunch. I love the way you use your imagination. I love the way you need all three of your blankets to sleep. I love the adventure in you. I love how you put on a bike helmet to ride a concrete donkey. I love who you are becoming. I love who you are. I love it when you take my hand and lead me to what every you can't communicate. 
I love how you licked your birthday cake. I love your attitude. I love everything about you Carter Baby! I love how everyone we know calls you Carter Baby. Happy Birthday my little man. I LOVE YOU!!!! I can't wait to see what this year brings us.
These Two
Make beautiful babies and are having another! This girl has been my life long friend. I don't know who I would be today without her in my life. As babies, we played in paper bags together and fell in love. We have been friends ever since. Gwenn Bresslauer is the best cousin in the entire world. I am so excited for them. I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew! It's looking like another October birthday but we shall see. Gwenn hasn't had a baby on time thus far, why should she start with number 4? :ºD
Gwenn, I just love you! I was TOTALLY not kidding when I said I'd come take care of you. It may take me some time to get there but...if you need me, I'll be there! CONGRATULATIONS to you and yours!!!!!!!
Look Mommy!
Michael and I had a day together on Saturday. We went up to Mansfield, had lunch at Taco Bell and went shopping at Bed, Bath and Beyond. At Taco Bell, we got to sit at the tall table and Michael was so excited that it was only for one, two people. At B, B and B, we bought some bowls for our picnic basket that came in a mesh bag. When we got home and took the bowls out to wash them Michael put this on his head and said "Look Mommy! I'm one of those ladies that make food!!!" My son is proud to be a lunch lady.
Thank you Michael for the special afternoon!!!!
The New View
This is from the front door. There are REAL kids that live across the street!!!!
And this is the view from our dining room. They have cows and Clydesdales. It's an Amish farm right next to the church. Carter LOVES them. "Boo! Boo Mommy! BOOO!" That means he saw a cow. He makes the noise a horse makes when they push air out like a raspberry when he sees the horses. And if I don't acknowledge him fast enough he grabs my hand and says "Lets go!" and pulls me to see what ever he was telling me about. We have horses and cows on either side. I'm sure the summer is going to smell AWESOME! :º) Either way the wind blows...we get it. Anyway, he loves them and booos all the day long.
For the record, Clydesdales make cows look puny. They can move too! I saw a couple working the field today and others just running. Beautiful.
Also, this house is wearing my kids faster than anywhere they've ever been. They are READY when nap time comes and if it's close to 8:00 pm they are begging to get in bed. I can't wait till they can run outside too! That slide has been taunting poor Michael since we got here. He is STOKED!
Today is the Day
Well, Time's up here in Woodsfield. Later today, a moving truck will show up in our driveway, pack up everything we own and show up in Fredericktown tomorrow.
It was an emotional day yesterday. Brian did the first church by himself, I joined him for the second and the boys, Kimmy and Regan joined us for the third. Kimmy came to the middle service toward the end so we could all say goodbye to the folks at Moffett-Fletcher. All was well till Pappy picked up Carter to snuff the candles at the end of the service. Carter happily went with him and helped him like the big boy he is. When they turned around, John's face was so hard to look at. His chin was quivering and showed so much pain. We have been so loved here. John and Carolin have been watching the boys every Monday for over a year and have become so close to them, and in turn, to us. They have acted parents to Brian and I and have taken our children for weekends at a time and never let us pay them a single penny. Michael has been calling John Pappy for longer than he ever called him John.
Their granddaughter, Regan, has been Michael's best friend here. We have had Reg here for the last two days and when it came time for her to leave she kept stalling. Since we were still packing, I told her she could take Michael with her and she quickly went with her Mother and Michael. As I was putting Michael to bed he was extremely whiney and when he finally let it out he started crying. I asked him why and he kept shrugging. Finally he said, "I'm just so sad cause Regan left." He broke my heart. I reassured him that it is okay to cry and that is exactly why Mommy and Daddy were crying this morning. He said "Yeah." then sobbed some more. People say that kids don't understand. People who say things like that don't have a Michael. My big boy is so amazing. I love his loving heart. I told him sometimes we have to leave people we love to start a new adventure and that Regan isn't gone forever. We will still visit with her and she and her family will visit with us.
When Michael started whaling, Carter woke from a deep sleep to cry with his brother. He is so empathetic. Whenever Michael cries, Carter cries too. He's so feeling. I hope my boys stay so loving and feeling for their whole lives. I want them to know that it is ALWAYS okay to love like this.
I have to thank my friends who stepped up on Saturday. Brian had a district retreat scheduled for this Friday and Saturday long before we found out we were moving. I am SO grateful for Kimmy, Christine and Molly. The 4 of us accomplished so much in the time they were here. Kimmy has been planning on coming for about 3 weeks but Molly and I decided the other day that Saturday would be a great time for D and M to come play with Michael and Carter one last time. D was the biggest kid in preschool last year and Michael was the smallest. They were instant buds. M is about 6 months older than Carter. It has worked very well for us. Kim and I were working in the kitchen when they got here so Molly jumped right in! We were working our way through the left over packing when I got a call from Regan asking if we were home. I invited them RIGHT over! Christine and Regan came straight from a funeral and also jumped right in. Regan went right to playing and Christine started cleaning my stovetop in heels. I have amazing friends here and couldn't have done all this without them. Thank you Kimmy! Thank you Molly! Thank you Christine! I love you all so much.
Thank you Woodsfield for your hospitality and constant reminder that fast isn't always best. We have learned to slow down and enjoy life again. We needed that. We have learned that roots are so important. People here have a work ethic like none I have ever seen. They are amazing and take pride in EVERYTHING they do! Thank you Greenbrier! Thank you Moffet-Fletcher! Thank you Chapel Hill! You have been so wonderful to us and we will ALWAYS remember you. Thank you.
Now that my cheeks are dry again, I better get back to work.
It was an emotional day yesterday. Brian did the first church by himself, I joined him for the second and the boys, Kimmy and Regan joined us for the third. Kimmy came to the middle service toward the end so we could all say goodbye to the folks at Moffett-Fletcher. All was well till Pappy picked up Carter to snuff the candles at the end of the service. Carter happily went with him and helped him like the big boy he is. When they turned around, John's face was so hard to look at. His chin was quivering and showed so much pain. We have been so loved here. John and Carolin have been watching the boys every Monday for over a year and have become so close to them, and in turn, to us. They have acted parents to Brian and I and have taken our children for weekends at a time and never let us pay them a single penny. Michael has been calling John Pappy for longer than he ever called him John.
Their granddaughter, Regan, has been Michael's best friend here. We have had Reg here for the last two days and when it came time for her to leave she kept stalling. Since we were still packing, I told her she could take Michael with her and she quickly went with her Mother and Michael. As I was putting Michael to bed he was extremely whiney and when he finally let it out he started crying. I asked him why and he kept shrugging. Finally he said, "I'm just so sad cause Regan left." He broke my heart. I reassured him that it is okay to cry and that is exactly why Mommy and Daddy were crying this morning. He said "Yeah." then sobbed some more. People say that kids don't understand. People who say things like that don't have a Michael. My big boy is so amazing. I love his loving heart. I told him sometimes we have to leave people we love to start a new adventure and that Regan isn't gone forever. We will still visit with her and she and her family will visit with us.
When Michael started whaling, Carter woke from a deep sleep to cry with his brother. He is so empathetic. Whenever Michael cries, Carter cries too. He's so feeling. I hope my boys stay so loving and feeling for their whole lives. I want them to know that it is ALWAYS okay to love like this.
I have to thank my friends who stepped up on Saturday. Brian had a district retreat scheduled for this Friday and Saturday long before we found out we were moving. I am SO grateful for Kimmy, Christine and Molly. The 4 of us accomplished so much in the time they were here. Kimmy has been planning on coming for about 3 weeks but Molly and I decided the other day that Saturday would be a great time for D and M to come play with Michael and Carter one last time. D was the biggest kid in preschool last year and Michael was the smallest. They were instant buds. M is about 6 months older than Carter. It has worked very well for us. Kim and I were working in the kitchen when they got here so Molly jumped right in! We were working our way through the left over packing when I got a call from Regan asking if we were home. I invited them RIGHT over! Christine and Regan came straight from a funeral and also jumped right in. Regan went right to playing and Christine started cleaning my stovetop in heels. I have amazing friends here and couldn't have done all this without them. Thank you Kimmy! Thank you Molly! Thank you Christine! I love you all so much.
Thank you Woodsfield for your hospitality and constant reminder that fast isn't always best. We have learned to slow down and enjoy life again. We needed that. We have learned that roots are so important. People here have a work ethic like none I have ever seen. They are amazing and take pride in EVERYTHING they do! Thank you Greenbrier! Thank you Moffet-Fletcher! Thank you Chapel Hill! You have been so wonderful to us and we will ALWAYS remember you. Thank you.
Now that my cheeks are dry again, I better get back to work.
The Notebook
Last night, Missy J. and I watched "The Notebook." I, at 31, have never seen this movie. Missy jumped off the sofa and put in the movie as soon as she heard that I had not seen it. She watched it every week with her friends at OSU. They could quote the entire film and imitate the characters. I can totally relate. (We, the girls in our youth group, made our youth group watch "Grease" every time we were in front of a television. I don't know HOW the boys ever put up with us. Somehow, someone ALWAYS had a copy available.) "The Notebook" was fantastic. It was an incredible reality for what my grandpa and great grandma went through with dementia. It was beautifully written. The costumes were fabulous and the acting was really something. It was so sweet and very romantic. I totally cried. It was a magical movie and I suggest it to you all! PLUS, Rachel McAdams totally reminds me of Jamie Montgomery.
This Boy
Michael was in his bed because he knocked over Carter Baby. When I called him out he came skipping in to the livingroom and said, "Yes my Lady?" BWAHAHAHAHA! What can a Mama do? Naturally, I laughed and continued asking him why he was in his room. Too much for me.
Making Wind
Michael was running and could feel wind on his face and said "Mommy! Can you feel my wind?!? I'm making wind!!!" I couldn't since he was running and I was sitting on the sofa. So I took some pictures of him "Making wind" so I could share it with the blogging world and he made me show him every one of them. Then he made me take a ton of them.
Post Number 200
First of all, I can not believe I have blogged 200 times. I feel pretty accomplished. I also feel that this has got to be a pretty significant post so....here goes.
WE'RE MOVING!!! We have been holding on to this for 2 and a half weeks. In the United Methodist Church, there is a plan. We, as a clergy couple, have to abide by the plan. A church needs a pastor. The cabinet decides who to place at the church. The DS(District Superintendent) from our district calls us. The DS from the new district calls us and asks us to meet with him. Brian meets with Jim(the new DS). Brian prays a ton and accepts. We meet with the new PPR(Pastor Parish Relations) to decide if they like us. They accept. We have to wait till Sunday to tell the churches we currently serve. We can tell the world. For the record, I don't really care for this method but have married a United Methodist pastor so I abide. I am not a good liar so I don't do it. It has been really hard to speak with church members throughout the last two and a half weeks and not tell them what's coming.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime. The church we are going to has a family life center with a full size gymnasium. Brian has a bachelor's degree in physical education and that played a big part in this decision for the cabinet. It is between two seminaries so Brian can attend which ever one he chooses to finish his M. Div. This appointment has potential to keep us busy for 10 or more years. That is really exciting for us especially because Michael starts kindergarten next year.
WE'RE MOVING!!! We have been holding on to this for 2 and a half weeks. In the United Methodist Church, there is a plan. We, as a clergy couple, have to abide by the plan. A church needs a pastor. The cabinet decides who to place at the church. The DS(District Superintendent) from our district calls us. The DS from the new district calls us and asks us to meet with him. Brian meets with Jim(the new DS). Brian prays a ton and accepts. We meet with the new PPR(Pastor Parish Relations) to decide if they like us. They accept. We have to wait till Sunday to tell the churches we currently serve. We can tell the world. For the record, I don't really care for this method but have married a United Methodist pastor so I abide. I am not a good liar so I don't do it. It has been really hard to speak with church members throughout the last two and a half weeks and not tell them what's coming.
This is the opportunity of a lifetime. The church we are going to has a family life center with a full size gymnasium. Brian has a bachelor's degree in physical education and that played a big part in this decision for the cabinet. It is between two seminaries so Brian can attend which ever one he chooses to finish his M. Div. This appointment has potential to keep us busy for 10 or more years. That is really exciting for us especially because Michael starts kindergarten next year.
The Church
The House
The Kitchen and Dining area
The living room
The Foyer
One HALF of the basement. Brian paced it out and it's approximately 12'x36'.
The in-home office. This is one of 3 he has to choose from.
The boys at the top of the stairs. They were completely elated playing in their new(empty) house.
The Sanctuary
The Workout Center
The Gymnasium. They have a stage with lighting and volleyball poles that sink into the floor.
The Church Kitchen
Okay, I think that's enough for now. If you would like to see more we are completely open to visitors!!!! We are moving March 1st. We can't wait to see you all!!!
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